» » » » Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков

Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков

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cit. Vol. 1. P. 434.


Childs J. Op. cit. P. 35–36, 84; Terry C.S. Op. cit. P. 348–349.


Фадеева И.В. Восстание Монмаута. С. 63, 68–74; Western J.R. The English Militia in the Eighteenth Century. P. 54.


Childs J. Op. cit. P. 84.


Гордон П. Дневник, 1684–1689. С. 107–108.


Там же. С. 104–106, 108; «Зело народ груб и противо Королевского Величества дерзок». С. 27.


«Зело народ груб и противо Королевского Величества дерзок». С. 27; CSPD. James II. 1687–1689. Р. 324; Luttrell N. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 459.


Childs J. Op. cit. P. 85–86; Western J.R. Monarchy and Revolution. P. 127.


CSPD. James II. 1685. P. 279; CSPD. James II. 1686–1687. P. 214; Earl of Clarendon to John Ellis. London, June 7th, 1688//Ellis, letters. Vol. 1. P. 350–351.


Wood A. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Р. 271.


CSPD. James II. 1686–1687. Р. 287; CSPD. James II. 1687–1689. Р. 344.


Luttrell N. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 457–462,471; Wood A. Op. cit. Vol. 3. P. 220.


Manning R.B. Op. cit. P. 347; Western J.R. Monarchy and Revolution. P. 133.


CSPD. James II. 1687–1689. P. 289, 296, 301, 313.


Western J.R. Monarchy and Revolution. P. 129.


Luttrell N. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 480–481.


CSPD. James II. 1687–1689. Р. 296, 298, 302–303, 315, 324–325, 331, 338; A Diary or Memorye [in the handwriting of Roger Kenyon] where my Lord Derby has been each day, with some observations of what he hath transacted on several accounts, and how corresponded, since the day before Michaelmas last, 1688//The Manuscripts of Lord Kenyon. P. 202; Reresby J. Op. cit. P. 273, 278, 286–288, 294–295.


The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James, generally known by the Name of the Chevalier de St. George. 1692//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. 2. P. 634–638.


Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 211.


Linklater M., Hesketh C. Op. cit. P. 81; Terry C.S. Op. cit. P. 102.


М. Barillon to the King. May 14, 1685//Fox C. J. Op. cit. P. xcix-c.


Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 214.


The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James, geeraly known by the name of the Chevalier de St. George. 1692//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 634; Letter of John Drummond of Lundin, first earl of Melfort, Secretary of the State to the Duke of Hamilton. London, 3rd December 1685//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton… P. 171; Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 214; Turner F.C. James II. P. 369.


The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James…//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. 2. P. 635.


Гэлы — население северной и северо-западной Шотландии, говорящее на одном из языков кельтской группы.


The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James…//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. 2. P. 634–635.


Leslie C., Ridpath G. Op. cit. P. 8.


Councils letter about the Earl of Argyle s jurisdiction, January 31 st, 1682//Wodrow R. Op. cit. Vol. 3. P. 361; Veitch W. Memoirs//SDM. P. 301.


Letter from the Privy Council of Scotland to Colonel Grahame of Claverhouse//Claverhouse, letters. P. 95; Letter from the Privy Council of Scotland to King James the Seventh//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 15; A Report by the Marquis relative to his Instructions [c. September 1684]//Ibid. P. 12.


The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James, generally known by the name of the Chevalier de St. George. 1692//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 635.




Река Туид служит природной границей между Англией и Шотландией.


Turner К.С. Op. cit. Р. 366–367, 369–370.


Сен-Симон Л.Р. Указ. соч. С. 658.


Turner Е.С. James II. Р. 370–371, 376–377.


Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 213.


Bulloch J.M., Skelton C.O. Gordons under Arms. A Biographical Muster Roll of Officers named Gordon in the Navies and Armies of Britain, Europe, America and in the Jacobite Risings. Aberdeen, 1912. P. 106; Keltie J.S. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 346.


Letter from the Privy Council to the Marquis of Athole. Edinburgh, 27st May [1685]//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 14; the Same to the Same. 8 June [1685]//Ibid. P. 15; Two Letters from George, first Duke of Gordon, dated Strathfillan on 14 and 15 June 1685//Ibid. P. 19.


Губернатор замка — в данном случае имеется в виду комендант.


Anonymous Letter to

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