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Сильвия Энтони - Открытие смерти в детстве и позднее

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J. C. Flugel, Introduction to S. Anthony, The Child's Discovery of Death, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1940.

G. A. Foulds, 'Characteristic projection test responses in a group of defective delinquents', Brit.J. Psychol, 40, 3, 1950.

H. and H. A. Frankfort, J. A. Wilson and T. Jacobsen, Before Philosophy, University of Chicago Press, 1946; Penguin Books, 1949.

J. G. Frazer, (a) The Golden Bough, 12 vols, 1890.

(b) The Belief in Immortality, 1913.

(c) The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion, Macmillan, 1933.

A. Freud, (a) and D. Burlingham, War and Children, Imago, 1943.

(b) The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children, Imago, 1946.

S. Freud, Standard Edition of Psychological Works, 21 vols, J. Strachey (ed.), Hogarth Press, 1953.

(a) Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy, vol. 10, 1909.

(b) The Theme of the Three Caskets, vol. 12, 1913.

(c) Thoughts for the Times on War and Death, vol. 14, 1915.

(d) Mourning and Melancholia, vol. 14, 1917.

(e) The Uncanny, vol. 17, 1919 (1953 edn)

(f) Negation, vol. 19, 1925.

(g) The Future of an Illusion, vol. 21, 1933.

(h) and A. Einstein, Why War, League of Nations, 1932.

(i) Moses and Monotheism, 1939.

E. Fromm, Sigmund Freud's Mission, Harper, 1959.

J. Frosch and N. Ross, review of K. Eissler, The Psychiatrist and the Dying Patient, Annual Survey of Psychoanal., 6, International University Press, 1955.

D. A. E. Garrod and D. M. A. Bate, The Stone Age of Mount Carmel, vol. I, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1937.

A. van Gennep, The Rites of Passage, 1909; trans. M. B. Vizedom and G. L. Caffee, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960.

A. Gesell, 'Child psychology', E. Seligman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 1930.

E. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1776 (also the anonymous Introduction to 1808 edn)

E. Gibson and S. Klein, Murder 1957 to 1968, H.M.S.O., 1969.

E. Gilson, History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, Sheed & Ward, 1955.

D. V. Glass, Introduction to Malthus, Watts, 1953.

J. W. Goethe, Faust, I, trans. P. Wayne, Penguin Books, 1969.

G. S. W. Gorer, Death, Grief and Mourning in Contemporary Britain, Cresset Press, 1965.

E. Grosse, Father and Son, Heinemann, 1906.

H. Graham, Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes, E. Arnold, 1909 J. Graunt, see С. H. Hull

R. Griffiths, A Study of Imagination in Early Childhood, Kegan Paul, 1935.

W. Grimm, Märchen, Berlin, 1843 (numerous English translations)

M. Grotjahn, 'The representation of death in the art of antiquity and in the unconscious of modern men', С. B. Wilbur and W. Muen-sterberger (eds), Psychoanalysis and Culture, International University Press, 1951.

M. Guyau, La Genese de Vidée de temps, Paris: Alcan, 1890.

F. J. Hacker, contribution to H. Feifei (ed.), q.v. (a) G. Stanley Hall, et al, Aspects of Child Life and Education, Appleton, 1921.

E. Halley, (a) 'An estimate of the degrees of mortality of mankind.. ', Philosophical Transactions, 196, vol. 17, 1693/4.

(b) 'Some further considerations. ', Phil Transs., 198, vol. 17, 1693/4 ( or see A. Wolf below) J. L. and B. Hammond, The Town Labourer, Longmans Green, 1917.

S. I. Harrison, et al, 'Children's reactions to bereavement: adult confusions and misperceptions', Arch. gen. Psychiatry, 17, 5, 1967.

J. Hastings, 'Death', Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 1908.

A. Heidel, The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels, University of Chicago Press, 1946.

W. Henderson, Folklore of the Northern Counties, Satchell, Peyton, 1879.

I. Hermann, 'A study of G. T. Fechner', abstract in Psychoanal. Rev., 24, 1937.

Herodotus, The History, trans. G. Rawlinson, annot. A. W. Lawrence, Nonesuch Press, 1935 (see also trans. A. de Selincourt, Penguin Books, 1954, IV, 26)

G. Highet, Poets in a Landscape, Penguin Books, 1959.

O. W. Hill, 'The association of childhood bereavement with suicidal attempt in depressive illness', Brit. J. PsychiaL, 113, 1969.

F. H. Hilliard, 'The influence of religious education upon the development of children's moral ideas', Brit. J. Ed. Psychol, 2g, 1, 1959.

L. T. Hogben, Statistical Probability, Allen & Unwin, 1957.

S. Holmes (ed.), 'The Wisdom of Solomon', R. H. Charles (ed.), q. v. Homer, Iliad, trans. E. V. Rieu, Penguin Books, 1950.

G. M. Hopkins, Poems (1876-188$), 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, 1930.

Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Odes, I, 28.

W. H. Howell, Textbook of Physiology, 12th edn, W. B. Saunders, 1933.

J. Huang, (a) 'Children's conceptions of physical causality', J. Genet, Psychol, 63, 1943.

(b) and H. W. Lee, 'Experimental analysis of children's animism', J. Genet. Psychol, 66, 1945.

C. H. Hull, Economic Writings of Sir W. Petty together with the Observations. more probably by Capt. J. Graunt, Cambridge University Press, 1899.

D. Hume, (a) An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, IV, 2.

(b) A Treatise of Human Nature, quoted D. G. C. McNabb, q.v.

J. S. Huxley, (a) Evolution, a Synthesis, Allen & Unwin, 1942.

(b) see J. M. Tanner (b)

E. Hyman, 'Psychoanalysis and the climate of tragedy', H. Feifei (ed.), q. v. (a)

B. Inhelder, see (a) J. Piaget (k), and (b) J. M. Tanner (b) N. Isaacs, 'Children's why questions', in S. Isaacs, q.v. (b)

S. Isaacs, (a) The Social Development of Young Children, Routledge, 1930.

(b) Intellectual Growth in Young Children, Routledge, 1931.

G. Jahoda, 'Child animism: a critical survey of cross-cultural research', J. Soc. Psychol, 47, 1958.

W. James, Principles of Psychology, Macmillan, 1890.

J. Janeway, A Token for Children: being an Exact Account of the. Exemplary Lives, and Joyful Deaths of several young Children .

E. Jones, (a) 'The significance of the grandfather', Papers on Psychoanalysis, 4th edn, 1938.

(b) The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, 3 vols, Hogarth Press, 1955.

C. G. Jung, (a) The Psychology of the Unconscious, 1915, trans. B. Hinkle, 1951.

(b) The Development of Personality, trans. R. F. C. Hull, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1954.

(c) Collected Works, trans. R. F. C. Hull, Routledge & Kegan Paul. A. Kaldegg, 'Responses of German and English secondary school boys to a projection test', Brit.J. Psychol, 39, 1, 1948.

D. and R. Katz, Conversations with Children, trans. H. S. Jackson, Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner, 1936 S. Kierkegaard, (a) Journals, trans. A. Dru, Collins, 1958 (b) The Concept of Dread, trans. W. Lowrie, Oxford University Press, 1944.

H. D. F. Kitto, The Greeks, Penguin Books, 1951.

G. Klingberg, 'The distinction between living and not-living among 7– to 10-year-old children', J. Genet. Psychol, 90, 1957.

W. F. Jackson Knight, Cumaean Gates, Blackwell, 1936.

A. Koestler, 'The age of discretion', The Listener, 1960.

P. A. Kropotkin, Mutual Aid, Heinemann, 1902.

R. G. Kuhlen and M. Arnold, 'Age differences in religious beliefs and problems during adolescence', J. Genet. Psychol, 64, 1944.

K. M. J. Lagerspetz, 'Aggression and aggressiveness in laboratory mice', S. Garattini and E. B. Sigg (eds), Aggressive Behaviour, Milan, May, 1968.

E. R. Leach, 'The epistemological background of Malinowski's empiricism', R. Firth (ed.), Man and Culture, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957.

J. Lehmann, I Am My Brother, Longmans Green, 1960 M. Lerner, America as a Civilization, Jonathan Cape, 1958.

C. T. Lewis and T. A. Ingram, 'Insurance', Encyclopedia Britannica, nth edn

H. S. Liddell, 'Experimental neuroses in animals', J. M. Tanner (ed.), q.v. (a)

E. Lindemann, 'Psycho-social factors as stressor agents', J. M. Tanner (ed.), q.v. (a) K. Lorenz, see J. M. Tanner

(b) St Luke, see New Testament D. McCarthy, 'Language development in young children', L. Carmichael (ed.), q.v.

E. McCormick, 'Last, loneliest, most loyal', K. Sinclair (ed.), Distance Looks our Way, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1961.

T. D. McCown and A. Keith, The Stone Age of Mount Carmel, vol. 2, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1939.

D. G. C. McNabb, David Hume, Hutchinson, 1951.

D. G. Macrae, Ideology and Society, Heinemann, 1961.

B. A. Mäher, Principles of Psychopathology, McGraw Hill, 1966.

B. Malinowski, (a) Magic, Science and Religion Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press, 1948 (b) see

E. R. Leach T. R. Malthus, (a) Essay on Population, ist edn, 1798; K. Boulding (ed.), University of Michigan Press, 1959.

(b) A Summary View of the Principle of Population, ist edn, 1830; reprinted in On Population: Three Essays, New American Library, 1956.

(с) see D. V. Glass A. Manes, 'Insurance', E. Seligman (ed.), q.v.

R. R. Marett, Faith, Hope and Charity in Primitive Religion, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932.

P. Marris, Widows and their Families, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958.

K. Marx and F. Engels, The Communist Manifesto, ist edn, 1848.

M. Mead, (a) 'Research on primitive children', L. Carmichael (ed.)

(b) 'An investigation of the thought of primitive children', J. Roy. Anthrop. Institute, 62, 1932.

(c) and M. Wolfenstein, Childhood in Contemporary Cultures, University of Chicago Press, 1955.

F. K. and R. V. Merry, The First Two Decades of Life, Harper, 2nd edn, 1958.

S. Milgram, (a) 'Behavioural study of obedience', J. Ahn. Soc. Psychol, 67, 2, 1963.

(b) 'Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority', Human Relations, 18, 1, 1965.

N. Miller, 'Learning of visceral and glandular responses', Science, 163, 1969.

J. Mitford, The American Way of Death, Hutchinson, 1963.

M. de Montaigne, Essais, III, 12, trans. J. Cohen, Penguin Books, 1958.

E. Morante, Arturos Island, Italian edn, 1957; Collins, 1959.

W. Morgan, Introduction to The Works of Richard Price, D.D., F.R.S., 1816.

S. Morgenstern, 'La pensée magique chez l' enfant', Revue franc, de psycho-anal, 7, I, 1937.

О. H. Mowrer, (a) 'A stimulus-response analysis of anxiety and its role as a reinforcing agent', Psychol Rev., 45, 1939.

(b) Learning Theory and Personality Dynamics, 1950 N. L. Munn (ed.), The Evolution and Grow th of Human Behaviour, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955.

A. Munro and A. B. Griffiths, 'Further data on childhood parent-loss in psychiatric normals', Acta Psychiat. Scand., 44, 4, 1968.

G. Murphy, discussion in H. Feifel (ed.) q.v. (b)

F. W. H. Myers, Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death, Longmans Green, 1919.

M. Nagy, 'The child's theories concerning death', Genet. Psychol, 73, 1948.

J. Needham, (a) Time, the Refreshing River, Allen & Unwin, 1943.

(b) Human Law and the Laws of Nature in China and the West, Oxford University Press, 1951.

(c) review of P. Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, New Statesman, 7 November 1959.

New Testament, Books of: St Luke, Revelations.

Old Testament, (a) Books of, canonical: II Chronicles, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Ezekiel, Genesis, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, Judges, II Kings, Micah, Psalms; Authorized Version (King James). On Job, see also (b)

(b) Books of, apocryphal: II Maccabees, Tobit, Wisdom of Solomon; Authorized Version, and R. H. Charles (ed.), q.v. On Enoch, see R. H. Charles

R. B. Onians, The Origins of European Thought about the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time and Fate, Cambridge University Press, 1954.

I. and P. Opie, The Lore and Language of School Children, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959.

P. Opie, 'The tentacles of tradition', Advancement of Science, 20, 85, 1963.

F. T. Palgrave (ed.), The Golden Treasury, ist edn, 1861.

B. Pascal, Pensées, quoted by G. Poulet, q.v.

B. Pasternak, (a) Doctor Zhivago, trans. M. Hayward and Manya Harari, Collins & Harvill, 1958.

(b) An Essay in Autobiography, Collins & Harvill, 1959.

I. P. Pavlov, Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes, 2 vols, trans. W. H. Gantt, New York: International Publishers W. Petty, see С. H. Hull

J. Piaget, (a) The Language and Thought of the Child, trans. M. Gabain, 3rd edn, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1959.

(b) The Child's Conception of the World, trans. J. and A. Tomlinson, Kegan Paul, 1929.

(c) The Child's Conception of Casuality, trans. M. Gabain, Kegan Paul, 1930.

(d) Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood, trans. C. Gattegno and M. M. Hodgson, Heinemann, 1951.

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