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PRO FO 800/92, Grey memorandum, 23 July 1908. Ср.: Lloyd George, War Memoirs, vol. I, p. 7; Taylor, A. J. P., Struggle for Mastery, p. 448; Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War, p. 68.
PRO FO 800/61, Goschen to Grey, 21 Aug. 1909; Grey to Goschen, 23 Aug. 1909; PRO FO 800/100, Asquith to Grey, 25 Aug. 1909; PRO FO 800/93, Hardinge to Grey, 25 Aug. 1909; Mallet to Grey, 26 Aug. 1909; Tyrrell to Grey, 27 Aug. 1909; Drummond to Grey, 29 Dec. 1909; Grey note, 29 Dec. 1909; PRO FO 800/61, Grey toGoschen, 31 Dec. 1909; PRO FO 800/87, Grey to McKenna, 27 Jan. 1910; PRO FO 800/52, Grey to Bertie, 13 April 1910; PRO FO 800/62, Goschen to Grey, 6 Aug. 1910; Grey to Goschen, 11 and 16 Aug. 1910; Goschen to Grey, 19 Aug. 1910; PRO FO 800/100, Grey to Asquith, 21 Oct. 1910; Asquith to Grey, 27 Oct. 1910; PRO FO 800/62, Grey to Goschen, 26 Oct. 1910. Ср.: Sweet, Great Britain and Germany, pp. 229ff.
Gooch and Temperley, British Documents, vol. VI, nos. 442, 446.
PRO CAB 41/33/34, Asquith to George V, 3 Feb. 1912. Ср.: Churchill, W. S., World Crisis, pp. 96ff; Langhorne, Great Britain and Germany, pp. 290–293. О том, как это видели немцы, см.: Steinberg, Diplomatie als Wille und Vorstellung. Также см.: Cecil, L., Albert Ballin, pp. 163ff, 180–200.
PRO FO 800/62, Goschen to Grey, 3 July 1913; PRO FO 800/87, Churchill to Grey and Asquith, 8 July 1913; Churchill to Grey, 17 July and 24 Oct. 1913; PRO FO 800/62, Grey to Goschen, 28 Oct. 1913; Goschen to Grey, 8 Nov. 1913; Grey toGoschen, 5 Feb. 1914; PRO FO 800/87, Grey to Churchill, 5 Feb. 1914.
PRO FO 800/87, Churchill to Grey, 20 May 1914. Ср.: Churchill, R., Winston S. Churchill, vol. II, part III, pp. 1978–1981.
Langhorne, Great Britain and Germany, pp. 293f. Курсив мой. Ср. недостоверное изложение событий у Асквита. См.: Asquith, Genesis, pp. 55f, 100.
PRO CAB 41/33/41, Asquith to George V, 16 and 30 March 1912; PRO FO 800/94, Tyrrell memorandum, 3 April 1912; PRO FO 800/100, Asquith to Grey, 10 April 1912; PRO FO 800/87, Grey to Churchill, 12 April 1912; PRO FO 800/62, Grey to Goschen, 27 June and 4 July 1912. Ср.: Langhorne, Great Britain and Germany, pp. 299, 303f; Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, p. 451; Steiner, Britain and the Origins of the First World War, p. 96.
Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War, pp. 120ff; Geiss, German Version of Imperialism, p. 118.
PRO CAB 41/33/36, Asquith to George V, 15 and 21 Feb. 1912. Ср.: Churchill, W. S., World Crisis, vol. I, pp. 103, 109; Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, pp. 249–252; Asquith, Genesis, pp. 77f, 97, 100; Rowland, Last Liberal Governments, vol. II, p. 241.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, p. 8.
PRO FO 800/92, Tyrrell to Grey, 27 Aug. 1909; Gooch and Temperley, British Documents, vol. VI, no. 456, p. 611. Ср.: Cain and Hopkins, British Imperialism, vol. I, p. 458.
Monger, End of Isolation, pp. 260, 267ff.
Gooch and Temperley, British Documents, vol. VI, no. 344, p. 461. Ср.: Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, pp. 254f.
Sweet, Great Britain and Germany, pp. 229f.
PRO FO 800/62, Grey to Goschen, 27 June 1912.
PRO FO 800/92, Mallet to Grey, 26 June 1906.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, p. 93. Также см.: PRO FO 800/93, Nicolson to Grey, 21 July 1911. Ср.: Langhorne, Great Britain and Germany, pp. 290f; Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, p. 251; Steiner, Britain and the Origins of the First World War, p. 97.
Trevelyan, Grey of Falloden, pp. 114f; Sweet and Langhorne, Great Britain and Russia, pp. 243f.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, pp. 101, 108.
Фраза Николсона. Цит. по: ibid., p. 38. Вероятно, Грей опасался, что Россия может заключить союз с Германией (кайзер и царь не сумели это сделать в 1905 году). Ср.: Butterfield, Sir Edward Grey, p. 2; Wilson, K., Grey, p. 193; Monger, End of Isolation, p. 293.
Monger, End of Isolation, p. 270.
PRO FO 800/92, Hardinge notes, 20 Feb. 1906.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, pp. 35, 38f.
Ibid., pp. 39, 42f, 94, 111, 114f; Andrew, Entente Cordiale, p. 25; Hansard, V, 32, p. 60, 27 Nov. 1911; Howard, Continental Commitment, p. 57; Grey, Twenty-Five Years, vol. I, p. 252. Также см.: Butterfield, Sir Edward Grey, p. 2.
Trevelyan, Grey of Falloden, pp. 114f.
Schmidt, Contradictory Postures, p. 139.
Geiss, July 1914, pp. 29ff.
PRO FO 800/62, Goschen to Grey, 22 Oct. 1910; Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, p. 100.
PRO CAB 2/2, CID meeting, 26 May 1911; Langhorne, Great Britain and Germany, p. 298; Steiner, Britain and the Origins of the First World War, p. 42.
Wilson, K., Policy of the Entente, pp. 66f.
PRO CAB 38/19/47, General Staff memorandum on the military aspect of