Популярно о конечной математике и ее интересных применениях в квантовой теории - Феликс Лев
Caballero, Jose Manuel Rodríguez. "On a function introduced by Erdös and Nicolas. " Journal of Number Theory 194 (2019): 381–389. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022314X18301999
Caballero, José Manuel Rodríguez. "On Kassel-Reutenauer q-analog of the sum of divisors and the ring F3 [X]/X2F3 [X]. " Finite Fields and Their Applications 51 (2018): 183–190.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1071579718300169
I would like to support the possibility of subscription of Dr. Felix Lev in FOM mailing list. In my own research, motivated just by mathematics, not by physics, I studied some of Dr. Lev mathematical publications, e.g.,
Lev, Felix M. "Why is quantum physics based on complex numbers?. " Finite Fields and Their Applications 12.3 (2006): 336–356.
I consider that it is very important for both, the foundations of mathematics and physics, to have researchers, like Dr. Lev, who are interested in learning about the progress in both fields. I remember that it was very important for the foundations of mathematics to have mathematicians interested in both number theory on the one hand and computability theory, on the other hand, e.g., in the resolution of Hilbert's tenth problem. So, I celebrate the inclusion of researchers with diverse interests and I hope they will contribute to the solution of new open problems in the future, putting together knowledge from several seemly unrelated fields.
I consider that to be aware of the progress in non-standard models of natural numbers, a subject related to FOM, will be useful for the development of Dr. Lev's research concerning his finitist reformulation of quantum mechanics. Indeed, I remarked that some post from FOM are related to biology, e.g., Rene Vestergaard's post "Proofs of life" (see below).
Finally, the CV of Dr. Lev is superior than the CV of some of the young members of FOM, including myself.
Sincerely yours,
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Caballero
но это письмо не помогло.
Еще одной попыткой опубликовать эту работу, было послать ее в arXiv. Т.к. они разрешают мне посылать только в gen-ph, то, чтобы послать в Number Theory, надо было, чтобы кто-то endorse и, по моей просьбе, это сделал Дима Логачев. Ответ arxiv был такой:
Dear arXiv user,
Our moderators determined that your submission is on a topic not covered by arXiv. As a result, we have removed this submission. While arXiv serves a variety of scientific communities, not all subjects are currently covered. Submissions that do not fit well into our current classification scheme may be removed. We encourage you to find another open access forum that serves your discipline.
Т.е., отвергают не потому, что что-то неправильно, а потому, что “your submission is on a topic not covered by arXiv”! Т.е., проблема, является ли конечная математика более фундаментальной чем стандартная математика, не входит в раздел Mathematics! Ясно, что это полная бессмыслица, и эта тупая и, главное, злобная мафия должна была найти повод, чтобы отфутболить, и ничего более умного они не нашли.
ArXiv содержит an arXiv Math Advisory Committee, который включает известных математиков. Казалось бы, задача этого Комитета высказывать свое мнение по научным вопросам. Один из членов этого Комитета – Professor Iosevich. Я написал ему об отношении к моим статьям:
Dear Professor Iosevich,
You are a member of the arXiv Math Advisory Committee, and I would be grateful for your advice on my problems with arXiv.
I have many papers published in known journals, 49 papers in arXiv, and Springer published my monograph: Finite Mathematics as the Foundation of Classical Mathematics and Quantum Theory. With Application to Gravity and Particle theory. ISBN 978–3–030–61101–9. Springer, https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030611002 (2020). More detailed information about me can be found in my ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000–0002–4476–3080.
My main area of research is quantum theory based on finite rings or fields. So, arXiv treated my papers as belonging to physics. Before 2009 they placed my papers in sections which I proposed. However, then their attitude to my papers significantly changed. They often required that my papers can be posted only after publications in known journals, and this, obviously, contradicts the very meaning of arXiv. However, even when a paper was published, they placed it in physics.gen-ph and several of my papers were rejected altogether. The only exception was that in 2012 they agreed to reclassify my paper published in Physical Review D to hep-th. It is obvious that quantum theory based on finite mathematics has nothing to do with general physics. I wrote many appeals but typically they were ignored.
I worked with physicists for many years and know their way of thinking. Unfortunately, when many physicists see a paper with mathematics which they don’t know, they immediately conclude that this is pathology or exotics which has nothing to do with physics. Most physicists are not familiar even with the very basics of finite mathematics. This is not a drawback because everybody knows something and does not know something, and it’s impossible to know everything. But typically, those physicists do not accept that in science different approaches should be allowed.
My understanding is that the goal of arXiv is to let scientists know what other scientists are doing. But in my case, the impression is that their goal is the opposite. The matter is that if a paper is posted in gen-ph then it is not allowed to cross-list the paper to other sections, and physicists and mathematicians interested in quantum theory over finite mathematics do not go to gen-ph.
Let me describe two latest examples.
My paper “Discussion of foundation of mathematics and quantum theory” published in Open Mathematics https://doi.org/10.1515/math-2022–0011 is in fact a popular description of some results of my book. I requested to post this paper in quant-ph and math.HO. However, they again posted the paper in gen-ph although it is obvious that the problems of foundation of mathematics and quantum theory have nothing to do with general physics. I wrote an appeal and after a month they informed me that they reclassified