Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I - Джон Гай
Ibid. P. 317.
Guy J. A. Henry VIII and the Praemunire Manoeuvres of 1530–1531 // English Historical Review, 97. 1982. P. 481–503; Bernard G. W. The Pardon of the Clergy Reconsidered // Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 37. 1986. P. 258–282.
The Collectanea is BL Cotton MS Cleopatra E. VI, fos. 16–135, обнаружено и проанализировано в Nicholson G. D. The Nature and Function of Historical Argument in the Henrician Reformation. Unpublished Cambridge Ph. D. dissertation, 1977; Fox A. G., Guy J. A. Reassessing the Henrician Age: Humanism, Politics, and Reform, 1500–1550. Oxford, 1986. P. 151–178.
C. Whibley (ed.), Henry VIII [an edition of Hall’s Chronicle]. 2 vols.; London, 1904. ii. 185.
LP V, no. 171; Sir Thomas More: Neue Briefe / Ed. H. Schulte Herbriiggen. Munster, 1966. P. 97.
Guy. Public Career, aP. 2 (P. 207–212).
Ives E. W. Anne Boleyn. Oxford, 1986. P. 195–214.
Elton G. R. Studies tn Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. 3 vols.; Cambridge, 1974–1983. ii. 82–106.
Fox, Guy. Reassessing the Henrician Age. P. 162–163.
The House of Commons, 1509–1558 / Ed. S. T. Bindoff. 3 vols.; London, 1982. i. 10–11.
Elton G. R. The Tudor Constitution. Cambridge, 1960; 2nd edn., 1982. P. 364–365.
Scarisbrick J. J. Clerical Taxation in England, 1485 to 1547 // Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 11. 1960. P. 41–54.
Так в англиканстве именовался папа римский.
Elton G. R. Policy and Police: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell. Cambridge, 1972. P. 171–216.
Ibid. 231–243; Bevan A. S. The Role of the Judiciary in Tudor Government, 1509–1547. Unpublished Cambridge Ph. D. dissertation. 1985. chs. 7–8.
Elton. Policy and Police. P. 217–262.
Haigh C. Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire. Cambridge, 1975. P. 113; Bowker M. The Henrician Reformation: The Diocese of Lincoln under John Langland, 1521–1547. Cambridge, 1981. P. 137–139.
Miller H. Henry VIII and the English Nobility. Oxford, 1986. P. 68.
House of Commons, 1509–1558 / Ed. Bindoff. i. 12–13.
Chambers R. W. Thomas More. London, 1935; repr. 1957. P. 320; LP viii, no. 856. P. 326.
Fox, Guy. Reassessing the Henrician Age, p. 164.
Correspondence. Р. 498.
CWix. De Tristitia Christi / Ed. С. H. Miller. 2 vols.; New Haven, Conn., 1976. ii. 1073; Correspondence. Р. 498.
В 1537 году Уилсон принес клятву и был прощен; LPXII. i, no. 1330 (64).
Two Early Tudor Lives / Ed. Sylvester, Harding. P. 250.
Guy. Public Career. P. 75–77.
После расторжения брака короля с Екатериной Арагонской Мария была лишена титула принцессы Уэльской и объявлена бастардом. Та же участь постигла Елизавету, также вначале объявленную принцессой Уэльской, а затем бастардом. Ко времени женитьбы Генриха на Джейн Сеймур обе дочери короля считались незаконнорожденными, так как оба брака короля последовательно были признаны недействительными.
Warnicke R. M. Sexual Heresy at the Court of Henry VIII // Historical Journal, 30 (1987), 247–268; Ives. Anne Boleyn. P. 343–408.
Robertson M. L. Thomas Cromwell’s Servants: The Ministerial Household in Early Tudor Government and Society. Unpublished UCLA Ph. D. dissertation. 1975, fo. 316; The English Court: From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War / Ed. D. R. Starkey, London, 1987. P. 110–115.
Sir Thomas Wyatt: The Complete Poems / Ed. R. A. Rebholz. London, 1978. P. 155.
Elton. Policy and Police. P. 383–400.
Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers Relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, iv, pt. ii / Ed. P. de Gayangos. London, 1882. P. 623.
Youings J. The Dissolution of the Monasteries. London, 1971. P. 145.
Elton G. R. The Tudor Revolution in Government. Cambridge, 1953. P. 198; Schofield R. S. Parliamentary Lay Taxation, 1485–1547. Unpublished Cambridge Ph. D. dissertation. 1963. Table 40 (facing fo. 416); Kelly M. Canterbury Jurisdiction and Influence during the Episcopate of William Warham, 1503–1532. Unpublished Cambridge Ph. D. dissertation. 1963, fos. 312–313.
Elton. Studies, iii. 216–233; Alsop J. D. The Theory and Practice of Tudor Taxation // English Historical Review, 91. 1982. P. 5–7.
Dietz F. C. English Public Finance, 1485–1641. 2 vols., Urbana, Ill., 1921; 2nd edn., London, 1964. i. 137–149; Knowles D. The Religious Orders in England, iii. The Tudor Age. Cambridge, 1959; repr. 1971. P. 393–401; Youings. Dissolution of the Monasteries. P. 117–131; Fisher H. A. L. The History of England from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of Henry VIII. 2nd edn., London, 1913, aP. 2. P. 499.
Starkey D. Court and Government // Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. C. Coleman, Starkey. Oxford, 1986. P. 45–46; The English Court / Ed. Starkey. P. 96–98.
Elton. Tudor Constitution. P. 143–144; The English Court / Ed. Starkey. P. 97–98.
LP XVII, no. 267; Starkey. Court and Government. P. 45; Alsop. Theory and Practice of Tudor Taxation. P. 19; The English Court / Ed. Starkey. P. 97–98.
Dietz, i. 130.
Gasquet F. A. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. London, 1906. Table at p. 360 n. 1. По какой-то причине роспуск Уолтема откладывался, великий грабеж действительно завершился в январе 1540 года.
Knowles. Religious Orders, iii. 389–392, 402–417; Swales T. H. The Redistribution of the Monastic Lands in Norfolk at the Dissolution // Norfolk Archaeology, 34 /1. 1966. P. 14–44.