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[155] D'Haenens A. Les invasions normandes dans l'Empire franc au IX siecle. Pour une renovation de la problematique // 1 Normanni et la loro espansione in Europa nell'alto Medioevo. Spoleto, 1969. P. 233-298.

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X-XI вв.

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XII-XIII вв.Источники

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[277] Powers J. F. Townsmen and Soldiers: the Interaction of Urban and Military Organization in the Militias of Mediaeval Castile // Spec. 1971. N 46. P. 641-655.

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[280] Riley-Smith J. S. С Peace never established: the Case of the Kingdom of Jerusalem // TRHS. 5 serie. 1978. N 28. P. 87-102.

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