Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
CSPF 1562, nos. 667–674.
MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 86–101.
Elton G. R. The Parliament of England, 1559–1581. Cambridge, 1986. P. 363–364.
Дарнли также приходился внуком Маргарите Тюдор – через ее второй брак с шотландским аристократом Арчибальдом Дугласом, 6-м графом Ангусом, его мать была дочерью Маргариты от Ангуса. По линии отца, Мэтью Стюарта, графа Леннокса, он имел отдаленные права на престол Шотландии (через принцессу Марию Стюарт, дочь Якова II). Родился в Англии, поскольку отец бежал из Шотландии, переметнувшись к Генриху VIII, в период войн «грубого сватовства».
И графы Ленноксы, и графы Арраны имели право на престол Шотландии – очень отдаленное по женской линии. Третий граф Арран, сын бывшего регента, также рассматривался в качестве жениха, но Мария предпочла сына Леннокса.
Donaldson G. All the Queen’s Men: Power and Politics in Mary Stewart’s Scotland. London, 1983. P. 48–116; MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 149–166.
Neale J. E. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. 2 vols. London, 1953–1957; repr. 1969, i. 144; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 366.
PRO SP 12/28/20 (fos. 68–9); Elton. Parliament of England. P. 358–363.
Haynes and Murdin (eds.), ii. 756, 761–762; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 364–374; MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 137–140.
Elton. Parliament of England. P. 356–357, 369–374; Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. i. 151–164.
Reid R. R. The King’s Council in the North. London, 1921; repr. 1975. P. 191–208; Stone L. The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558–1641. Oxford, 1965. P. 250–253; MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 70, 124–125, 129, 139; Williams P. The Tudor Regime. Oxford, 1979. P. 446.
James M. E. Society, Politics and Culture: Studies in Early Modern England. Cambridge, 1986. P. 354–356; MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 221–246.
James. Society, Politics and Culture. P. 355 n. 190.
Ibid. P. 270–307; James M. E. Family, Lineage, and Civil Society: A Study of Society, Politics and Mentality in the Durham Region, 1500–1640. Oxford, 1974. P. 49–63; MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 221–262.
James. Family, Lineage, and Civil Society. P. 60; Stone. Crisis of the Aristocracy. P. 252–253.
PRO SP 12/66/45; Stone. Crisis of the Aristocracy. P. 253, 737–738; Reid. King’s Council in the North. P. 209–230.
Parker G. The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road, 1567–1659. Cambridge, 1972; Wilson C. Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands. London, 1970; Wernham. Before the Armada. P. 290–305.
Neale. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments, i. 177–234.
Ibid. P. 310–311; Elton. Parliament of England. P. 374–379; Graves M. A. R. The Management of the Elizabethan House of Commons: The Council’s “Men of Business” // Parliamentary History, 2. 1983. P. 24–29.
Wernham. Before the Armada. P. 317; Read C. Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth. London, 1960. P. 51–108.
Read. Lord Burghley. P. 87.
Ibid. P. 87–91.
Parker G. Spain and the Netherlands, 1559–1659. London, 1979. P. 65–81; MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 157–163; Zagorin P. Rebels and Rulers, 1500–1660. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1982. ii. 51–129.
Придворное гвардейское подразделение. По сути, охрана королевы.
MacCaffrey. Elizabethan Regime. P. 289–295; MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 431–462; House of Commons, 1558–1603 / Ed. Hasler. ii. 276–279; Adams. ‘Eliza Enthroned?’ P. 66–67.
Haynes and Murdin (eds.), ii. 771; MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 431–462; Adams. Eliza Enthroned? P. 63. Cf. Read. LordBurghley. P. 21–22, 40, 224–225, 227, 270, 283, 297, 345, 366–367, 401.
MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 438–439.
Read C. Mr Secretary Walsingham and the Policy of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. Oxford, 1925; House of Commons, 1558–1603 / Ed. Hasler. iii. 572.
См. с. 335–336.
Провинция на юго-западе Нидерландов.
Read. Lord Burghley. P. 188.
House of Commons, 1558–1603 / Ed. Hasler. iii. 572.
MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 164–190, 243–301; Wernham. Before the Armada. P. 324–372. В 1574 году герцог Алансонский унаследовал после брата титул герцога Анжуйского, но обычно во избежание путаницы его именуют титулом, который он имел при Карле IX.
Wilson. Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands. P. 34–41, 129–136; CSPF 1575–1577, nos. 567, 574, 578, 598–599, 736–737, 1037, 1042, 1321–1322, 1445, 1475; Adams. Protestant Cause. fo. 25.
Read. Lord Burghley. P. 265; MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 296–297.
MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 302–347, 402–422; Wernham. Before the Armada. P. 337–354; Read. LordBurghley. P. 256–292; Elliott J. H. Europe Divided, 1559–1598. London, 1968, repr. 1977. P. 265–321; A New History of Ireland, iii. Early Modern Ireland, 1534–1691 / Ed. T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin, F. J. Byrne. Oxford, 1976. P. 104–109.
Parker. Army of Flanders. P. 241.
MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 338.
Parker. Spain and the Netherlands. P. 71.
Folger Shakespeare Library, MS V. b.214, fos. 83V-85V.
MacCaffrey. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy. P. 348–349; Wernham. Before the Armada. P. 371–372.
Stone L. An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino. Oxford, 1956. P. 153; Dietz F. C. English Public Finance, 1485–1641. 2 vols. Urbana, Ill., 1921, 2nd edn.,