Анатолий Фоменко - Империя – II

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[1072] «Claudii Ptolemaei Phelusiensis Alexandrini». Anno Salutis, 1528.

[1073] «Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Alexandrini omnia quac extant opera», 1551 год.

[1074] Clemens J?cle. «Speyer Cathedral». – Verlag Scgnell & Steiner CMBH Regensburg. Regensburg, 1997.

[1075] Clinton H.F. «Fasti Hellenici, a civil and litterary chronology from the earlest times to the death of Augustus». – Oxford, 1830-1841.

[1075:1] [Codices illustres]. Ingo F.Walther, Norbert Wolf. «Codices illustres. The world's most famous illuminated manuscripts. 400 to 16001». – 2001 TASCHEN GmbH. K?ln, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo.

[1076] Copernici N. «Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium». Lib. VI. – Ed. by G. Loachimi. Thoruni, 1873.

[1077] Corbinianus. «Firmamentum Firmianum». – 1731. (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).

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[1078:0] Coremans P.B. «Van Meegeren's Faked Vermeers and de Hooghs». – Amsterdam, 1949.

[1078:1] Cornelius a' Wytfliet. Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum sive Occidentis notitia brevis commentario. Louvain 1597. With an introduction by R.A.Skelton. Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm. A Series of Atlases in Facsimile. First Series – Volume V. Amsterdam, 1964. N.Israel/Publisher – Meridian Publishing Co. MCMLXIV. Printed in the Netherlands.

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[1083] Danit Hadary-Salomon (Project Editor). «2000 years of pilgrimage to the Holy Land». – AC Alfa Communication Ltd., 1999. Israel. Printed in the Holy Land.

[1084] «Das M?nster zu Bonn. The Bonn Minster». Former Collegiate Church of SS.Cassius and Florentius. Series: «Kleine Kunstf?rer». Achnell, Art Guide No.593 (of 1954). Second English Edition 1997. – Verlag Schnell & Steiner GmbH Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 1997.

[1085] David Daniel. «Let there be light. William Tyndale and the making the English Bible». – London, The British Library, Great Russell Street, London WCIB 3DG. 1994. A British Library Exhibition at The Huntington. November 19, 1996 – February 7, 1997.

[1086] Davidovits Joseph. «Alchemy and Pyramids. The Book of Stone». Vol.1. – Geopolymer Institute, France, USA, 1983, ISBN 2-902933-09-6.

[1087] Davidovits Joseph. «Alchemy and pyramids». Translated from the French by Andrew Claude James and Jacqueline James. Rev.ed. Que le Khnoum prote`ge Khe'ops constructeur de pyramide. – Saint Quentin, France: Geopolymer Institute, 1983. Miami Shores, Fla., U.S.A.: Geopolymer Institute, Barry University: Institute for Applied Archaeological Science, Barry University, 1984.

[1088] Davidovits Joseph. «Amenhotep, Joseph and Solomon». 1st ed. – Miami Shores, Fla., U.S.A.: Geopolymer Institute, Barry University: Institute for Applied Archaeological Science, Barry University, 1984.

[1089] Davidovits Joseph. «Que le dieu Khnoum prote'ge Khe'ops constructeur de pyramide: histoire de la civilisation E'gyptienne de 3500 e' 1500 ans avant J.-C.». – Saint-Quentin (16, rue Galile'e, 02100), J.Davidovits, 1978.

[1090] Davidovits Joseph. «Le calcaire des pierres des Grandes Pyramides d'E'gypte serait un be'ton ge'opolyme're vieux de 4.600 ans.» Re'sume' des cours-confe'rences tenus en 1983 et 1984. – Revue des Questions Scientifiques, 1986, vol.156(2), pp.199-225.

[1091] Davidovits Joseph. «No more than 1,400 workers to build the Pyramid of Cheops with man-made stone». – 3rd Int. Congress of Egyptologists. Toronto, Canada, paper AA-126, publie' dans Appendix 3 de Davidovits, 1983.

[1092] Davidovits Joseph and Morris Margie. «The pyramids: en enigma solved». – New York: Hippocrene Books, 1988. (4 printings). Later by Dorset Press, New York, 1989, 1990.

[1092:1] Davidovits J., Davidovits F. «The Pyramids. An Enigma Solved». 2-nd revised edition – Институт геополимеризации, Париж, Франция, [email protected], 2001. (Книга опубликована в электронном виде и продается через Интернет.)

[1093] Davidovits J., Thodez J., Hisham Gaber M. 1984. «Pyramids of Egypt Made of Man-Made Stone, Myth or Fact?» – Symposium on Archeometry 1984, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA, abstract, 26-27.

[1094] Davies Nartin. «The Gutenberg Bible». – The British Library.

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[1095] Degrassi A. «Fasti Capitolini», 1954; «I Fasti consolari dell'-impero romano», 1952.

[1096] Delambre J.B. «Historie de l'Astronomie». 2 vols. – Paris, 1817.

[1097] Delambre J. «Histoire de l'Astronomie moderne». 2 vols. Paris, 1821.

[1098] «Della origine et ruccessi degli Slavi, oratione di M.V.Pribevo, Dalmatino da Lesena, etc. et hora tradotta della lingua Latina nell'Italiana da Bellisario Malaspalli, da Spalato». – Venetia, 1595.

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[1099] «Der Marienschrein im Dom zu Aachen». – Domkapitel Aachen, M?rz 2000. Die Publikation dieses Sonderheftes erfolgt durch die Gr?nenthal GmbH, Aachen.

[1100] «Description de l'Egypte. Publie'e sous les ordes de Napole'on de Bonaparte. Description de l'E'gypte ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont e'te' faites en Egypte pendant l'expe'dition de l'Arme'e francaise publie' sous les ordes de Napole'on Bonaparte». Bibliothe`que de l'Image. Inter-Livres. 1995.

[1101] Desroches-Noblecourt Christiane. «Life and Death of a Pharaoh Tutankhamen». – London, Penguin Books, 1963.

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[1102] Dheily J. «Dictionaire Biblique». – Ed.Desclec.Tournai, 1964.


[1103] «Dialogus Historicus Palladii episcopi Helenopolis cum Theodoro». Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Patrologiae Graecae. T.LVII. – J.-P. Migne, 1858.

[1104] «Die Bibel. Oder die Ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten and Neuen Testaments». Nach der ?berzetzung Martin Luthers. – W?rttembergische Bibelanstalt, Stuttgart. 1967.

[1105] «Die Weihnachtsgeschichte. Nacherz?hlt in Bildern aus der Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana». – Belser Verlag, Stuttgart, Z?rich, 1993.

[1106] «Dom Betrachtung». Die Hochgr?ber im Ko»lner Dom. 4. – Herausgeber: Dompfarramt – Dompfarrer Rolf Breitenbruch, Domkloster 3, 50667, K?ln.

[1107] Douais C. «L'Inquisition, sus origenes, sa procedure». – Paris, 1906.

[1108] Dreyer, J.L.E. «On the Origin of Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars». – Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1917, No.77, pp.528-539.

[1109] Dreyer, J.L.E. «On the Origin of Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars». Second Paper. – Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1918, No.78, pp.343-349.

[1110] Duden «Ethymologie»: Herkunfsw?rterbuch der deutschen Sprache. – Mannheim, Wien, Z?rich: Dudenverlag. 1989 (2. Aufl).

[1111] Duncan A.J. «Quality control and industrial statistics». – N.Y.: Irwin, 1974.

[1112] Dupont-Sommer A. «Les ecript essentiens decouverts pies de la mer morte». – Paris, 1957.

[1113] Dupuis C. «The origin of all religious worship». – New Orleans, 1872.

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[1114] Duvernoy Jean. «Le catharisme». Volume I: «La religion des Cathares». Volume II: «Histoire des Cathares». – Privat, Toulouse, 1976 and 1979. Re-published 1986.

[1115] Duvernoy Jean, Labal Paul, Lafont Robert, Martell Philippe, Roquebert Michel. «Les Cathares en Occitanie». – Fayard, 1981.

[1116] Eduard Van Ermen. «The United States in Old Maps and Prints». – Atomium Books. Wilmington USA, 1990.

[1116:1] «E'gypte». – Molie`re, Art Image, Paris, 1998. Imprime' en Italy. (Большой альбом с фотографиями египетских древностей; автор текста не указан).

[1117] Eichler Anja-Franziska. «Albrecht D?rer. 1471-1528». – K?nemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, 1999, Germany.

[1118] «Encyclopaedia Britannica; or, a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, compiled upon a new Plan. In which the different Sciences and Arts are digested into distinct Treatises or Systems; and the various Technical Terms, etc. are explained as the occur in the order of the Alphabet. Illustrated with one hundred and sixty coperplates». By a Society of Gentlemen in Scotland. In three volumes. – Edinburgh: Printed for A.Bell and C.Macfarquhar. M.DCC.LXXI (1771).

[1118:1] «Encyclopaedia Britannica». On-line version, 2001. Электронная версия Британской Энциклопедии.

[1118:2] Eudel P. «Le Truquage». – Paris, 1887.

[1118:3] Eudel P. «Trucs et Truqueurs». – Paris, 1907.

[1119] Evans James. «On the Origin of the Ptolemaic Star Catalogue». Part 1. – Journal for the History of Astronomy. Vol.18, Part 3, August 1987, No.54, pp.155-172.

[1120] Evans James. «On the Origin of the Ptolemaic Star Catalogue». Part 2. – Journal for the History of Astronomy. Vol.18, Part 4, November 1987, No.55, pp.235-277.

[1121] «Ex Annalibus Melrosensibus». Ed. F. Liebermann, R:Pauli. – MGH SS, T.XXVII. Hannoverae, 1885, p. 439.

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[1122] Fatih Cimok. «Hagia Sophia». – Istanbul, A turizm yayinlari. 1995.

[1123] Fatih Cimok. «Hagia Sophia». – Istanbul, A turizm yayinlari. 1985.

[1124] Fergusson G.I. «Reduction of atmospheric radiocarbon concentration by fossil fuel carbon dioxide and the mean life of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere». – Proc. Royal. Soc. Lond. 1958, 243 A, pp. 561-574.

[1124:1] Fideler David. «Jesus Christ, Son of God. Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism». – Quest Books. The Theosophical Publishing House. Wheaton, Ill. USA. Madras, India/ London, England. 1993.

[1125] Filarete Antonio Averlino. «Tractat ?ber die Baukunst». – Wien, 1890.

[1126] Fischer Fr. «Thucydidus reliquiae in papyris et membranis aigiptiacis servatae». – Lipsiae, 1913.

[1127] «Fl?sse im Herzen Europas. Rhein-Elbe-Dona?. – Kartenabteilung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Dr.Ludwig Reichert Verlag. Wiesbaden. 1993.

[1128] Fomenko А.Т. «The jump of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation». – Celestial Mechanics. 1981, Vol.29. pp.33-40.

[1129] Fomenko A.T. «Some new empirico-statistical methods of dating and the analysis of present global chronology». – 1981. The British Library. Department of printed books. Cup. 918/87.

[1130] Fomenko А.Т. «New empirico-statistical dating methods and statistics of certain astronomical data». – Тезисы Первого Всемирного Конгресса Общества математической статистики и теории вероятностей им. Бернулли. М., Наука, 1986, т.2, с.892.

[1131] Fomenko А.Т. «Duplicates in mixed sequences and a frequency duplication principle. Methods and applications». – Probability theory and Мathematical statistics. Proceeding of the Fourth Vilnius Conference (24-29 June 1985) – VNU Science Press, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1987, v.16, pp.439-465.

[1132] Fomenko А.Т. «Empirico-Statistical Methods in Ordering Narrative Texts». – International Statistical Review. 1988. Vol.566, No.3. pp.279-301.

[1133] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. «When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in „Almagest“ compiled in reality?» – Preprint, No.1989-04, ISSN 0347-2809. Dept. of Math. Chalmers Univ. of Technology, The University of Goteborg. Sweden.

[1134] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. «When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in „Almagest“ compiled in reality? Statistical Analysis». – Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989. Vol.17, pp.203-229.

[1135] Fomenko A.T. «Mathematical Statistics and Problems of Ancient Chronology. A New Approach». – Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989. Vol.17, pp.231-256.

[1136] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. «Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating Ptolemy's Almagest». – CRC Press. 1993. USA.

[1137] Fomenko A.T. «Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Applications to Historical Dating». Volume 1: «The Development of the Statistical Tools». Volume 2: «The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records». – Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. The Netherlands.

[1138] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. «The dating of Ptolemy's Almagest based on the coverings of the stars and on lunar eclipses». – Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1992. vol.29, pp.281-298.

[1139] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. «Statistical analysis and dating of the observations on which Ptolemy's „Almagest“ star catalogue is based». – In: Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Proc.of the Fifth Vilnius Conference. 1990, Moklas, Vilnius, Lithuania; VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, vol.1, pp.360-374.

[1140] Fomenko A.T., Rachev S.T. «Volume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle». – Computers and the Humanities. 1990. vol.24, pp.187-206.

[1140:1] [Fomenko] Anatoly T.Fomenko. «History: Fiction or Science?». Chronology 1. – Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2003.

[1141] Frank E.Manuel. «Isaac Newton Historian». – The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963.

[1142] Franke Peter Robert, Paar Ilse. «Die Antiken M?nzen der Sammlung Heynen. Katalog mit Historischen Erl?uterungen». Landschaftsmuseum Krefeld-Burglinn. – Rheinland-Verlag GMBH, K?ln, in Kommission bei Rudolf Habelt Verlag GMBH, Bonn, 1976.

[1143] Friar Diego de Landa. «Yucatan before and after the Conquest». – Translated with notes by William Gates. – San Fernando, 1993, Atrio de San Francisco 67, Col. San Francisco Coyaca'n Me'xico, D.F.

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