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1. Coulton, Chaucer, 62.
2. Michelet, x, 3.
3. Müntz, Leonardo da Vinci, I, 22.
1. Coulton, Life in the Middle Ages, I, 205.
2. Pastor, History of the Popes, I, 71, 66.
3. Ibid.
4. Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire, 226; Cambridge Medieval History, VIII, 623.
5. Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, III–I, 1034.
6. Pastor, I, 91.
7. Sismondi, History of the Italian Republics, 328.
8. Gierke, Political Theories of the Middle Ages, 52, 59; Hearnshaw, Medieval Contributions to Modern Civilization, 67.
9. Emerton, The Defensor Pacis of Marsiglio of Padua, 70–2.
10. Milman, History of Latin Christianity, VII, 328–31.
11. Ogg, Source Book of Medieval History, 391.
12. Creighton, History of the Papacy during the Reformation, I, 297; Camb. Med. Hy, VIII, 8n.
13. Pastor, I, 241.
14. Pastor, III, 269.
15. Ibid., 324.
16. For a candid Catholic summary of ecclesiastical abuses c. 1500 cf. Janelle, The Catholic Reformation, Chapters I–III.
17. Cambridge Modern History, I, 388.
18. Montalembert, The Monks of the West, I, 81.
19. Coulton, Inquisition and Liberty, 45.
20. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, I, 465.
21. Beard, Chas., Martin Luther and the Reformation, 42.
22. Machiavelli, Discourses, iii, 1.
23. Robertson, History of the Reign of Charles V, I, 402.
24. Hayes, Political and Social History of Modern Europe, I, 126.
25. La Tour, Les origines de la Reforme, I, 361.
26. Cf. Pastor, V, 361–2.
27. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 670.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, II, 411.
31. Erasmus, Mar. 5, 1518, in Epistles, III, 287
32. Pastor, VIII, 124.
33. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 670.
34. Ibid., 659.
35. Smith, Preserved, History of Modern Culture, I, 19.
36. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 674.
37. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, I, 410 f.; II, 429.
38. Ibid., 400.
39. Erasmus,