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Илья Ильин - Постструктурализм. Деконструктивизм. Постмодернизм

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244. Jameson F. The ideology of text. // Salmagundi. - N.Y., 1976. - № 31/32. - P. 204–246.

245. Jameson F. Imaginary and symbolic in Lacan: Marxism, psychoanalytic criticism, and the problem of the subject. // Yale French studies. - New Haven, 1977. - № 55/56. - P. 338–395.

246. Jameson F. The political unconscious: Narrative as a socially symbolic act. - Ithaca, 1981. - 296 p.

247. Jameson F. Postmodernism and consumer society. // The antiaeshetic: Essays on postmodern culture. / Ed. by Forster H. - Port Townsend, 1984.-P. 111–126.

248. Jameson F. Postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalism. // New left rew. - L., 1984. - № 146. - P. 62–87.

248a. Jencks Ch. The language of postmodern architecture. - L., 1978. 136 p.

249. Jencks Ch. What is postmodernism? — L., 1986. - 123 p.

250. Johnson B. The critical differance: Essays in the contemporary rhetoric of reading. - Baltimore, 1980. - 156 p.

251. Jones A. R. Julia Kristeva on femininity: The limits of a semlotic politics. // Feminist rev. - N.Y., 1984. - № 18. - P. 56–73.

252. Jost F. Les aventures du lecteur. // Poetique. - P., 1977. - № 29. P. 77–89.

253. Jost F. La litterature selon Barthes. - P., 1986. - 109 p.


254. Julia Kristeva in conversation with Rosalind Coward. // Desire, ICA Documents. / Ed. by Appignanes L. - L., 1984. - P. 22–27.

255. Kellner D. Jean Baudrillard: From marxism to postmodernism and beyond. - Stanford, 1989. - 246 p.

256. Kem E. Resolved: That the proper study of mankind is man. // PMLA. - N.Y., 1978. - Vol. 93, № 73. - P. 362–372.

257. Keman A. The death of literature. - New Haven; L.,1990. - IX, 230p.

258. Klein M. Essais de psychanalyse (1921–1945). - P., 1967. - 456 p.

259. Klein M. La psychoanalyse des enfants. - P., 1969. - 319 p.

260. Kofman S. L'enigme de la femme: La femme dans les textes de Freud. - P., 1980. - 336 p.

261. Kofman S. Lecture de Derrida. - P., 1984. - 190 p.

261a. Кohler M. Postmodernism: Ein begriffsgeschichtiger Uberbllck. // Amerikastudien. - 1987. - № 22. - S. 9-12.

262. Kristeva J. Au commencement etait l'amour: Psychanalyse et foi. - P., 1985.-89 p.

263. Kristeva J. Desire in language: A semiotic approach to literature and art. - N.Y., 1980. - 336 p.

264. Kristeva J. Economie et politique du langage poetique. // Promesse. - P., 1974. - № 36/37. - P. 93–94.

265. Kristeva J. Etrangers a nous-meme. - P., 1988. - 294 р.

266. Kristeva J. Histoire d'amour. - P., 1983. - 356 p.

267. Kristeva J. Le langage, cet inconnu: Une initiation a la linguistique. -P., 1981.-327 p.

268. Kristeva J. Love stories. // Desire, ICA Documents. - L., 1983. - P. 20–34.

269. Kristeva J. Narration et transformation. // Semiotica. - The Hague, 1969. - № 4. - P. 422–448.

270. Kristeva J. Polylogue. - P., 1977. - 541 p.

271. Kristeva J. Polylogue. // Tel quel. - P., 1974. - № 57. - P. 19–53.

272. Kristeva J. Pouvoirs de l'horreur: Essal sur l'abjection. - P., 1980. - 250 p.

273. Kristeva J. La revolution du langage poetique: L'avantgarde a la fin du XDCe siecle: Lautreamont et MaUarme. - P., 1974. - 645 p.

274. Kristeva J. Semiotike: Recherches pour une semanalyse. - P., 1969.-319 p.

275. Kristeva J. Soleil noire, depression et melancolie. - P., 1987. - 79 p.

276. Kristeva J. Les temps des femmes. // Cahiers de recherche de sciences des textes et documents. - P., 1979. - Vol. 33/34, № 5. -Р. 5-19.

277. Kristeva J. Le texte du roman. - P., 1970. - 209 p.

278. Kristeva J. Folle verite. - P., 1979, - 261 p.

279. The Kristeva reader. / Ed. by Mol Т. - L., 1987. - 327 p.

280. Lacan J. Ecrits. - P., 1966. - 924 p.

281. Lacan J. Ecrits: A selection. - L., 1977. - XTV, 338 р.

282. Lacan J. The four fundamental concepts of psycho-analysis. - L., 1977. -XI, 290р.

283. Lacan J. Le seminare: Le Moi dans la theorie de Freud et dans la technique de psychanalyse. - P., 1978. - Uvre 2. - 374 p.

284. Lacan J. Le seminaire: Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse. - P., 1973. - Uvre II. - 310 p.

285. Lacoste J. La philosophie au XXe siecle: Introd. a la pensee contemporaine. - P., 1986. - 203 p.

286. Lacoue-Labarthe Ph. La fable/litterature et philosophie. // Poetique. - P., 1970, - No I. - P. 50–62.

287. Lacoue-Labarthe Ph. La poesie comme experience. - P., 1986. - 176р.

288. Laplanche J., Pontalis J. The language of psychoanalysis. - L., 1980.-XV, 510р.

289. Lavers A. Roland Barthes, structuralism and after. - L., 1982. - XXI, 300 p.

290. Leclaire S. Demasquer le reel. - P., 1971. - 183 p.

291. Lemaire A. Jacques Lacan. - L., 1977. — ХХЕХ, 266 р.

292. Languages of knowledge and of inquiry. / Ed. by Riffaterre M. - N.Y., 1982.-276 p.

293. Leitch V. American literary criticism from the thirties to the eighties. - N.Y., 1988. - 458 p.

294. Leitch V. Deconstructive criticism: An advanced introd. - L. etc., 1983. -290р.

295. Lentricchia F. After the New criticism. - Chicago, 1980. - XIV, 384р.

296. Lentricchia F. Criticism and the social change. - Chicago, 1983. - VIII, 173 p.

296a. Lethen H. Modernism cut in half: The exclusion of the avantgarde and the debate on postmodernism. // Approaching postmodernism. - Amsterdam, 1986. - P. 233–238.

296b. Le Vot A. Disjunctive and conjunctive modes in contemporary American fiction. // Form.- N.Y., 1976. -Vol.14, No I. - P. 44–45.

297. The limits of theory. / Ed. by Kavanagh Th.M. - Stanford, 1989. - 272р.

298. Llewelyn J. Derrida on the threshold of sense. - L.,1986. - XIII, 137 p.

299. Lodge D. Working with structuralism: Essays a. reviews on 19th and 20th-century literature. - L., 1981. -XII.207 p.

300. Lotringer S. Le 'complexe' de Saussure. // Semiotexte. - P., 1975. -№ 2.-P.I 10-123.

301. Lyotard J.-F. Answering question: What is postmodernism. // Innovation/Renovation: New perspectives on the humanities. / Hassan I., Hassan S. - Madison, 1983. - P. 329–341.

302. Lyotard J.-F. La condition postmodeme: Rapport sur le savoir. - P, 1979. - 109 p.

303. Lyotard J.-F. Le difterand. - P., 1984. - 272 p.

304. Lyotard. J.-F. Tombeau de rintellectuel et autre papiers. - P., 984.-96 p.

305. MacCabe С. James Joyce and the revolution of the world. - L., 1978. -274р.

306. MacCabe С. Theoretical essays. - Manchester, 1985. - VIII, 152р.

307. MacCannell J. F. Figuring Lacan: Criticism and the cultural unconscious. - L., 1986. -XXI, 182.

308. Macherey P. Pour une theorie de la production litteraire. - P., 1966. -336р.

309. Malmgren С. D. Fictional space in the modernist and postmodernist American novel. - Lewisburg, 1985. - 240 p.


310. Mannoni M. Le psychiatre, son You' et la psychanalyse. - P., 1970. - 269 p.

311. Martin Heidegger and the question of literature: Toward a postmod. lit.hermeneutics. / Ed. by Spanos W. V. - Bloomington; L..1979. -XXII, 327 p.

312. Mazzaro J. Postmodern American poetry. - Urbana, 1980. - XI, 203р.

313. Mead G. H. Mind, Self and society. - Chicago, 1934. - XXXVIII, 400р.

314. Megill A. Prophets of extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida. - Berkeley etc., 1985. -XXIII, 399 p.

315. Merleau-Ponty M. La phenomenologie de la perception. - P., 1967. - 274 p.

316. Michel Foucault: Power, truth and strategy. / Ed.wlth a pref. By Meaghan M., Patton P. - Sydney, 1979. - 184 p.

317. Miller J. H. Fiction and repetition: Seven English novels. - Cambridges, 1982. - 250 p.

318. Miller J. H. The linguistic moment: From Wordsworth to Stevens. - Princeton.1985. -XXI, 445 p.

319. Miller J. H. Steven's rock and criticism as cure: 2 // Georgia rev. - N.Y., 1976. - Vol.30, № 2. - P. 335–348.

320. Miller J. H. Tradition and difference, rev. of M. H. Abrams' Natural supernatural. // Diacritics. - Baltimore. - 1972. - Vol.2, № 2. - P. 9–12.

321. Mitchel 1 J. Psycoanalysis and feminism. - L., 1974. - 456 p.

322. Moi T. Sexual/texual politics: Feminist literary history. - L., 1985. -200р.

323. Moriarty M. Roland Barthes. - Stanford, 1991. - XII, 255 p.

324. Morris W. The irrepressible real: Jacques Lacan and post- structuralism. // American criticism in the poststruturalist age. / Ed. by Konigsberg I. - Michigan, 1981. - P. 116–34.

325. Morrissette В. Post-modem generative fiction: Novel and film. // Crit. inquiry. - Chicago, 1975. -Vol. 2, № 2. - P. 281–314.

326. Nordahl Lund S. L'aventure du signifiant: Une lecture de Barthes. -P., 1981.- 124р.

327. Norris Ch. Deconstruction and the Interest of theory. - L.. 1988. - 244 p.

328. OTarreU С. Foucault: Historian or philosopher? — L., 1989. - 188 P-

329. Ohman R. Uterature as act. // Approaches to poetics. - N.Y.; L., 1973.-P. 81-107.

330. Oliva A. B. The international trans-avantgarde. // Plashart — N.Y., 1982. - № 104. - P. 36–43.

331. Ong W. J. Orality and literacy: The technologising of the world. - L., 1982. -X, 201 p.

332. Perrone-Moises L. L'intertextualite critique. // Poetique. - P., 1976. - № 27. - P. 372–384.

333. Poirier R. The politics of self-parody. // Partisan rev. - N.Y., 1968. - Vol 35, № 3. - P. 327–342.

334. Postmoderne: Zeichen eines kulturellen Wandels. // Hrsg. Von Huyssen A., Scherpe K. R. - Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1986. - 427 S.

335. Post-structuralism and the question of history. / Ed. by Attridge D., Bennington G., Young R. - Cambridge, 1987. - VIII, 293 p.

336. Prigoglne I., Stengers I. La nouvelle Alliance: Metamorphose de la science. - P., 1983. - 302 p.

337. Rajchman J. Michel Foucault, the freedom of philosophy. - N.Y., 1985. -(9), 131 р.

338. Riddel J. The inverted bell: Modernism and the counterpoetics of William Carol Williams. - Baton Rouge, 1974. - XXV. 308 p.

339. Riffaterre M. Essais de styllstique structurale. - P., 1971. - 364р.

340. Riffaterre M. La production du texte. - P., 1979. - 284 p.

341. Rifiaterre M. Semiotics of poetry. - Bloomington; L.,1978. - X, 213 p.

342. Riffaterre M. La syUepse intertextuelle. // Poetique. - P., 1979. - № 40.-P. 496–501.

343. Rivals Y. Les Demoiselles d'A. - P., 1979. - 462 p.

344. Roger Ph. Roland Barthes, roman. - P., 1986. - 350 p.

345. Rorty R. Philosophy as a kind of writing: An essay on Derrida. // New lit. history. - Charlottesvllle, 1978. - Vol. 10, No I. - P. 141–160.

346. Ryan M. Marxism and deconstruction: A crit. articulation. - Baltimore, 1982. - XIX, 232 p.

347. Ryan M.-L. Pragmatics of personal and impersonal fiction. // Poetics. - Amsterdam, 1981. -Vol. 10, № 6. - P. 517–539.

348. Said E. W. Beginnings: Intention and method. - N.Y., 1965. - XXI, 414р.

349. Saldivar R. Figural language in the novel: The flowers of speech from Cervantes to Joyce. - Princeton, 1984. - XIV, 267 p.

350. Sarup M. An introductory guide to post-structuralism and postmodernism. - N.Y., 1988. - VIII, 171 p.

351. Schneidau H. S. Sacred discontent: The Bible and Western tradition. - Baton Rouge, 1976. - 331 p.

352. Schneiderman S. Jacques Lacan: The death of an intellectual hero. - Harvard, 1983, -VII, 182 p.

353. Searle J. R. Indirect speech acts. // Syntax and semantics. - N.Y., 1975. - Vol. 3. - P. 59–82.

354. Searle J. Reitirating the differences: A reply to Derrida. // Glyph. - Baltimore, 1977. -№ 1. - P. 198–288.

355. Sheridan A. M. Foucault: The will to truth. - L., 1981. - 243 p.

356. Silhol R. Le texte du desir: La critique apres Lacan. - Petit Roeulx, 1984,-256p.

357. Smart B. Michel Foucault. - Chichester; N.Y., 1985. - 150 p.

358. Smith P. Discerning the subject. - Minneapolis, 1988. - 220 p.

359. Smith P. Julia Kristeva et al., or Take three or more. // Feminism and psychoanalysis. / Ed. by Feldstein R., Roof J. - Ithaca; L.,1989. -P. 84-104.

360. Sellers Ph. L'ecriture et l'experience des limites. - P., 1970. - 190 P.

361. Sellers Ph. Theses generales. // Tel quel. - P., 1971. - № 44. - P. 96–98.

362. Spanos W. V. Repetitions: The postmodern occasion in literature and culture. - Bloomington, 1987. - 322 p.

363. Spitz R. A. De la naissance a la parole. - P., 1979. - 318 p.

364. Steiner W. The colours of rhetoric: Problems in the relation between modern lit. and painting. - Chicago, 1982. - 236 p.

365. Suleiman S. Naming and difference: Reflexions on «modernism versus postmodernism» in literature. // Approaching postmodernism. / Ed. by Fokkema D., Bertens H. - Amsterdam, 1986.-P. 255–270.

366. Tadie J.-Y. La critique litteraire au XXe siecle. - P., 1987. - 318 p.

367. Technologies of the self: A seminar with Michel Foucault. / Ed. By Martin L. H. et al. - L., 1988. - 166 p.

368. Textual strategies: Perspectives in post-structuralist criticism. / Ed. with an introd. by Harari J. V. - L., 1980. - 475 p.

369. Theorie d'ensemble. - P., 1968. - 275 р.

370. TodorovTz. Grammaire du Decameron.- Hague, 1969. - 100 p.

371. Todorov Tz. Theorie du symbole. - P., 1977. - 357 p.

372. Turkic S. Psychoanalytic politics, Jacques Lacan and Freud's French revolution. - L., 1978. - 278 p.

373. Ungar S. Roland Barthes: The professor of desire. - Lincoln, 1983. -XIX, 206 p.

374. Van den Heuvel P. Parole, mot, silence: Pour une poetique de renonclation. - P., 1986. - 319 p.

375. Virilio P. L'espace critique. - P., 1984. - 187 р.

376. Watt I. The rise of the novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. - L., 1957. - 319 p.

377. Weber S. Capitalising history: Notes on «The political unconscious». // The politics of theory. / Ed. by Barker F. et al. - Colchester, 1983.-P. 248–264.

378. Welsch W. Unsere postmodeme Modeme. - Weinheim, 1987. - 344 S.

379. White H. Metahistory: The historical imagination in the nineteenth century. - Baltimore; L.,1973. -XII, 448 p.

380. Wilde A. Horizons of assent: Modernism, postmodernism, and ironic imagination. - Baltimore; L.,1981. -XII, 209 p.

381. Wilden A. The Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real. // Wilden A. System and structure. - L., 1973. - P. 1–30.

382. Winders J.A. Poststructuralist theory, praxis, and the intellectual. // Contemporary lit. - Madison, 1986. - Vol. 27, № 1. - P. 73–84.

383. Wiseman M. The ecstasies of Roland Barthes. - L.; N.Y., 1989. - XVIII, 204 p.

384. Wright E. Psychoanalytic criticism: Theory in practice. - L., 1984. -200р.

385. Zavarzadeh M. The mythopoetic reality: The postwar Amer. nonfiction novel. - Urbana, 1976. - IX, 262 p.

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