Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения - Станислав Геннадьевич Малкин
30. Ardnamorchan and Sunart [1727–1742] / Bruce, Alexander // BL. Add. MS. 33632 b
31. [Plan of] District of Fort Wm. [1728] / [Wade, George (Eng.)] // NLS. Acc.10497 Wade.58i
32. A Description of the Highlands of Scotland. The Situation of the several Clans and the Number of Men able to bear Arms, as also ye Forts [Fort William, Fort Augustus, and Fort George] lately Erected and Roads of Communication or Military Ways carried on by his Majesty’s command, with the Seats of the most considerable Nobility in the Low Country [1731] / Lemprière, Clement (DM) // NLS. Acc.11104. Map Rol.a.42 [BL. Maps K.Top.48.12]
33. Spey River [1732] / Adam, William (Architect) //BL. Maps K.Top.48.78
34. A Plan of the Country where the New Intended Road is to be made from the Barrack at Ruthven in Badenoth to Invercall in Brae Marr… [1735] // Avery, Joseph (Eng.); [Wade, George (Eng.)] // NLS. Acc.10497 Wade.58b
35. A Plan of Fort William in the Shire of Inverness, with the District as is described by the Occult lines markt with yellow & bounded by the River Navis [1736] / Wade, George (Eng.)] // NLS. Acc.10497 Wade.58p
36. An Exact Plan of His Majesty’s Great Roads through the Highlands of Scotland [1740] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.52
37. A Plan of Fort William Inverlochy and Maryburgh with the Fields and Waters thereabout [1740] //BL.MapsK.Top.50.42
38. A Plan of the Island of Mull with the adjacent Islands Drawen on the place [1741] / Johnson, Robert (Overseer) // NLS. MS 1648 Z.03/23a-b
39. An Exact Survey of Loch Eale bounded on the N.E. by Lochabor [i.e. Lochaber] and on the S.W. by Argour [Ardgour], shewing all the Towns, Houses, Rivers, Rivulets, Woods, Trees, Mountains, Glens, Bogs, Arable Ground and Passable Roads; and likewise the Depth of Water and Flowing of the Tide in the Loch (viz) from the Head of the Loch to the Current of Annot’ [1741] / [Hargrave, J[ohn] (Eng.)] //TNA. MR 1/498 [TNA. WO 78/1904]
40. A Map of the Roads between Innrsnait, Ruthvan of Badenock, Kiliwhiman, and Fort William, in the Highlands of North Brittain [1741] / [Lemprière, Clement (DM)] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.58.a
41. Kirkcudbright [1741] / Dury, Theodore (Eng.); Lemprière, C[lement] (DM) // TNA. MR 1/952
42. Inversnaid to Ruthven to Kiliwhimen to Fort William [1741] / Dumaresq, John 8c Bastide, John Henri (Eng.); Bastide, John Henri (DM) // NLS. MS 1648 Z.03/14c
43. A Plan, from Fort William at Maryburgh to Fort George, Inverness. Shewing all the Lakes and new made Road (between each Garrison) call’d the King’s Road [1742] // TNA. MR 1/496 [TNA. WO 78/1833]
44. A Map of the Kings Roads made by His Excellency General Wade in the Highlands of Scotland [1742] / Wade, George (Eng.); Cooper, R[ichard] (DM) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.54.a-b
45. A New and Correct Map of Loch-Lomund, with the Country Circumjacent being Part of Dumbarton-Shire, Argyle-Shire and Stirlingshire [1743] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top.48.47
46. [Unfinished] A drawn Map of the District of Cowal in the Shire of Argyle [1745] / [Edgar, William] // BL. Maps K.Top.49.26
47. [Unfinished] A drawn Map of the Districts of Cantyre and Knapdale in the Shire of Argyle [1745] / [Edgar, William] // BL. Maps K.Top.49.27
48. [An unfinished] Sketch of the Country between Loch Fine and Loch Lomond [1745] / [Edgar, William] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.46
49. The Course of The Kings Road making betwixt Dumbarton and Inverary, (so as to Cross no Ferrys,) with the Country Circumjacent [1745] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top.48.59
50. A drawn map of the Highlands of Scotland [between the Murray Firth on the north, Glasgow on the south, Inverary on the west, and Couper on the east, 1745] // BL. Maps K.Top.48.38
51. A New and Correct Map of Perthshire [ «Roads of Communication Through The Highlands With The Rivers, Bridges and adjacent Villages», 1745] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top.50.69
52. A New & Correct Mercator’s Map of North Britain [1745] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.); Watson, David (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.17-21
53. A New & Correct Mercator’s Map of North Britain carefully laid down from the Latest Surveys and Most approved Observations [with manuscript additions, 1745] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.) // TNA. MPF 1/247
54. An Exact Map of the Country about Perth, with the Course of the Rivers Tay and Ern etc. [1746] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top.50.72.1
55. Perspective view of his Majesty’s road over Corryarick Hills [1746] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.22
56. Plan of the Roads from Fort Augustus to Bernera, with the Country Adjacent [1746] / Paterson, Daniel (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.62
57. Plan of the roads from Fort Augustus to Bernera [1746] / Paterson, Daniel (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.63
58. Inverness with The adjacent Country, including to Nairn upon the East (with the Field of Battle near Culloden, Aprile 16, 1746) and the Kings Road to Fort-William upon the Southwest [1746] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top. 48.60.a-b
59. A map of the Kings Roads, Made by his Excellency General Wade in the Highlands of Scotland… [1746] / Willdey, Thomas; Cooper, Richard // NLS. Newman 1152(1)
60. March of the Royal Army in Scotland with an Exact Plan of their Different Encampments and the Country from Cullen to the Isle of Skie [Skye] [1746] / Paterson, D[aniel] (Eng.) // TNA. MR 1/491
61. A Map of the Roads of Communication through the Highlands; With the Rivers, Bridges, and adjacent Villages [1746] / Edgar, William // BL. Maps K.Top.48.56
62. A New Map of North Britain done by order of the Right Honourable the Earl of Albemarle, Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in Scotland [1746] / Elphinstone, John (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.48.22
63. A Map of Taynish, Duntaynish, Scotnish, Ardnafadbeg, Barbay, Ardnakog, Turbuskel, Upper Fernogh, Barna-shalog, Barbrack, Barbay in Ross, Ardbeg, Barcormick, and Kilmurrey, all contiguous, situate in the Shire of Argyle and kingdom of Scotland, belonging to Roger MacNeil, of Taynish, Esq. [1747]