Барбара Такман - Загадка XIV века

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Collins Arthur. Life of Edward Prince of Wales, Commonly Called the Black Prince. London, 1740.

Collis Maurice. The Hurling Time. London, 1958. (Популярная книга по истории Англии 1337–1381 гг.)

Connolly James L. Jean Gerson, Reformer and Mystic. Louvain, 1894.

Contamine Philippe. Guerre, état et société à la fin du moyen age. Paris, 1972.

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Enlart Camille. Manuel d’archéologie française; vol. III, Le Costume. Paris, 1916.

Evans Joan. Art in Medieval France. Oxford University Press, 1948.

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Focillon Henri. The Art of the West in the Middle Ages, vol. II. New York, 1969.

Fossier Robert. La Terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu’ à la fin du XIIIe siècle. 2 vols. Paris, 1968.

Fowler Kenneth. The Age of Plantagenet and Valois. New York, 1967.

Fowler Kenneth. The King’s Lieutenant: Henry of Grosmont, First Duke of Lancaster, 1310—61. London, 1969.

Fowler Kenneth, ed. The Hundred Years War. London, 1971.

Frank Grace. The Medieval French Drama. Oxford, 1954.

Franklin Alfred. Dictionnaire historique des arts, métiers et professions. Paris, 1905.

Franklin Alfred. Les Rues et les cris de Paris au XIIIe siècle. Paris, 1874.

Franklin Alfred. La Vie privée d’autrefois, vol. I, L’Annonce et la réclame; vol. VII, Le Hygiene. Paris, 1890.

«Froissart and His Patrons». Times Literary Supplement, 11 December 1937.

Funk Arthur L. «Robert le Coq and Etienne Marcel». Speculum, October 1944.

Gabotto Ferdinando. L’Eta del Conte Verde in Piemonte, 1350—83, vol. XXXIII, Miscellanea di Storia ltaliana. N.p., 1895.

Gabriel Astrik L. «The College System in the 14th Century Universities», in Utley, q.v.

Gagniere Sylvain. The Palace of the Popes at Avignon. Trans. Caisse nationale des monuments historiques, 1965.

Gairdner James. Lollardy and the Reformation in England, vol I. London, 1908.

Gasquet Francis Aidan, Abbot. The Black Death of 1348 and 1349. 2nd ed. London,1908.

Gaupp Fritz. «The Condottiere John Hawkwood». History, March 1939.

Gautier Léon. La Chevalerie. Paris, 1890.

Gayley Charles M. Plays of Our Forefathers. New York, 1907.

Gazeau M. A. Les Bouffons. Paris, 1882.

Girvan Ritchie. «The Medieval Poet and His Public». English Studies Today, 1952.

Green, Mary Anne Everett (Mrs. J. R). Lives of the Princesses of England, vol. III. London, 1851.

Gregorovius Ferdinand. History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages, vol. VI. Trans. A. Hamilton. London, 1906.

Grosjean Georges. Le Sentiment national dans la guerre de cent ans. Paris, 1927.

Hale John, Roger Highfield, Beryl Smalley. Europe in the Late Middle Ages. London, 1965.

Hammer J. von. Trans., Histoire de l’empire ottoman, vol. I. Paris, 1836.

Hardy В. C. Philippa of Hainault and Her Times. London, 1910.

D’haucourt Geneviève. La Vie au moyen age. Paris, 1968.

Hay Denys. Europe in the 14th and 15th Centuries. London, 1966.

Hayward Fernand. Histoire de la maison de Savoie, 1000–1554. Paris, 1941.

Heamshaw F. J. C. «Chivalry and its Place in History», in Prestage, q.v.

HeckerJ. F. C. The Epidemics of the Middle Ages. Trans. London, 1844.

Heers Jacques. L’Occident aux XIVe et XVe siècles. Paris, 1970.

Henneman John B. «Militarism, Politics and Finance in Late Medieval France». Unpublished. 1976.

Henneman John B. Royal Taxation in Fourteenth Century France. Princeton University Press, 1971.

Henneman John B. «Soldiers, Society and State Finance in France, 1350–1450». Unpublished. 1974.

Herlihy David. Medieval and Renaissance Pistoia. Yale University Press, 1967.

Herlihy David. «Population, Plague and Social Change» in Molho, q.v.

Hewitt H. J. The Black Prince’s Expedition of 1355–1357. Manchester University Press, 1958.

Hewitt H. J. The Organization of War Under Edward III, 1338—62. Manchester University Press, 1966.

Hillairet Jacques. Cannaissance du vieux Paris. 3 vols. Paris, 1951—54.

Hillairet Jacques. Dictionnaire historique des rues de Paris, 2nd ed. in 2 vols. Paris, 1964.

Hilton R. H. Peasant Movements in England Before 1381. EHR, 2nd series, vol. II, no 2, 1949.

Honoré-Duvergé Suzanne. Participation navarraise à la bataille de Cocherel. Les Cahiers Vemonnais, no. 4, 1964.

Honoré-Duvergé Suzanne. «L’Origine do surnom de Charles le mauvais», in Mélanges a Louis Halphen, Paris, 1951.

The Horizon Book of the Middle Ages, Morris Bishop et al. London, 1968.

Hughes Dorothy W. Illustrations of Chaucer’s England. London, 1919.

Hughes Pennethome. Witchcraft. London, 1952.

Huizinga Johan. «The Political and Military Significance of Chivalric Ideas in the Late Middle Ages», в его же: Men and Ideas. Trans. New York, 1959.

Huizinga Johan. The Waning of the Middle Ages. London, 1968.

Hutchison Harold F. The Hollow Crown. London, 1961. (Richard II.)

Hutton James. James and Philip van Artevelde. London, 1882.

Hyma Albert. The Brethren of the Common Life. Michigan, 1930.

Ibn-Khaldoun. Histoire des Berbères, vol. III. Trans. Paris, 1934.

Jackson W. Т. H. The Literature of the Middle Ages. Columbia University Press, 1962.

Jacob E. F. Essays in Later Medieval History. Manchester University Press, 1968.

James M. R. «Twelve Medieval Ghost Stories». EHR, July 1922.

Jarrett Bede. The Emperor Charles IV. New York, 1935.

Jarrett Bede. Social Theories of the Middle Ages, 1200–1500. London, 1926.

Jarry Eugéne. «Le Retour de la croisade de Barbarie (1390)». EEC, vol. LTV, 2893.

Jarry Eugéne. La Vie politique de Louis de France, Due d’Orléans, 1372–1407. Paris, 1889.

Jarry Eugéne. «La „Voie de Fait“ et l’Allicince Franco-Milanese, 1386— 95». ВЕС, vol. LIII, 1892.

Joly M. A. «De la Condition des Vilains au Moyen Age d’après les fabliaux». Mémoires de l’Académie nationale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Caen, 1882.

Jones Michael. Ducal Brittany, 1364—99. Oxford University Press, 1970.

Jorga Nicolas. Philippe de Mézières, 1327–1405, et la croisade au XIVe siècle. Paris, 1896.

Jorgensen Johannes. Saint Catherine of Siena. London, 1938.

Jusserand J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1950. (Contains far more information than the title indicates.)

Keen Maurice. «Brotherhood in Arms». History, February 1962.

Keen Maurice. A History of Medieval Europe. New York, 1967.

Keen Maurice. The Laws of War in the Late Middle Ages. London, 1965.

Keen Maurice. «Robin Hood, a Peasant Hero». History Today, October 1958.

Kilgour Raymond L. The Decline of Chivalry as Shown in the French Literature of the Late Middle Ages. Harvard University Press, 1937.

Kirkland Dorothy. «The Growth of National Sentiment in France before the Fifteenth Century». History, June 1938.

Klemm Friedrich. A History of Western Technology. New York, 1959.

Kousev A. «Contribution à l’histoire des forteresses médiévales sur le bas Danube». Bull, du Musée national à Varna, vols. III and IV (XVIII–XIX), 1967—68.

Krollman Christian. The Teutonic Order in Prussia. Trans. Preussenverlag, 1938.

La Chesnaye-Desbois et Badier François A. A. de. Dictionnaire de la noblesse, vol. VI. Paris, 1865.

Lacroix Paul. France in the Middle Ages: Customs, Classes, and Conditions. Trans. New York, 1963.

Lagarde Georges de. La Naissance de l’esprit laique au déclin du moyen age. 6 vols. Paris, 1934—42.

Laguille Louis. Histoire de la province d’Alsace. Strasbourg, 1927.

Lea Henry Charles. A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. Rev, ed. in 3 vols. London and New York, 1906.

Leader-Temple John, Giuseppe Marcotti. Sir John Hawkwood: The Story of a Condottiere. London, 1889.

Lecarpentier Georges. «La Harelle, revolte rouennaise de 1382». Moyen Age, 2nd series, vol. VII, 1903.

Lefebvre des Noettes Richard. L’Attelage: le cheval de selle à travers let ages. 2 vols. Paris, 1931.

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