Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
Williams. The Crown and the Counties. P. 132–133; Hassell Smith. County and Court. P. 293–302.
Hassell Smith. County and Court. P. 295.
Neale J. E. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. 2 vols. London, 1953–1957, repr. 1969. ii. 203–215; Hassell Smith. County and Court. P. 294–302; MacCulloch. Suffolk and the Tudors. P. 270–271.
Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. ii. 352–356; Williams. The Crown and the Counties. P. 133–136.
A Dialogue between Reginald Pole and Thomas Lupset / Ed. К. M. Burton. London, 1948. P. 100.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 280.
Elton G. R. Parliament // Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. Haigh. P. 99; Graves M. A. R. The Management of the Elizabethan House of Commons: The Council’s «Men of Business» // Parliamentary History, 2. 1983. P. 31.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 278.
House of Commons, 1558–1603 // Ed. Hasler. iii. 22–23, 275–276.
Там же, ii. 238; iii. 661.
Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. ii. 352–362; 376; Guy J. A. Law, Faction, and Parliament in the Sixteenth Century // Historical Journal, 28. 1985. P. 446 (table 1).
Graves M. A. R. The Tudor Parliaments: Crown, Lords and Commons, 1485–1603. London, 1985. P. 155–156; House of Commons, 1558–1603 / Ed. Hasler. i. 571–579; iii. 638–640.
Речь идет о том, что протестующие представляли собой как бы все нации, находящиеся под управлением британской короны, – Англию, Уэльс и Ирландию. Термин «содружество наций» был введен в XIX веке.
Neale. Elizabeth 1 and her Parliaments. ii. 376–384; House of Commons, 1558–1603 / Ed. Hasler. i. 571–579; iii. 638–640.
Tudor Royal Proclamations / Ed. P. L. Hughes, J. F. Larkin. 3 vols. New Haven, Conn., 1964–1969. iii. 235–238; Neale. Elizabeth 1 and her Parliaments. ii. 387–388.
CSPD1601–1603. P. 210.
Croft P. Parliamentary Preparations, September 1605: Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury on Free Trade and Monopolies // Parliamentary History, 6. 1987. P. 127–132; Ashton R. The City and the Court, 1605–1645. Cambridge, 1979.
См. выше, ch. 2. Cf. Power. London and the Control of the «Crisis» of the 1590s’. P. 385; Walter J. A «Rising of the People»? The Oxfordshire Rising of 1596 // Past and Present, no. 107. 1985. P. 140.
Slack P. Books of Orders: The Making of English Social Policy, 1577–1631 // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser. 30. 1980. P. 1–22; Fletcher. Reform in the Provinces. P. 43–62.
Wrigley E. A., Schofield R. S. The Population History of England, 1541–1871: A Reconstruction. London, 1981. P. 313–336, 377–384, 642–644, 645–6493; Phelps Brown E. H., Hopkins S. V. Seven Centuries of the Prices of Consumables, Compared with Builders’ Wage Rates // Economica, NS23. 1956; The Agrarian History of England and Wales, iv. 1500–1640 / Ed. J. Thirsk. Cambridge, 1967. P. 846–850.
Slack P. Poverty and Social Regulation in Elizabethan England // Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. Haigh. P. 221–241; Sharpe J. A. Crime in Early Modern England, 1550–1750. London, 1984. P. 41–72.
Hadwin J. F. Deflating Philanthropy // Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 31. 1978. P. 112 (table 2), 117.
Slack. Poverty and Social Regulation. P. 239–241.
Cf. Morrill J. S., Walter J. D. Order and Disorder in the English Revolution // Order and Disorder in Early Modern England / Ed. A. Fletcher, J. Stevenson. Cambridge, 1985. P. 152–153.
Spufford M. Puritanism and Social Control? in ibid. 41–57; Wrightson K., Levine D. Poverty and Piety in an English Village: Terling, 1525–1700. New York, 1979; Sharpe. Crime in Early Modern England. P. 73–93; McIntosh M. K. Social Change and Tudor Manorial Leets // Law and Social Change in British History / Ed. J. A. Guy, H. G. Beale. London, 1984. P. 73–85.
Восставшие под командованием Кетта поставили лагерь на пустоши.
Walter. The Oxfordshire Rising. P. 91–92; Power. London and the Control of the «Crisis» of the 1590s’. P. 379; Sharp B. In Contempt of All Authority: Rural Artisans and Riot in the West of England, 1586–1660. Berkeley, Ca., 1980. P. 10–21.
Walter. The Oxfordshire Rising. P. 95–126.
Там же, 127–128.
Там же, 127–138; Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. ii. 335–351.
Walter. The Oxfordshire Rising. P. 138.
The Progresses, and Public Processions, of Queen Elizabeth / Ed. J. Nichols. 3 vols. London, 1788–1805. ii; James M. E. Society, Politics and Culture: Studies in Early Modern England. Cambridge, 1986. P. 419–420.
Fox A. G. Thomas More: History and Providence. Oxford, 1982. P. 218–219, 223–234.
The Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney / Ed. A. Feuillerat. 4 vols. Cambridge, repr. 1962–1968. iii. 22.
Strong R. The Cult of Elizabeth: Elizabethan Portraiture and Pageantry. London, 1977. P. 81.
Тексты «Аркадии» изданий 1590 и 1593 годов см. в: Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney / Ed. Feuillerat. vols. i-ii, оригинальный вариант см. в: vol. iv. Полное собрание поэзии см. в: The Poems of Sir Philip Sidney / Ed. W. A. Ringler. Oxford, 1962, repr. 1971.
Spenser’s Minor Poems / Ed. E. de Selincourt (Oxford, 1960; repr. 1966), 18–28, 105–114, 195–234; Hume A. Edmund Spenser: Protestant Poet. Cambridge, 1984.
Cf. The Politics of Aristotle / Ed. E. Barker. Oxford, 1946, repr. 1948. P. 92–110.
Skinner Q. Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and the Language of Renaissance Humanism // The Languages of Political Theory in Early Modern Europe / Ed. A. Pagden. Cambridge, 1987. P. 129–131; Cicero. De