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Мануэль Саркисянц - Английские корни немецкого фашизма

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"Наполас" (Napolas; Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten (нем.)) — созданные в апреле 1933 г. учебные заведения для подготовки нацистской элиты. В "наполас" обучались подростки в возрасте 10—18 лет; формально "наполас" подчинялись министерству образования, однако старший преподавательский состав представляли члены СА и СС. По сути "наполас" являлись кадровым резервом нацистской партии и вооруженных сил (здесь и далее, кроме особо отмененных случаев, примечания переводчика).


E. K. Milliken, "The new Public Schools in Germany": The Times (London) of 28. September 1935, cited by Harald Scholtz, Nationalsozialistische Ausleseschulen. Internatsschulen als Herrschaflsmittel des Fuhrerstaates (Gottingen, 1973), S. 143.


J. W. Tate, "The Public Schools of Germany": Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehung, VI, (1937), S. 172.


"Белый пака-сахиб" — особо замечательный и выдающийся белый сахиб.


Tate, p. 172.


G. A. Rowan-Robinson, "Training of the Nazi leaders of the Future" (Ansprache im Chattham House, London, am 27. Januar 1938, under Chairmanship of Major В. T. Reynold, M. C, in: International Affairs (Marz 1938), pp. 237, 235, 241.


Гейсмейер Август (1897—?) — министериальдиректор, депутат рейхстага и офицер СС.


Harald Scholtz, Nationalsozialistische Ausleseschulen. Internatsschulen als Herrschaftsmittel des Fuhrerstaates (Gottingen, 1973), S. 99.


Volker Raddatz, Englandkunde im Wandel deutscher Erziehungsziele (о. O., 1977), p. 146.


Theodor Wilhelm, "Scholars or Soldiers? Aims and results of "Nazi" education": Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehung, VIII (vom 5. November 1939), S. 95.


Лей Роберт (1890—1945), рейхсляйтер, зав. орг. отделом НСДАП, руководитель "Германского трудового фронта".


Harald Scholtz, Nationalsozialistische Ausleseschulen, S. 190; Price Ward, Extra-special Correspondent (London, 1957), S. 201.


Volker Raddatz, Englandkunde im W&ndel deutscher Erziehungsziele (n. p., 1977), p. 146.


Ross McKibbin, Class and Culture. England 1918-1951 (London, 1998), pp. 238, 245; Т. C. Worsley, Barbarians and Philistines. Democracy and the Public Schools (London, 1940), pp. 121,200.


H. John Field, Toward a Programme of Imperial Life. The British Empire at the turn of the Century (Oxford, 1982), pp. 22, 35, 39; J. A. Mangan, in: John Mackenzie, Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986), p. 116.


Gerwin StrobI, The Germanic Isle. Nazi perceptions of Britain (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 80, 69, 76, 82.


Rudolf Diels, Luzifer ante portas (Stuttgart, 1950), S. 84, zitiert in Josef Henke, England in Hitlers politischem Kalkul, 1935-1939 (Boppard, 1973), S. 22; Hitler, Monologe im Fuhrerhauptquartier (Rindlach, 1988), S. 393:6 September, 1942; Hans F. K. Gunther, Ritter, Tod und Teufel. Der heldische Gedanke (Munchen, edition of 1920), S. 96: "Ruchlose Willenstat"; Raddatz, S. 152; StrobI, pp. 42, 64.


StrobI, pp. 77, 169, 223, 69, 90, 91.


Johannes H. Voigt, "Hitler and Indien": Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, IX (1971), S. 33, 49; SS-General Walter Schellenberg, Invasion 1940. The Nazi invasion Plan for Britain (London, 2000), p. 27; Die Welt vom 15. August, 2000: "Operation Seelowe".


Raddatz, S. 143, 152, 157 (Anml91, 192), zitiert O. Harlander, "Franzosisch und Englisch im Dienste der rassenpolitischen Erziehung": Neue Sprachen, No. 44 (1936), S. 50.


Крайним проявлением этого убеждения стал религиозный англо-израильский культ, отождествлявший англосаксонскую расу с потерянными коленами Израиля (прим. Автора).

Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism. The Making and Unmaking of British National Identity, Vol. I (London, 1989), p. 58; William Henry Poole, History, the True Key to Prophecy in which the Anglo-Saxon Race is shown to be the lost tribes of Israel (Brooklyn, 1880, cited in John Higham, Strangers in the Land. Patterns of American Nativism 1860-1925 (Westfort, Conn.; USA, 1981), p. 367); William Haller, Foxe's Book of Martyrs and the Elect Nation (London, 1967), p. 87, (начиная с елизаветинских времен, эта книга считалась самой влиятельной в Англии после Библии — утверждал Эдвин Джонс: Edwin Johnes, The English Nation. The Great Myth (1998), pp. 56, 57).


William Blake, Jerusalem. The emanation of the Giant Albion, Chapter II, XXIV, 5: Prophetic Books of William Blake, edited by E. P. D. Maclagan and A. G. B. Russel (London, 1904), p. 31; Friedrich Brie, Imperialistische Stromungen in der englischen Literarur (Halle, 1928).


Alain and Cairns, Prelude to Imperialism. British Reactions to Central African Society, 1840—1890 (London, 1965), p. 238; MacDonald, Language of Empire, p. 153 f. Rutherford, Forever England. Reflections on Race, Masculinity and Empire (London, 1997), p. 15.


Lord Oliver, The Myth of Governor Eyre (London, 1933), p. 115; Missionary Hymns... of the London Missionary Society (London, 1830), p. 43 as quoted in Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism. The making and unmaking of British National Identity, Vol. I (London, 1969), p. 194: John Wolffe, "Evangelicalism... in mid-ninteeth century England".


Mackenzie, Imperialism in Popular culture, p. 33; David Brion Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (Ithaca, N. Y, USA, 1977), p. 65; Peter Marsh, The Conscience of the Victorian State (London, 1979), p. 128; Alain and Cairns, Prelude to Imperialism (London, 1965), p. 238.


Alain and Cairns, pp. 246, 192.


Daunton and Halpern (Editors), The Empire and Others. British Encounters with Indigenous Peoples 1600-1850 (London, 1999), p. 365; Hill Schwarz (Editor), The Expansion of England. Race, Ethnicity and cultural History (London, 1996), p. 162; Thomas R. Trautmann, Aryans and British India (Los Angeles, 1997), reviewed in American Historical Review, Vol. CIV, No. 2 (April, 1999), p. 639.


Chris R. Vanden Bossche, Carlyle and the Search for Authority (Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1991), p. 137, quoting Carlyle, Collected Letters (Durham, 1970), 13: 192 and Carlyle, Reminiscences of my Irish Journey in 1849, p. 176; Robert Knox, The Races of Men (Philadelphia, 1850), 26, 216-220; 41. 89 f, 216, 253; Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism, p. 196 (John Wolffe); Kathryn Tidreck, Empire and the English Character (London, 1992), p. 131.


Ibid., o. 257; J. M. Mackenzie, Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986), p. 5; Johannes H. Voigt, "Hitlerand Indien"; Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, IX (1971), S. 33,49; Sidney Ball, Memories and Impressions of "an ideal Don". Arranged by Oona Howard Ball (Oxford, 1923), p. 211.


George Orwell, Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, II (Harmondsworth, 1970), p. 95.


Richard Symonds, Oxford and Empire, pp. 55; cf. Vincent Harlow, The Historian and British Colonial History (Oxford, 1951), pp. 8, 9; Dickson A. Mungazi, The Last British Liberals in Africa: Michael Blundell and Garfield Todd (Westport, Conn., USA, 1999), cited in American Historical Review, Vol. CV, No. 5 (December, 2000), pp. 1845 f.


James A. Froude, Oceana. England and her Colonies (Leipzig, 1887), p. 44; Mackenzie, Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986), p. 41; Penny Summerfield, "Patriotism and Empire. Music Hall Entertainment".


Otto Gessler, in: Al Carthill, Die Erbschaft des Liberalismus (Berlin, 1926), S. IX; Esme Wingfield-Stratford, The Squire and his Relations (London, 1956), p. 92.


Ross McKibbin, Ideologies of Class. Social relations in Britain 1880—1950 (Oxford, 1991), p. 299, 288, 24, 275, 271 IT, citing R. Roberts, The classical Slum (London, 1974); C. F. G. Masterman, England after the War (London, 1922), pp. 54 f.; A. Finkel and C. Leibovitz, The Chamberlain—Hitler Collusion (Halifax, Canada, 1997), p. 38.


Patricia Meehan, The Unnecessary Win Whitehall and the German Resistance (1992), p. 24; John H. Clarke, The Call of the Sword (London, The Financial News, 1917), pp. 8, 15, 30 f, 33, 34, 52 f; Panikos Panayi, The Enemy in our Midst. Germans in Britain during the First World War (Oxford, 1991), pp. 172-177, 180 f, quoting J. H. Clarke, England under the Heel of the Jew (London, 1918), pp. 58—61, 65; Kirton Varley, the Unseen Hand (London, 1917), pp. 25 f, 44 f, 49 f, 52 ff, 72, 75, 88 f; Arnolf White, The Hidden Hand (London, Septemberand October, 1917); The Vigilante of 23. February, 2., 9. and 16. March, 1918, 26. April, 1918.


D. S. Lewis, Illusions of Grandeur. Mosley, Fascism and British Society 1931—1981 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 261 f; Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (London, 1975), p. 333; Richard Thurlow, Fascism in Britain (Oxford, 1987), p. 16; Brigitte Hamann, Hitler's Vienna (New York, 1999), p. 404 f.


Margaret George, The Warped Vision of British Foreign Policy 1933-1939 (Pittsburgh, 1965), p. VIII: Preface by R. Colodny; Ross McKibbin, Class and Culture. England 1918-1951 (London, 1998), p. 530.


N. Bethell, The War Hitler Won. September, 1939 (London, n. d.), p. 180; Ross McKibbin, ibid., p. V; E. P. Thompson, The making of the English working Class (1968), pp. 26 f; A. Finkel and C. Leibovitz, The Chamberlain—Hitler Collusion, p. 37, 38, quoting Margaret George, The Hollow Men (London, 1967), p. 66; Ellis Wasson, Born to rule. British political Elites (New York, 2000) reviewed in American Historical Review, Vol. CVII, No. 3 (June, 2002), p. 935; Philip M. Taylor, British propaganda in the twentieth century. Selling Democracy (Edinburgh, 1999), p. 91.


Peter Neville, Appeasing Hitler. The Diplomacy of Sir Nevile Henderson (New York, 2000), p. IX; Ross McKibbin, pp. 529, 290.


Richard Overy, Russia's War. Blood upon the Snow. (New York, 1997), pp. 60 f; John W. Wheeler-Bennett, King George VI. His Life and Reign (London, 1958), p. 347; Alvin Finkel and Clement Leibovitz, The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion (1997), pp. 143, 148, quoting Neville Chamberlain's own notes.


Patricia Meehan, The Unnecessary War. Whitehall and te German Resistance to Hitler (London, 1992), pp. 4, 389 f. (FO 371/46790, in the files of the Foreign Office).


Sven Lindquist, "Exterminate all the Brutes" (London, 1996), p. 10; Schwetzinger Zeitung of 16. February, 1999: Ulrich Schilling-Strack, "Erst Lafontaine, dann Neumann".


Английское искусство управления государством было предметом зависти немцев, — отмечал в 1926 г. немецкий министр-демократ Отто Гесслер (прим. автора).


29 марта 1947 г. Хёсс был приговорен в Варшаве к смертной казни и несколько дней спустя казнен в Освенциме.


Немецкое издание этой книги вышло уже после английской публикации — в 1955 г. под названием "Elemente und Ursprunge totaler Herrschaft" (прим. автора).


Hannah Arendt, Elemente und Ursprunge totaler Herrschaft (Frankfurt, 1955), p. 292; pp. 177, 212 of the English version; Russland und Deutschland im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert. Zwei Sonderwege... Herausgegeben von Nicolaus Lobkowicz... (Koln, 2001), S. 89; Charles Wenworth Dilke. The Greater Britain (London, 1894), p. 535; Herbert G. Wells, Works, Vol IV (London, 1924), p. 274; A. Toynbee, A Study of History, I (Oxford, 1935), p. 213.


Dietz Bering. Der Intellektuelle. Geschichte eines Schimpfwortes (Stuttgart, 1978).


Friedrich Lange, Reines Deutschtum. Grundzuge nationaler Weltanschauung (Berlin, 1904), S. 386f.


Daniel Gasman, The scientific origins of National Socialism. The Social Darwinism of

Ernst Haeckel (London, 1971), pp. 127, 30, 131 f, 173.


Joachim Kohler, Wagners Hitler. Der Prophet und sein Vollstrecker (Munchen, 1997),

S. 240, 241, 245 (Anm 50), 249, 251.


Жозеф Артур де Гобино (1816—1882) — французский социолог, писатель и публицист, один из основателей расистской теории и расово-антропологической школы в социологии.


Josephs Goebbels, Samtliche Fragmente (Munchen, 1987), Teil I, S. 72f, 178:

Tagebuchnotiz vom 8. Mai 1926.

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