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Ласло КОНТЛЕР - История Венгрии. Тысячелетие в центре Европы

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8. Kosáry, Dominic, A History of Hungary (Cleveland, 1941).

9. Kosáry, Dominic and Vardy, S. В., History of the Hungarian Nation (Astor Park, Fla., 1969).

10. Lázár, István, Hungary. A Brief History (Budapest, 1989).

11. Lázár, István, Transylvania. A Short History (Budapest, 1997).

12. Macartney, Carlile A., Hungary (London, 1934).

13. Makkai, László, Histoire de la Transylvanie (Budapest, 1946).

14. Pamlényi, Ervin (ed.), A History of Hungary (London, 1975).

15. Pascu, Štefan, A History of Transylvania (Detroit, 1982).

16. Radvánszky, Anton, Gründzuge der Verfassung- und Staatsgeschichte Ungarns (München, 1990).

17. Ránki, György (ed.), Hungarian History – World History (Budapest, 1984).

18. Ránki, György and Pók, Attila (ed.), Hungary and European Civilization (Budapest, 1989).

19. Sinor, Denis, History of Hungary (NewYork, 1959).

20. Sugar, Peter F. (ed.), A History of Hungary (Bloomington-Indianapolis, 1990).

21. Szũcs, Jenõ, ‘The Three Historical Regions of Europe: An Outline’, in John Keane (ed.), Civil Society and the State (London, 1988), 291–332; full text in Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (1983). /630/

От доисторических времен к Раннему Средневековью

22. Bartha, Antal, Hungarian Society in the 9th and 10th centuries (Budapest, 1975).

23. Bogyay, Thomas von, Stephanus rex. Versuch einer Biographie (Munich and Vienna, 1976).

24. Dobó, Árpád, Die Verwaltung der römischen Provinz Pannonién von Asugustus bis Diocletianus (Budapest and Amsterdam, 1968).

25. Fodor, István, In Search of a New Homeland: The Prehistory of the Hungarian People and the Conquest (Budapest, 1982).

26. Györffy, György, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft der Ungarn urn die Jahrtausendwende (Vienna, Cologne and Graz, 1983).

27. Györffy, György, King Saint Stephen of Hungary (Boulder, 1994).

28. Hóman, Bálint, Geschichte des ungarischen Mittelaeters, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1940–1943).

29. Kosztolnyik, Z. J., Five Eleventh Century Hungarian Kings: Their Policies and their Relations with Rome (New York, 1981).

30. Kosztolnyik, Z. J., From Coloman the Learned to Béla III (1095–1196). Hungarian Domestic Policies and Their Impact on Foreign Affairs (New York, 1987).

31. Kosztolnyik, Z. J., Hungary in the Thirteenth Century (New York, 1996).

32. Macartney, Carlile A., The Magyars in the Ninth Century (Cambridge, 1930).

33. Mályusz, Elemér, Geschichte des ungarischen Volkstums von der Landnahme bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters (Budapest, 1940).

34. Vajay, Szabolcs, Der Eintritt des ungarischen Stämmebundes in die europäische Geschichte (Mainz, 1968).

Позднее Средневековье

35. Bak, János, Königtum und Stände in Ungarn im 14.–16. Jahrhundert (Wiesbaden, 1973).

36. Bak, János and Király, Béla (eds.), From Hunyadi to Rákóczi: War and Society in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary (Brooklyn, 1982). /631/

37. Domonkos, Leslie S., The Political and Cultural History of Hungary in the Age of Matthias Corvinus (New York, 1966).

38. Fügedi, Erik, Kings, Bishops, Nobles and Burghers in Medieval Hungary (London, 1986).

39. Fügedi, Erik, The Elefánthy. The Hungarian Nobleman and His Kindred (Budapest, 1998).

40. Gerevich, László, The Art of Buda and Pest in the Middle Ages (Budapest, 1971).

41. Held, Joseph, Hunyadi, Legend and Reality (Boulder, 1985).

42. Mályusz, Elemér, Kaiser Sigismund in Ungarn 1387–1437 (Budapest, 1990).

43. Nehring, Karl, Matthias Corvinus, Kaiser Friedrich III. und das Reich (München, 1989).

44. Vardy, S. В., Grosschmid, Géza and Domonkos, Leslie S. (eds.), Louis the Great, King of Hungary and Poland (Boulder, 1986).

Начало новой истории

45. Balázs, Eva H. and Köpeczi, Béla (eds.), Noblesse française, noblesse hongroise. XVе–XIXе siècles (Budapest and Paris, 1981).

46. Daniel, David P., 'The Fifteen Years War and the Protestant Response to Habsburg Absolutism', East Central Europe/L’Europe du Centre-Est I–II (1981), pp. 38–51. /631/

37. Fekete, Lajos, Buda and Pest under Turkish Rule (Budapest, 1976).

38. Kosáry, Dominic, 'Gabriel Bethlen. Transylvania in the 17th Century', The Slavonic and East European Review, XVII (1938), pp. 162–74.

39. Molnár, Andrea, Fürst Stephan Bocskay als Staatsmann und Persönlichkeit (Munich, 1983).

40. Perjés, Géza, The Fall of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary: Mohács 1526–Buda 1541 (Boulder, 1989).

41. Slottman, William В., Ferenc Rákóczi II and the Great Powers (Boulder, 1997).

42. Sugar, Peter F., Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354–1804 (Seattle – London, 1977).

43. Székely, György and Fügedi, Erik (eds.), La Renaissance et la Réformation en Pologne et en Hongrie (Budapest, 1963).

От Просвещения к революции

44. Balázs, Eva H., Hungary and the Habsburgs 1765–1800. An Experiment in Enlightened Absolutism (Budapest, 1997).

45. Balázs, Eva H., Hammermayer, R. and Wagner, H. (eds.), Beförderer der Aufklärung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (Berlin, 1979).

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47. Barany, George, ‘Hoping against Hope: The Enlightened Age in Hungary”, American Historical Review LXXIX (1971), pp. 319–57.

48. Benda, Kálmán, ‘Probleme des Josephinismus und des Jakobinertums in der Habsburgermonarchie’, Südost-Forschungen (1966), 38–72.

49. Blanning, T.C.W., Joseph II (Cambridge, 1994).

50. Bödy, Paul, Joseph Eötvös and the Modernization of Hungary, 1840–1870 (Boulder, 1985).

51. Bona, Gábor (ed.), The Hungarian Revolution and War for Independence, 1848–1849. A Military History (Boulder, 1997).

52. Csáky, Moritz, Von der Aufklärung zum Liberalismus, Studien zum Frühliberalismus in Ungarn (Vienna, 1981).

53. Csáky, Moritz, ‘Joseph II’s Hungarian Land Survey’,English Historical Review (1991), 611–34.

54. Deák, István, The Lawful Revolution. Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848–1849 (New York, 1979).

55. Dickson, P.G.M., Government and Finance under Maria Theresia 1740–1780, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1987).

56. Evans, R.J.W., ‘Maria Theresa and Hungary’, in H. M. Scott (ed.), Enlightened Absolutism: Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe (London, 1990).

57. Haselsteiner, Horst, Joseph II und die Komitate Ungarns (Vienna, Cologna and Graz, 1983).

58. Kecskeméti, Charles, La Hongrie et la réformisme libéral. Problèmes politiques et sociaux (1790–1848) (Rome, 1989).

59. Király, Béla К., Hungary in the Late Eighteenth Century. The Decline of Enlightened Despotism (New York and London, 1969).

60. Kosáry, Domokos, Culture and Society in Eighteenth-Century Hungary (Budapest, 1987). /632/

61. Köpeczi, Béla, Hongrois et Français. De Louis XIV à la révolution française (Budapest, 1983).

62. Macartney, Carlile A., 'Hungary', in The European Nobility in the Eighteenth Century, ed. A. Godwin (London, 1953).

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64. Roider, Karl A., Maria Theresa (Englewood, N.J., 1973).

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66. Sugar, Peter F., ‘The Influence of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution in Eighteenth-Century Hungary’, Journal of Central European Affairs, XVII (1958), 331–55.

Век неоабсолютизма и дуализма

67. Вагапу, George, ‘Ungarns Verwaltung, 1848–1918’, in Wandruszka, Adam and Urbanitsch, Peter (eds.), Die Habsburgermonarchie, vol. VI (Vienna, 1987), 304–468.

68. Berend, T. Iván and Ránki, György, Hungary: A Century of Economic Development (New York, 1974).

69. Csáky, Moritz, Dei Kulturkampf in Ungam. Die kirchenpolitische Gesetzgebung der Jahre 1894/95 (Graz, 1967).

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73. Gerõ, András,The Hungarian Parliament (1867–1918). A Mirage of Power (Boulder, 1997).

74. Gluck, Mary, Georg Lukacs and His Generation, 1910–1918 (Cambridge, Mass., 1985).

75. Glatz, Ferenc (ed.), Hungarians and their Neighbours in Modem Times, 1867–1950 (Boulder, 1995).

76. Hanák, Péter, Ungarn in der Donaumonarchie (Vienna and Budapest, 1984).

77. Hanák, Péter, The Garden and the Workhop. Essays on the Cultural History of Vienna and Budapest (Princeton, 1998).

78. Hanák, Péter, (ed.), Die nationale Frage in der Österreich-Ungarischen Monarchie, 1900–1918 (Budapest, 1966).

79. Hoensch, Jörg К., Geschichte Ungarns 1867–1983 (Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne, Mainz, 1984), published in English as A History of Modem Hungary 1867–1986 (London and New York, 1988).

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86. Puskás, Julianna, From Hungary to the United States (1880–1914) (Budapest, 1982).

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88. Vermes, Gábor, István Tisza. The Liberal Vision and Conservative Statecraft of a Magyar Nationalist (NewYork, 1985).

89. Walter, Friedrich, Die Nationalitätenfrage im alten Ungarn (Munich, 1959).

Межвоенный период и Вторая мировая война

90. Baross, Gábor, Hungary and Hitler (Astor, Fla., 1970).

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100. Kertész, Stephen D., Diplomacy in a Whirlpool: Hungary between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia (Notre Dame, 1953).

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103. Macartney, Carlile A., October Fifteenth. A History of Modern Hungary 1929–1945, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1956).

104. Mócsy, István, The Effects of World War I. The Uprooted: Hungarian Refugees and Their Impact on Hungary's Domestic Politics (Boulder, 1983).

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