» » » » Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков

Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков

Читать бесплатно Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков. Жанр: История год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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наследственное право на владение поместьем по старшинству, подобно немецкому von и французскому и испанскому de. В отечественной историографии традиция упоминания предлога of заложены ведущими специалистами по истории Шотландии Д.Г. Федосовым и О.Я. Ноздриным.


Correspondence Relating to Non-Jurors (1691)//A Constitution in Making (16601714). P. 90–93.


Memorials and Letters Illustrative of the Life and Times of John Graham Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee: in 3 v./ed. by M. Napier. Edinburgh; L., 1859–1862.


The Tanner Letters: Original Documents and Notices of Irish Affairs in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Extract from the Collection in Bodleian Library, Oxford/ed. by C. McNeill. Dublin, 1943.


Letters Written during the Years 1686, 1687, 1688, and Addressed to John Ellis, Esq. Secretary to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Revenue in Ireland. Comprising Many Particulars of the Revolution, and Anecdotes Illustrative of the History and Manners of Those Times: in 2 v./ed. by Lord Dover. L., 1831. Vol. 1 (далее — Ellis, letters).


The Rawdon Papers, consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, Literary, Political, and Ecclesiastical, to and from Dr. John Bramhall, Primate of Ireland. Including the Correspondence of Several Most Eminent Men during the Greater Part of the Seventeenth Century Faithfully printed from the Originals; and Illustrated with Literatury and Historical Notes/ed. by E. Berwick. L., 1819.


Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Ormonde (далее — CMMO). К. P. Preserved at Kilkenny Castle. New Series: in 8 v./Historical Manuscript Commission (Далее — HMC). L., 1911. Vol. 7; The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole, K.T., and the Earl of Home/HMC. L., 1891; The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton, К. T./HMC. L., 1887; The Manuscripts of the Earl of Dartmouth: in 3 v./HMC. L., 1887. Vol. 1, 3; The Manuscripts of J.M. Heathcote, Esq., Conington Castle/HMC. Norwich, 1899; The Manuscripts of Lord Kenyon/HMC. L., 1894; Report on the Manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, K.G., K.T., Presented at Monagu House, Whitehall: in 3 v./HMC. L., 1903. Vol. 2 (Далее — RMDBQ); Report on the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Lothian Presented at Blicking Hall, Norfolk/HMC. L., 1905.


Fox F.C. Op. cit. P. xxv.


Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 243.


The Memoirs of James II: His Campaigns as Duke of York, 1652–1660/ed. by A. Bryant, A.L. Sells. Bloomingston, 1962.


Life of James the Second, Written by Himself//Original Papers… Vol. 1. P. 16–262.


Ibid. P. 243–245.


Churchill W.S. Marlborough: His Life and Times: in 4 v. L., 1933. Vol. 1. P. 352–364.


Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 243–245.


Fitzjames J. Memoirs of the Marshal Duke of Berwick. Written by himself. With a summary Continuation from the Year 1716, to his Death in 1734. To this Work is prefixed a Sketch of an historical Panegyric of the Marshal, by the President Montesquieu; and explanatory Notes, and original Letters relative to the Campaign in Flanders, in 1708, are subjoined: in 2 v. L., 1779. Vol. 1.


Sheridan T. An Historical Account of some remarkable matters concerning King James the Seconds succession, Sunderland's contrivances and corruptions, Tyrconnell's getting the Government of Ireland, his proceedings there contrary to his Majesty's positive injunctions, and his particular malice against Sheridan, together with some passages relating to the public, the King's case and the management of affairs in Saint Germains, by the King's Ministers Lord Melfort, Lord Middleton and Mr., now Lord, Carryll. (Written in the year 1702)//Calendar of Stuart Papers… L., 1912. Vol. 6. P. 1–75. (В книге отсутствует общая пагинация).


Lindsay С. Memoirs touching the Revolution in Scotland, 1687–1690. Presented to King James II at St. Germains, 1690. Edinburgh, 1841.


Drummond J. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, Chief of the Clan Cameron. With an Introductory Account of the History and Antiquities of that Family and of the Neighbouring Clans. Edinburgh, 1842.


Leslie C., Ridpath G. Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee and the Highland Clans; with an Account of his Officers after they went to France. Together with the Massacre of Glencoe. Edinburgh, 1709.


Abbott R. The Narrative of Richard Abbott, A Servant of Caryll Lord Molyneux, containing an Account of his Apprehension, Imprisonment and Release. In the Years 1689–91. Manchester, 1864.


Гордон П. Дневник, 1635–1659/пер. с англ., примеч. Д.Г. Федосова. М., 2000; Его же. Дневник, 1659–1667/пер. с англ., примеч. Д.Г. Федосова. М., 2003; Его же. Дневник, 1677–1678/пер. с англ., примеч. Д. Г. Федосова; Его же. Дневник, 1684–1689/пер. с англ., примеч. Д.Г. Федосова, М., 2009.


Корб И.Г. Дневник путешествия в Московию (1698 и 1699 гг.): пер. с лат. СПб., 1906.


Burnet G. Bishop Burnets History of His Own Time: in 3 v. L., 1753.


Mackay H. Memoirs of the War Carried on in Scotland and Ireland, 1689–1745. With an Appendix of Original Letters. Edinburgh, 1833.


Mackenzie J. Mackenzies Memorials of the Siege of Derry Including His Narrative and its Vindication/ed. by W. D. Killen. Belfast; L., 1861; Walker G. A True Account of the Siege of London-Derry//Derriana: a Collection of Papers Relative to the Siege of Derry, and Illustrative of the Revolution of 1688/ed.

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