Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков
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Hopkins P. Sham Plots and Real Plots in 1690s//Ideology and Conspiracy… P. 89–110.
Monod P.K. Jacobitism and the English People, 1688–1788. Cambridge; N. Y., 1989.
Ibid. P. 7–8, 11.
Monod Р.К. Dangerous Merchandise: Smuggling, Jacobitism, and Commercial Culture in Southeast England, 1690–1760//The Journal of British Studies. 1991. Vol. 30. № 2. P. 150–182; Idem. Jacobitism and Country Principals in the Reign of William III//HJ. 1987. Vol. 30. № 2. P. 289–310.
Lord E. The Stuarts' Secret Army: English Jacobites, 1689–1752. Harlow, 2004.
См. напр.: Джексон T.A. Борьба Ирландии за независимость/пер. с англ. Р.А Розенталь, Г.В. Конюшковой. М., 1949; Boyce D.G. Nationalism in Ireland. L.; Dublin, 1982. P. 87–90; Tanner M. Irelands Holy Wars: The Struggle for a Nationals Soul, 1500–2000. New Have; L., 2001.
Milligan С.D. History of Siege of Londonderry, 1689. Belfast, 1951.
Cм.: Boulger D.C. The Battle of the Boyne together with an Account Based on French and Other Unpublished Records of the War in Ireland (1688–1691) and of the Formation of the Irish Brigade in the Service of France. L., 1911; Ellis R.B. The Boyne Water: The Battle of Boyne, 1690. Belfast, 1989; Hayes-McCoy G.A. Irish Battles. L.; Harlow, 1969; Murtagh H. The War in Ireland, 1689–1691//Kings in Conflict: The Revolutionary War in Ireland and its Aftermath, 1689–1750/ed. by W. A. Maguire. Belfast, 1990. P. 61–91; Pearsall A.W.H. War at Sea//Ibid. P. 92–105.
Simms J.G. The Williamite Confiscation in Ireland, 1690–1703. L., 1956.
Simms J.G. Jacobite Ireland, 1685–91. L.; Toronto, 1969.
Simms J.G. War and Politics in Ireland, 1649–1730. L., 1986.
См.: Bennett G.V. Conflict in Church//Britain after the Glorious Revolution/ed. by G. Holmes. L., 1969. P. 155–175; Goldie M. The Nonjurors, Episcopacy, and the Origins of the Convocation Controversy//Ideology and Conspiracy… P. 15–35; Lathbury T. A History of the Nonjurors: Their Controversies and Writings; with Remarks on Some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer. L., 1845; Overton J.H. The Nonjurors: Their Lives, Principals, and Writings. N. Y., 1903.
Goldie M., Jackson C. Williamite Tyranny and the Whig Jacobites//Redefining William III: The Impact of the King-Stadholder in International Context/ed. by E. Mijers, D. Onnekink. Burlington, 2007. P. 177–199.
Szechi D. The Jacobites: Britain and Europe, 1688–1788. P. 12.
Szechi D. A Blueprint for Tyranny? Sir Edward Hales and the Catholic Jacobite Response to the Revolution of 1688//EHR. 2001. Vol. 116. № 466. P 342–367; Idem. The Jacobite Theater of Death//The Jacobite Challenge. P 57–73.
Pittock M.G.H. The Culture of Jacobitism//Culture and Society in Britain, 1660–1800/ed. by J. Black. Manchester; N. Y., 1997. P 124–145; Idem. The Invention of Scotland: The Stuart Myth and the Scottish Identity, 1638 to the Present. L.; N. Y., 1991; Idem. Jacobitism. N.Y., 1998.
Aubrey P. The Defeat of James Stuarts Armada, 1692. Leicester, 1979; Jones G.H. The Main Stream of Jacobitism. Cambridge, 1954.
O'Callaghan J.C. History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France, from Revolution in Great Britain and Ireland under James II, to the Revolution in France under Louis XVI. Glasgow, 1885.
Grew E., Grew M.S. The English Court in Exile: James II at Saint-Germain. L., 1911.
Callow J. King in Exile. James II: Warrior, King and Saint. Thrupp, 2004.
A Court in Exile: The Stuarts in France, 1689–1718/E. Corp, E. Gregg, H. Erskine-Hill, G. Scott. Cambridge, 2004.
Genet-Rouffiac N. Le Grand Exil: les Jacobites en France, 1688–1715. Vincennes, 2008. H. Жене-Руффиак выпустила также несколько статей на английском языке: Genet-Rouffiac N. The Irish Jacobite Exile in France 1692–1715//The Dukes of Ormonde, 1610–1745/ed. by T.C. Barnard, J. Felon. Woodbridge, 2000. P. 195–209; Eadem. Jacobites in Paris and Saint-Germain-en-Laye//The Stuart Court in Exile and the Jacobites/ed. by E. Cruickshanks, E. Corp. L., 1995. P. 15–38.
Bruce M. Jacobite Relations with Peter the Great//The Slavonic and East European Review. 1936. Vol. 14. № 41. P. 343–362; Wills R. The Jacobites and Russia, 1715–1750. East Linton, 2002.
Dukes P., Herd G.P., Kotilaine J. Stuarts and Romanovs: The Rise and Fall of a Special Relationship. Dundee, 2008.
Ibid. P. 162–193.
Ibid. P. 175–176.
Dukes P. Scottish Soldiers in Muscovy//The Caledonian Phalanx in Russia/ed. by P. Dukes. Edinburgh, 1987. P. 9–23.
Pernal А.В. The London Gazette as a Primary Source for the Biography of General Patrick Gordon//Canadian Journal of History. 2003. URL: http://findarticles.eom/p/articles/mi_qa3686/is_l_38/ai_n29017252/?tag=content;coll (дата обращения: 24.02.2010).
Barbe L. Viscount Dundee. L., 19; Haile M. Queen Mary of Modena: Her Life and Letters. L., 1905; Hodges G. William Penn. Cambridge, 1901; Lang A. Sir George Mackenzie: Kigs Advocate, of Rosehaugh. His Life and Times, 1636(?)–1691. L., 1909; Linklater M., Hesketh C. John Graham of Claverhouse: Bonnie Dundee for King and Conscience. Edinburgh, 1992; Middleton D. The Life of Charles, 2nd Earl of Middleton. L., 1957; Morris M. Claverhouse. N.Y., 1887;