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Дэвид Дуглас - Норманны. От завоеваний к достижениям. 10501–100 гг.

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Acta Lanfranci (Earle and Plummer, Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, vol. I, pp. 283–292).

Aguileis, Raymond of, Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Jerusalem (Ree. Hist. Crois. Occ., III, pp. 235–309).

Alfanus I, archbishop of Salerno, Opera (Pat. Lat., CXLVII).

Amari, М., Bibiiotheca Arabo-Sicula, 2 vols. (Turin and Rome, 1880, 1881).

Amatus. See Monte Cassino.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. A revised translation edited by D. Whitelock, with D. C. Douglas and S. I. Tucker (London, 1961).

Anna Comnena, Alexiad, ed. B. Leib, 3 vols. (Paris, 1937–1945).

Anna Comnena, Alexiad, trans. E. A. Dawes (London, 1967).

Annales Barenses (Bari) (Mon. Germ. Hist. SS., V, pp. 51 et seq.).

Annales Beneventani (Benevento) (Mon. Germ. Hist. SS., Ill, pp. 173 et seq.).

Annales Casinenses (Monte Cassino) (Mon. Germ. Hist. SS., XIX, pp. 305 et seq. — several recensions).

Annales Cavenses (La Cava) (Mon. Germ. Hist. SS., III, pp. 233 et seq.).

Annales Rothomagenses (Rouen) (Mon. Germ. Hist. SS., XXVI, pp. 498 et seq.).

Annales Siculi (Sicily) — (printed in the edition of the chronicle of Geoffrey Malaterra by E. Pontieri (q. v.) at pp. 114–120).

Apulia, William of, Gesta Roberti Wiscardi, edited with a translation into French by M. Mathieu («Guillaume de Pouille» — Palermo, 1961). (Also in Mon. Germ. Hist. SSIX and Pat. Lat. CLXIX).

Bayeux Tapestry, ed. F. M. Stenton (London, 1957); also ed. F. R. Fowke (London, 1875).

Bessin, G., Concilia Rothomagensis Provinciae (Rouen, 1717).

Bonizo, Liber ad Amicum (Jaffe, Monumenta Gregoriana, pp. 577–689).

Caen, Ralph of, Gesta Tancredi (Ree. Hist. Crois. Occ. III).

Carmen de Hastingae Proelio, ed. H. Petrie Monumenta (1848).

Cartulaire de S. Pere de Chartres, ed. В. E. C. Guerard, 2 vols. (Paris, 1840).

Catalogus Baronom Neapolitano in regno versantium. Printed in Del Re, Cronisti e Scrittori, II, pp. 571–615 (Naples, 1868). A new edition is now in preparation.

Chabannes, Ademar of, Chronicon, ed. J. Chavanon (Paris, 1897).

Chanson de Roland, ed. J. A. Jenkins (Oxford, 1929).

Chanson de Roland, «The Song of Roland done into English» by C. Scott Moncrieff (London, 1920).

Chartres, Fulcher of, Gesta Francorum Iherusalem Peregrinantium ed. H. Hagenmeyer (Heidelberg, 1015).

Chronicon Casitiense. See: Ostia, Leo of.

Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon, 2 vols. (London, 1858).

Clare, Osbert of, Letters, ed. E. W. Williamson (Oxford, 1929).

Codice Diplomatico Barese, 18 vols. (Bari, 1897–1950).

Codice Diplomatico Brindisiano, vol. I (Trani, 1940).

Codice Diplomatico normannico d'Aversa, ed. A. Gallo (Naples, 1926).

Cusa, S., I Diplomi Greci e Arabi di Sicilia (Palermo, 18961898).

Davis, H. W. C. See: Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum.

Damascus Chronicle of the Crusade, edited and translated by H. A. R. Gibb (London, 1932).

Domesday Book, ed. Record Commission, 2 vols. (1783).

Durham, Simeon of, Opera Omnia, ed. T. Arnold, 2 vols. (London, 1882, 1883).

Eadmer, Historia Novorum, ed. M. Rule (London, 1884).

Eadmer, Vita Anselmi, ed. R. W. Southern (Edinburgh, 1962).

Edward the Confessor, Vita Edwardi Confessoris, ed. F. W. Barlow (Edinburgh, 1962).

Facsimiles of English Royal Writs to 1100 A. D., ed. T. A. Bishop and P. Chaplais (Oxford, 1957).

Feudal Documents from the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, ed. David C. Douglas (London, 1931).

Fulcher. See: Chartres.

Gallia Christiana, vol. XI (Paris, 1759).

Garufi, C. A., I Documenti inediti dell epoca Normannia: Documenti per servire alia storia di Sicilia, Soc. Siciliana di Storia Patria: Ser. Diplomatica, XVIII (Palermo, 1899).

Gattola, E., Historis Abbatiae Cassinensis — Accessiones, 2 vols. (Venice, 1724).

Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum, ed. R. Hill (Edinburgh, 1962). Another edition is by H. Hagenmeyer (Heidelberg, 1890).

Glaber, Rodulf, Francorum Historia, ed. M. Prou (Paris, 1886).

Gregory VII, Pope, Monumenta Gregoriana, ed. Ph. Jaffe (Berlin, 1865).

Gregory VII, Pope, Registrum Papae Gregoriii VII, ed. E. Caspar (Mon. Germ. Hist., 2 vols., Berlin, 1893).

Guillaume, P., Essai historique sur I'abbaye de Cava (Cava, 1877). [Important appendix of charters.]

Hagenrneyer, Н., Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 10881100 (Innsbruck, 1902).

Ibn el Athir, Chronicle. See: Amari, Bibliotheca, vol. I.

Ibn Jubair, Chronicle. See: Amari, Bibliotheca, vol. I.

Jaffe, Philip,Regesta Pontificum Romanorum, 2nd. edition,ed. by E. Wattenbach, S. Loewenfeld and others. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1885-8). [Cited as «Jaffe-Loewenfeld».]

Jumieges. Charles de l'abbaye de Jumieges, ed. J. J. Vernier, 2 vols. (Rouen, 1916).

Jumieges, William of, Gesta Normannorum Ducum, ed. J. Marx (Rouen, 1914).

Kehr, P. F., Regesta Pontificum Romanorum — Italia Pontificia, vol. VII, Regnum Normannorum — Campania (Berlin, 1936).

Lair, J., Guillaume Longue Epee (Paris. 1893). [Contains in the facsimile the text of the «Lament».]

Leo IX, Pope, Epistolae, etc. (Pat. LatCXLIII).

«Letter of the Princes» (1098), see: H. Hagenmeyer, Kreuzzugsbriefe, pp. 161-5.

Liber Pontificalis, ed. L. Duchesne, 2 vols. (Paris, 1886-92).

Liebermann, F., Ungedruckte Anglo-Norrnannische Geschichtsquellen (Strassburg, 1879).

Lupus Protospatarius, see: Annales Barenses.

Malaterra, Geoffrey, De Rebus Gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae Comitis («Historia Sicula»), ed. E. Pontieri (Muratori Scriptores — new edition — vol. I, part I (Bologna, 1924). Also Pat. Lat., CLXIX.

Malmesbury, William of, Gesta Regum Anglorum, ed. W. Stubbs (London, 1870).

Mas Latrie, Traites de Paix et de Commerce (Paris, 1866).

Mazzoleni, J., Le Pergamene di Capua, I (Naples, 1957).

Menager, L. R., «Documents… sur quelques monasteres grecs de Calabrie a l'epoque normand'» (Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. L).

Menager, L. R., Les Actes latines de S. Maria di Messina (Palermo, 1961).

Menager, L. R., And see below p. 250.

Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. W. Dugdale, new edition, 8 vols. (London, 1817-30).

Monte Cassino, Amatus of, Ystoire de Ii Normant, ed. V. de Bartholomeis. (Amato di Montecassino, Storia di Normanni,

Rome, 1935.) Also, ed. О. Delarc (Rouen, 1892). [Cited by book and chapter as «Amatus».]

Musset, L., Actes inedites du XI. siecle in Bull. Soc. Antiquaries de Normandie, vol. LII, pp. 117-55, vol. LIV, pp. 115-54.

Neustria Pia, ed. A. de Monstier (Rouen, 1163).

Nogent, Guibert of, Historia Hierosolymitarii (Ree. Hist. Crois. Occ., IV, pp. 115–263).

Ordericus Vitalis, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. A. Le Prevost and L. Delisie, 5 vols. (Paris, 1838-55).

Ostia, Leo of, Chronicon Casinense (Mon. Germ. Hist. SS., VII, pp. 574 et seq. Also Pat. Lat., CLXXIII).

Paschal, II, Pope, Epistolae, etc. (Pat. Lat., CLXIII).

Peter the Deacon, Chronicon Casinense. This is an (inferior) continuation of the chronicle of Leo of Ostia (q. v.).

Pirro, R., Sicilia Sacra, 3rd. ed. (Palermo, 1733).

Placita Anglo-Normannica, ed. M. M. Bigelow (Boston, 1879).

Poitiers, William of, Gesta Guillemi Ducus Normannorum et Regis Anglorum, ed. R. Foreville (Paris, 1952).

Recueil des Actes des Dues de Normandie de 911 a 1066, ed. M. Fauroux (Paris, 1961).

Recueil des Historiens des Croisades: Historiens Occidentaux, 5 vols. (Paris, 1844–1895).

Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France («Dom Bouquet») 24 vols. (Paris, 1738–1924).

Regesta Regum Anglo-Normanorrum, ed. H. W. C. Davis, vol. I (Oxford, 1913).

Regesta Regni Hierosolymiti, ed. R. Röhricht (Innsbruck, 1893).

Robert the Monk, Historia Hierosolymitana (Ree. Hist. Crois. Occ., III, pp. 717-82.

Round, J. H., Calendar of Documents preserved in France illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland (London, 1899).

Scotland. Early Scottish Charters, ed. A. C. Lawrie (Glasgow, 1905).

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Taccone Galluci, Regesti dei Pontifici Romani per le Chiese della Calabria (Rome, 1902).

«Tractatus Eboracenses» (Mori. Germ. Hist.: Libelli de Lite, vol. III). By the «Norman Anonymous» of Rouen or of York.

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Вторичные источники и некоторые обзорные работы

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