Средневековый Понт - Сергей Павлович Карпов
+ Я, Фантин Магно, судья, прокуратор, собственноручно подписал.
+ Я, Николай Пицамано, судья, прокуратор, собственноручно подписал.
1422, 30 марта, 15 индиктиона, мы, Николай де Мусто и Иероним де Муалли, судьи… в отсутствие господина Петра Дандуло, третьего их сотоварища, передали в качестве собственности, в счет вышеуказанной суммы, один дом вышеуказанного покойного сера Марка Анаве. Так как он в целом… расположенный в… с одним госпицием[1722], стоящем на ровном месте к… указанного дома необходимо прорубить одну дверь, через которую (проходят) из указанного госпиция в другой, который остался.
+ Я, пресвитер Гаспарин, каноник Кастелланский, венецианский нотарий, составил и скрепил.
+ Мы, сер Николай Пицамано и сотоварищи, судьи прокуратории, взыскали два с половиной дуката.
The Black Sea area in the middle ages was one of the principle zones of contact between different civilizations. The Byzantine world encountered the people of the steppe, populations in the process of adopting the Islamic faith; Italian merchants made efforts to establish trading stations at cue points of international commerce, dealing with Greeks, Armenians, Turks, Jews or Russians. The events of the 13th–15th centuries form the chronological center of the book, while its geographic centers will be two: North-Eastern Anatolia and the Northern shores of the Sea of Azov. Their main capitals, Trebizond — Tana (Azov) plus Caflfa (Theodosia in the Crimea) — Constantinople, formed a triangle of maritime trade routes and the principle directions of political aspiration in the area.
There are three meanings of the word "Pontos": 1) the Black Sea as a whole, Pontos Euxeinos; 2) the provinces bordering on the Black Sea; 3) the coast of Northern Anatolia between Sinope and the River Çoruh with Trebizond as its capital.We are, for the most part, using this term in its second and third senses.
The medieval Pontic state came into existence as the Empire of Trebiziond, or of the Grand Komenoi, its only ruling dynasty (1204–1461). Various problems of its history and pre-histoiy are considered in the book: the main lines of the ancient and Byzantine past of the Pontos, the attempts to create a semi — independent state under the Gabrades in the late 11th and 12th centuries (Chapter 1), the foundation of the Empire (Ch. 2), its relationship with Nicaea and Byzantium after 1204 (Ch. 3), with the principalities of Old Rus (Ch. 4). A special section (Ch. 5) is dedicated to the culture of the Empire of Trebizond, its art, literature, science, everyday life.
Italian colonization produced a considerable impact on the political, social and economic development of Black Sea towns. Both positive and negative aspects of the Genoese and Venetian activity in Trebizond and elsewhere are studied in Chapter 6. Privileges granted to Italians by local rulers (Ch. 8) are of particular interest when evaluating the real importance of the "Latins" on the Pontos. An analysis was undertaken in regards to the various taxes paid by Italians in different ports of the Black Sea and it aids in estimating the general volumes of commodity circulation (Ch. 7). It is clear now that the "golden period" for Italian trade was the first half of the 14th century. The deep economic crisis of the 1340s–50s, surveyed in Chapter 11, profoundly affected international commerce, cut main routes from Trebizond and Tana to the Orient (Chs. 11 and 14). After this, trade declined for some time and from the 1360s onwards underwent a gradual restructuring with the replacement of staple goods — silk, cotton, spices brought from Central Asia, China and India — with local wares, alum,