Элитные группы в «массовом обществе» - Сергей Владимирович Волков
620Mills W. The American Business Elite: A Collective Portrait // The Tasks of Economic History. Supplement to the Journal of Economic History. V Desember 1945. Р. 30, 32–33, 37.
621Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 109.
622Bendix R. Higher Civil Servants in American Society // University of Colorado Studies, Series in Sociology, 1 July, 1949. Р. 26.
623 The Nine Hundred // Fortune, November 1952. Р. 235.
624Keller S. Beyond the Ruling Class: Strategic Elites in Modern Society. Р. 294; Mannari H. The Japanese Business Leaders. Р. 57.
625Marger M. Elites and Masses: an Introduction to Political Sociology. Р. 169–171.
626Prewitt K., Stone A. The Ruling Elites. NY., Harper and Row, 1973. Р. 137.
627Barton A.H. Background, Attitudes, and Activities of American Elites // Studies of the structure of national elite groups. Ed. by G. Moore. Greenwich and London, 1985. Р. 179.
628Marger M. Elites and Masses: an Introduction to Political Sociology. Р. 169–171.
629Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 109.
630Mannari H. The Japanese Business Leaders. Р. 61, 192.
631Perkin H.J. The Third Revolution: professional elites in the modern world. Р. 13.
632Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 103; Perkin H.J. The Third Revolution: professional elites in the modern world. Р. 13, 17.
633Бирнбаум П., Барук Ш. Беллэш М, Марие А. Французский правящий класс. С. 124–130.
634Perkin H.J. The Third Revolution: professional elites in the modern world. Р. 113.
635Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 101.
636Hoffman-Lange U., Neumann H., Steinkemper B. Conflict and Consensus among Elites in the Federal Republic of Germany. Р. 248–249.
637Hoffman-Lange U. Structural Prerequisites of Elite Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany. Р. 53.
638Kaelble H. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. Р. 105, 115.
639Галкин А.А. Правящая элита современного капитализма. С. 81–82; Бурлацкий Ф.М., Галкин А.А. Социология. Политика. Международные отношения. С. 146.
640Yanagisako S. Patriarchal Desire: Law and Sentiments of Succession in Italian Capitalist Families // Elites: choice, leadership and succession. Ed. by Pina-Cabral de J., Pedroso de Lima A. Oxford – NY, 2000. P. 70.
641Pedroso de Lima A. «How Did I Became a Leader in My Family Firm?» Assets for Succession in Contemporary Lisbon Financial Elites // Elites: choice, leadership and succession. P. 44–45.
642Mannari H. The Japanese Business Leaders. Р. 18, 25–26, 29, 31, 43, 48, 104, 137, 143, 152, 213, 217.
643Granick D. Managerial Comparisons of Four Developed Countries: France, Britain, United States, and Russia. Р. 192.
644Миллс Р. Властвующая элита. С. 527–531.
645Miller W. The Recruitment of the Business Elite // Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol. LXIV, N 2 May 1950. Р. 252.
646Marger M. Elites and Masses: an Introduction to Political Sociology. Р. 168.
647Matthews D.R. The Social Background of Political Decision-Makers. Р. 23.
648Zweigenhaft R. Who Represents America? // Insurgent Sociologist 1975 (Spring). Р. 123, 126–127.
649Aberbach J.D., Rockman B.A. The Overlapping Worlds of American Federal Executives and Congressmen. Р. 27.
650Barton A.H. Background, Attitudes, and Activities of American Elites // Studies of the structure of national elite groups. Ed. by G. Moore. Greenwich and London, 1985. Р. 179.
651 Состав по происхождению членов консервативных (К), либеральных (Л) и лейбористских (Р) кабинетов выглядел следующим образом (%):
(Matthews D.R. The Social Background of Political Decision-Makers. Р. 43; Arnstein W.L. The Survival of the Victorian Aristocracy // The Rich, the Well Born, and the Powerful; Elites and Upper Classes in History. Ed. by F.C. Jaher. Urbana— Chicago-London, 1973. Р. 210.)
652Laski H.J. The Personnel of the British Cabinet, 1801–1924 // American Political Science Review, Vol. 22 (1), 1928. Р. 21, 28.
653Matthews D.R. The Social Background of Political Decision-Makers. Р. 44, 46; Guttsman W.L. The Changing Social Structure of the British Political Elite // British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 2 (2), 1951. Р. 126; Guttsman W.L. Elite Recruitment and Political Leadership in Britain and Germany since 1950. P. 112; Guttsman W.L. The British Political Elite. Р. 79.
654Hanby V.J. A Changing Labour Elite: The National Executive Committee of the Labour Party 1900—72 // Elites in Western democracy. P. 129, 147.
655Johnson R.W. The British Political Elite 1955–1970 // European Journal of Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 1, June 1973. Р. 49–50, 52.
656Matthews D.R. The Social Background of Political Decision-Makers. Р. 49.
657Guttsman W.L. Elite Recruitment and Political Leadership in Britain and Germany since 1950. Р. 112.
658Eldersveld S.J. Changes in Elite Composition and the Survival of Party Sistems: The German Case // Does who governs matter? Elite circulation in contemporary societies. P. 86.
659 Государственная служба основных капиталистических стран. С. 243–244.
660Hoffman-Lange U. Structural Prerequisites of Elite Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany. Р. 53, 58.
661Hoffman-Lange U., Neumann H., Steinkemper B. Conflict and Consensus among Elites in the Federal Republic of Germany. Р. 248–249.
662Hoffman-Lange U. Structural Prerequisites of Elite Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany. Р. 53, 58.
663Hamon L. The Members of the French Parliament // International Social Science Journal, XIII, 4 (1961). Р. 549–550.
664Cayrol R., Perrineau P. Governing Elites in a Changing Industrial Society” The Case of France // Does who governs matter? Elite circulation in contemporary societies. Р. 102.
665 Ibid. P. 92.
666 Ibid. P. 101.
667 Доля некоторых социальных групп в составе министров Италии конца XIX – начала XX вв. выглядела следующим образом: