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See also: Packham, David and Tasker, Mary, 1997. Industry and the academy – a Faustian contract. Industry and Higher Education, April, 85–90.

9. World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer website:

10. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: PCRM Update of Winter 1991.

11. Cancer Research Campaign Factsheet 6.2, 1996.

12. Депрессия – очень распространенное явление: за год о симптомах депрессии сообщают более двух миллионов человек. Если вы страдаете депрессией, постарайтесь разобраться, не вызвана ли она реальными проблемами? В этом случае обратитесь за практической помощью и советом. Гражданское консультационное бюро предоставляет бесплатные советы по финансовым и юридическим вопросам, а «Самаритяне» или ваши друзья помогут разобраться с эмоциональными трудностями и научить с ними справляться. Хорошие советы нередко дает MIND, благотворительная организация, занимающаяся душевным здоровьем. В одной из ее недавних брошюр о депрессии (MIND 1999. Depression – don’t let it get you down. MIND and Pharmacy Healthcare; Mind Information, 15–19 Broadway, London El5 4BQ; Pharmacy Healthcare scheme, 1 Lambeth High Street, London SEI 7JN) утверждается, что «таблетки для симптомов, а разговор – для решения проблем». Вы должны питаться качественной, разнообразной пищей, поскольку в ней нуждается мозг, не употреблять искусственные органофосфаты (см. главу 6) и алкоголь в больших количествах. Если у вас серьезная депрессия, обратитесь за медицинской помощью. Хотя у современных антидепрессантов есть побочные эффекты, лучше иметь их, чем страдать от тяжелой депрессии.

13. The Times, 7 February 1998.

14. Сох, Peter and Brusseau, Peggy, 1992. Superliving: A Beginner's Guide to Medspeak, Vermillion.

15. Boots the Chemist, 1998. Breast Awareness – an essential guide. Be enlightened, not frightened. Published in association with the charity Breast Cancer Care.

16. Sunday Correspondent, 26 November 1989.

17. Alternative Therapy, British Medical Association, 1986.

18. New Scientist, 27 August 1987.

19. Vickers, A. and Zollman, C., 1999. ABC of complementary medicine: Acupuncture. British Medical Journal, 9 October, 973–976.

20. Gerson, M., 1958. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, Gerson Institute, California.

Forbes, Alec, 1984. The Bristol Diet, Century.

21. Greenwald, P., 1996. Chemoprevention of Cancer. Scientific American, Special issue: What you need to know about Cancer, vol. 275, 3, pp. 96-100; and see also the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer website; and see also the British National Formulary, 1998.

22. Section on cytotoxic (cell poisoning) drugs in the British National Formularv, 1998.

Глава 2

1. Weinberg, Robert A., 1996. How Cancer Arises. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, September, 275, 3, 62–70.

2. Pollack, M.N. and others, 1998. IGF-1 Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer. Science, 279, 563–566.

Pollack, M.N., Huynh, H.T., and Lefebvre, S.P., 1992. Tamoxifen reduces serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Br Cancer Res Treat, 22, 91-100.

Pollack, M.N., Polychronakos, C., Yousefi, S., and Richard, M., 1988. Characterisation of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptors of human breast cancer cells. Biochem Biophy Res Commun, 154, 1, 326–331.

3. Oliff, Alien, Gibbs, Jackson, B. and McCormick, Frank, 1996. New Molecular Targets for Cancer Therapy. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, September, 275, 3, 144–149.

4. Weinberg, Robert A., 1996, How Cancer Arises. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, September, 275, 3, 62–70.

5. Jain, R. K., 1994. Barriers to Drug Delivery in Solid Tumours. Scientific American, July, 271 (1), pp. 58–65.

Глава 3

1. Trichopoulos, Dimitros, Li, Frederick, V. and Hunter, David J., 1996. What Causes Cancer? Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer. September 275, 3, 80–85.

2. Boots the Chemist, 1998. Breast Awareness – an essential guide, Be enlightened, not frightened. Published in association with the charity Breast Cancer Care.

3. Trichopoulos, Dimitrios, Li, Frederick, P. and Hunter, David J., 1996. What Causes Cancer Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer. September, 275, 3, 80–85.

4. Holland, J.C., 1996. Cancer’s Psychological Challenges. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, September, 275, 3, 158–161.


6. Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, 1997. Vol VII, published by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).

7. Cancer Incidence in Five Continents. 1997. Vol. VII, published by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).

8. Kliewer, E.V. and Smith, K.R., 1995. Breast cancer mortality among immigrants in Australia and Canada. Journal of Natl Cancer Institute, 87, 15, 1154–1161. See also Cancer Research Campaign, 1996, Factsheet 6.2, Breast Cancer – UK.

9. Campbell, Т. C. and Junshi, C., 1994. Diet and chronic degenerative disease perspectives from China. Am. J Clin. Nutr, 59, Suppl., 11 535-11 615,

10. Rohan, T. E., McMichael, A. J. and Bagbursi, P. A., 1988. A population-based case control study of diet and breast cancer in Australia. Am. J. Epidemic, 128, 478–489; Howe, G.R., Hiro-bata, Т., Hislap, T.G. and others. 1990. Dietary factors and risk of breast cancer, combined analysis of 12 case-control studies. J. Natl Cancer Inst., 8, 561–569; Willet, Walter C. and others, 1987. Dietary fat and the risk of breast cancer. N. Engl J. Med., 316, 22–28; Jones, D.Y., Schatzkin, A., Green, S.B. and others. 1987. Dietary fat and breast cancer in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey epidemiological follow-up study. J Natl Cancer Inst., 79, 465–471.

11. Trichopoulos, Dimitrios, Li, Frederick, P. and Hunter, David J., 1996. What Causes Cancer? Scientif с American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, September, 275, 3, 80–85.

12. Cramer, D.W and others, 1989. Galactose consumption and metabolism in relation to the risk of ovarian cancer. Lancet, 2, 66–71.

13. Stocks, P., 1970. Breast cancer anomalies. British Journal of Cancer, 24, 633–643.

14. Maruchi, N. and others, 1977. Relation of food consumption to cancer mortality in Japan, with special reference to international figures. Gann, 1977; 68, 1-13.

Глава 4

1. Сох, Peter and Brusseau, Peggy, 1995. LifePoints For Kids. Bloomsbury.

2. Statistical Abstracts of the US, 1994 edition.

3. Willett, WC. and others, 1996. Strategies for Minimizing Cancer Risk. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, 275:3, pp, 88–95.

4. Akre, James, ed., 1989. Infant feeding: the physiological basis. WHO Bulletin, OMS Supplement, Vol. 67, and Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. Fourth Edition, Mossby, USA.

5. Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. Fourth Edition, Mossby, USA.

6. Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. Fourth Edition, Mossby, USA.

7. Akre, James, Ed., 1989. Infant feeding: the physiological basis. WHO Bulletin, OMS Supplement, Vol. 67; and Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. Fourth Edition, Mossby, USA.

8. Akre, James, Ed., 1989. Infant feeding: the physiological basis. WHO Bulletin, OMS Supplement, Vol 67, and Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. Fourth Edition, Mossby, USA.

9. Akre, James Ed., 1989. Infant feeding: the physiological basis. WHO Bulletin, OMS Supplement, Vol. 67, and Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession. Fourth Edition, Mossby, USA.

10. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition (1992). The use of whole cows’ milk in infancy. Pediatrics, 89, 1105–1109.

11. Anyon, C. P. and Clarkson, K.G., 1971. A cause of iron-defi-ciency anaemia in infants. N. Z. Med. J., 74, 24–25.

12. Clyne, P.S. and Kulczycki, A. 1991. Human breast milk contains bovine IgG. Relationship to infant colic? Pediatrics, 87(4), 439–444. Wilson, J. F., Lahey, M. E. and Heiner, D.C., 1974. Studies on iron metabolism. Further observations on cow’s milk-induced gastrointestinal bleeding in infants with iron-deficiency anaemia./ Pediatr, 84, 335–344.

13. Pugh, R. H., 1981. Allergy to Cows’ Milk Protein. Health Visitor, Vol. 54, 231–233.

14. Scon, F.W, 1990. Cow milk and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: is there a relationship? Am J Clin Nutr, 51, 489–491.

15. Bahna, S.L., 1987. Milk allergy in infancy. Ann Allergy, 59, 131.

16. Dunea, G., 1982. Beyond the Etheric. Br. Med. /., 285, 428–429.

17. Kretchmer, N., 1981. The Significance of lactose intolerance. In: Paige, D.M. and Bayless, T.M., Eds., Lactose Digestion: Clinical and nutritional implications, Johns Hopkins University Press.

18. Chiodini, R.J. and Hermon-Taylor, J., 1993. The thermal resistance of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in raw milk under conditions simulating pasteurisation./. Vet Diagn. Invest., 5, 629–631 and Grant, I.R., Ball, H.J., and Rowe, M.T., 1996. Inactivation of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in cows’ milk at pasteurisation temperatures. Appl. And Env. Microbiology, 62, 631–636.

19. The Institute of Food Science & Technology Position Statement, 1998. Food Science Of Technology Today. 12 (4), 223–228, September,

20. Financial Times for the weekend 20–21 November 1999.

21. The Institute of Food Science & Technology Position Statement. Hard copies available from IFST, 5 Cambridge Court, 210 Shepherds Bush Road, London, W6 7NJ.

22. EU Directive 70/524 February 1999.

23. US FDA websites:—ear/ml90-1;

24. Ingersoll, Bruce, 1990. Technology and Health: FDA Detects Drugs in Milk but Fails to Confirm Results. Wall Street Journal, 6 February p86; Ingersoll, Bruce, 1990. Politics and Policy: GAO Says FDA Can’t Substantiate Claims About Milk. Wall Street Journal, 21 November pA16; and Ingersoll, Bruce, 1990.

Technology & Health: FDA Plans a Nationwide Test of Milk for Antibiotics, Other Drug Residues. Wall Street Journal, 28 December plO.

25. European Commission, Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health, 1999. Report on Public Health Aspects of the Use of Bovine Somatotropin, 15–16 March.

26. Cutwater, J.L. and others, 1997. Dairy Products and Breast Cancer: the IGF-1, estrogen and bGH hypothesis, Medical Hypotheses, 48, 453–461.

27. The Guardian, 13 July 1999.

28. McCusker, R.H., 1998. Controlling insulin-like growth factor activity and the modulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein and receptor binding./. Dairy Sei., 81, 1790–1800.

29. The Institute of Food Science & Technology Position Statement


30. Eppard, P.J. and others, 1985. Effect of dose of bovine growth hormone on milk consumption: alpha-lactalbumin, fatty acids and mineral elements./. Dairy Science Vol. 68 (11), pp. 3047–3054. See also Cohick, WS. and others, 1992. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins in serum and lymph of lactating cows by somatotropin. Endocrinology, 130(3), pp. 1508–1514.

31. Mepham, T.B. and others, 1994. Safety of Milk from Cows Treated with Bovine Somatotropin. Lancet, 334, November 19, 1445–1446 and Mepham, T.B. and Schonfield, P.N., 1995. Health Aspects of В ST Milk, prepared for the International Dairy Federation Nutrition Week conference in Paris, France, June 1995.

32. Simpson and others, 75/0000077539.html

33. Miller, M.A., Hildebrand, J.R., White, T.C., Hammond, E.G., Madson, K.S., and Collier, R.J., 1989. Determination of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentrations in raw pasteurised and heat treated milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 72, Supplement 1, 186–187.

34. Hankinson, Susan E. and others, 1998. Circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 and risk of breast cancer. Lancet 351, 9113, 9 May, 1393–1396.

35. Chan and others, 1998. Plasma IGF-1 and Prostate Cancer Risk; A Prospective Study. Science, 279, January.

36. Pollack, M.N., Huynh, H.T. and Lefebvre, S.P., 1992. Tamoxifen reduces serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Br Cancer Res Treat, 22,91-100.

37. Pollack, M.N. and others, 1998. IGF-1 Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer. Science, 279, 563–566.

38. Chan and others, 1998. Plasma IGF-1 and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Prospective Study. Science, 279, January.

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