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78. Creighton, Hy of the Papacy, VI, 176.
79. Carlyle, Thos., Heroes and Hero Worship, 360.
80. Bainton, Here 1 Stand, 186.
81. Acton, 101.
82. Bainton, 189.
83. Ibid., 195.
84. Taylor, H. O., Thought and Expression in the 16th Century, II, 213.
85. Bax, German Society, 142; Lecky, History of Rationalism, I, 22.
86. Janssen, III, 246–8.
87. Bainton, 200.
88. Ibid., 205–6; Ranke, 251.
89. Luther, Works, III, 206–7.
90. Ibid., 211.
91. Ranke, 254.
92. Bainton, 208.
93. Janssen, III, 259.
94. Ibid., 263.
95. Bainton, 214.
96. Beard, 127.
97. Janssen, IV, 98.
98. Smith, Luther, 155.
99. Ibid., 168.
100. 380.
101. Froude, Erasmus, 294.
102. Janssen, XIV, 408.
103. Luther, Table Talk, 118.
104. Werke (Walch), VIII, 2042, in Beard, The Reformation of the 16th Century in Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge, 161.
105. Luther, Table Talk, 353.
106. Luther, Werke (Erlangen), VI, 142–8, in Maritain, Three Reformers, 33, and Beard, Reformation, 156.
107. In Paulsen, German Education, 47.
108. In Janssen, III, 240.
109. Schaff, German Reformation, 35–6.
110. Luther, T.T., 24.
111. Smith, Luther, xi.
112. T.T., 2.
113. Ibid., 91, 96.
114. 67.
115. 15.
116. 797; Smith, Luther, 362.
117. T.T., 574.
118. Sermon of March 6, J521; Janssen, XII, 316.
119. Maritain, Three Reformers, 30.
120. Smith, Reformation, 653.
121. Lecky, Rationalism, I, 22.
122. T.T., 577, 597; Janssen, XIV, 87.
123. Janssen, XII, 317.
124. Lecky, Rationalism, I, 23.
125. T.T., 579–86, 608.
126. Luther, Works, III, 235–7.
127. Works, II, 391.
128. Ibid., 316.
129. T.T., 283.
130. Romans, x, 9.
131. Mark, xvi, 16.
132. Works, II, 316.
133. Werke, XL, 436; XXV, 330, 142, 130; Werke (Erlangen), XVIII, 260.
134. Werke (Erlangen), XX, 58; LX, 107–8; Werke (Weimar), X-2, 276.
135. O’Brien, G., Economic Effects of the Reformation, 41.
136. Works, II, 328–9.
137. Ibid., 331.
138. Romans, ix, 18.
139. Luther, De servo arbitrio, in Janssen, IV, 104.
140. De servo arbitrio, in Lecky, Rationalism, I, 140.
141. In Fülöp-Miller, R., Saints That Moved the World, 291.
142. Janssen, IV, 114.
143. T.T., 96.
144. Ibid., 178.
145. Works, II, 188.
146. Werke, XXVIII, 142–201, in Bax, German Society, 188–90.
147. Works, III, 258–61.
148. In Janssen, III, 268.
149. In Allen, J. W., Political Thought, 330.
150. Works, IV, 25.
151. Ibid., 26, 29.
152. Works, II, 160.
153. Ibid., IV, 35.
1. Richard, E., German Civilization, 250.
2. Janssen, III, 214.
3. Pastor, IX, 134.
4. Schapiro, J. S., Social Reform, 34–5.
5. Richard, 250; Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 174.
6. Luther, Works, III, 204–5.
7. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 183.
8. Janssen, III, 221; Schapiro, 103–14.
9. Janssen, III, 223; Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 177.
10. Janssen, III, 342.
11. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 193.
12. Kautsky, 116–119.
13. Ibid., 121.
14. 130.
15. Ranke, Reformation, 338.
16. In Kautsky, 139.
17. Ibid., 144.
18. Luther, Works, IV, 210–16.
19. Ibid., 220–1.
20. 240.
21. 244.
22. Ranke, 459.
23. Janssen, IV, 166; Bax, Peasant? War, 79–84.
24. Ranke, 348–9.
25. Robinson, J. H., Readings in European Hy, 289 f; Bax, Peasants’ War, 156–60.
26. Ranke, 344.
27. Bax, Peasants’ War, 101.
28. Ibid., 118–30.
29. In Janssen, IV, 208
30. Bax, 76, 224.
31. Ibid., 205.
32. 229.
33. Luther, Works, IV, 248–54.
34. Bax, 265–6.
35. Ibid., 312–5.
36. 303.
37. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 191.
38. Bax, 336–7.
39. Armstrong, Charles V, I, 222.
40. Ranke, 360.
41. Schapiro, 86; Smith, Luther, 164.
42. Ibid., 165.
43. 164.
44. Works, IV, 261.
45. Ibid., 261–72.
46. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 192.
47. Ranke, 728.
48. Payne, E. A., Anabaptists, 11.
49. Kautsky, 164..
50. Ibid., 166.
51. Allen, Political Thought, 43.
52. Ranke, 732–3.
53. Schaff, Swiss Reformation, 82.
54. Janssen, IV, 114.
55. Kautsky, 176.
56. Ibid., 185.
57. 187.
58. Ranke, 729.
59. Kautsky, 192.
60. Ranke, 757.
61. Kautsky, 255–6.
62. Ibid., 257.
63. 260.
64. 273.
65. Ranke, 745–6.
66. Smithson, R. J., Anabaptists, 179–80.
67. Kautsky, 290; Ranke, 755.
68. Smithson, 181.
69. Fosdick, Great Voices of the Reformation, 285.
70. Payne, Anabaptists, 16.
1. Cath. En., XV, 773.
2. Schaff, Swiss Ref., 6.
3. Ibid.
4. Hughes, Reformation, I, 124.
5. Schaff, 24.
6. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 713.
7. Schaff, 32.
8. Ranke, 513.
9. Schaff, 52–3.
10. Fosdick, 183.
11. Ibid., 173, 191,
12. Lea, Auricular Confession, I, 519.
13. Fosdick, 190.
14. Schaff, 59.
15. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 321, 334.
16. Smith, Erasmus, 391.
17. Schaff, 94.
18. Bainton, Hunted Heretic, 36–8.
19. Erasmus, Epistle of May 9, 1529, in Schaff, Swiss Reformation, 112.
20. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 207–10.
21. In Janssen, V, 231.
22. Schaff, 177.
23. Ibid.
24. Bossuet, Variations, II, 29.
25. En. Brit., XXIII, 998.
26. Schaff, 188.
27. Smith, Luther, 290.
28. T.T., 801.