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Николас Карр - Стеклянная клетка. Автоматизация и мы

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5. Arthur L. Kellermann and Spencer S. Jones. What It Will Take to Achieve the As-Yet-Unfulfilled Promises of Health Information Technology // Health Affairs 32, 2013. № 1. Р. 63–68.

6. Ashly D. Black et al. The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Health Care: A Systematic Overview // PLOS Medicine 8, 2011. № 1. UPL: http://www. %2Fjournal.pmed.1000387.

7. Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin et al. The Benefits of Health Information Technology: A Review of the Recent Literature Shows Predominantly Positive Results // Health Affairs 30, 2011. № 3. Р. 464–471.

8. Dean F. Sittig et al. Lessons from ‘Unexpected Increased Mortality after Implementation of a Commercially Sold Computerized Physician Order Entry System // Pediatrics 118, 2006. № 2. Р. 797–801.

9. Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband. Obama’s $80 Billion Exaggeration // Wall Street Journal, 2009. March 12. См. статью тех же авторов: Off the Record – Avoiding the Pitfalls of Going Electronic // New England Journal of Medicine 358, 2008. № 16. Р. 1656–1658.

10. См.: Fred Schulte. Growth of Electronic Medical Records Eases Path to Inflated Bills. Center for Public Integrity, 2012. September 19. UPL: http://www. public; Reed Abelson et al. Medicare Bills Rise as Records Turn Electronic // New York Times, 2012. September 22.

11. Daniel R. Levinson. CMS and Its Contractors Have Adopted Few Program Integrity Practices to Address Vulnerabilities in EHRs. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, 2014. January. UPL: http://www.–11–00571.pdf.

12. Danny McCormick et al. Giving Office-Based Physicians Electronic Access to Patients’ Prior Imaging and Lab Results Did Not Deter Ordering of Tests // Health Affairs 31, 2012. № 3. Р. 488–496. Специалисты изучали результаты лечения больных сахарным диабетом в течение пяти лет в двух клиниках, в одной из которых была внедрена система электронного ведения медицинской документации, а в другой – нет. Выяснилось, что врачи первой клиники назначали больше анализов, но не добились лучшего контроля содержания глюкозы в крови. «Полученные данные позволяют предположить, что, несмотря на значительное повышение стоимости лечения, электронная система ведения медицинской документации не смогла обеспечить решающего улучшения качества лечения», – написали ученые.

Patrick J. O’Connor et al. Impact of an Electronic Medical Record on Diabetes Quality of Care // Annals of Family Medicine 3, 2005. №. 4. July. Р. 300–306.

13. Timothy Hoff. Deskilling and Adaptation among Primary Care Physicians Using Two Work Innovations // Health Care Management Review 36, 2011. № 4. Р. 338–348.

14. Schulte. Growth of Electronic Medical Records.

15. Hoff. Deskilling and Adaptation.

16. Danielle Ofri. The Doctor vs. the Computer // New York Times, 2010. December 30.

17. Thomas H. Payne et al. Transition from Paper to Electronic Inpatient Physician Notes // Journal of the American Medical Information Association 17, 2010. Р. 108–111.

18. Ofri. Doctor vs. the Computer.

19. Beth Lown and Dayron Rodriguez. Lost in Translation? How Electronic Health Records Structure Communication, Relationships, and Meaning / Academic Medicine 87, 2012. № 4. Р. 392–394.

20. Emran Rouf et al. “Computers in the Exam Room: Differences in Physician-Patient Interaction May Be Due to Physician Experience,” Journal of General Internal Medicine 22, no. 1 (2007): 43–48.

21. Avik Shachak et al. Primary Care Physicians’ Use of an Electronic Medical Record System: A Cognitive Task Analysis // Journal of General Internal Medicine 24, 2009. № 3. Р. 341–348.

22. Lown and Rodriguez. Lost in Translation?

23. См.: Saul N. Weingart et al. Physicians’ Decisions to Override Computerized Drug Alerts in Primary Care // Archives of Internal Medicine, 2003. November 24. Р. 2625–2631; Alissa L. Russ et al. Prescribers’ Interactions with Medication Alerts at the Point of Prescribing: A Multi-method, In Situ Investigation of the Human – Computer Interaction // International Journal of Medical Informatics 81, 2012. Р. 232–243;

M. Susan Ridgely and Michael D. Greenberg. Too Many Alerts, Too Much Liability: Sorting through the Malpractice Implications of Drug-Drug Interaction Clinical Decision Support // Saint

Louis University Journal of Health Law and Policy 5, 2012. Р. 257–295; David W. Bates. Clinical Decision Support and the Law: The Big Picture // Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law and Policy 5, 2012. Р. 319–324.

24. Atul Gawande. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right. N. Y.: Henry Holt, 2010. Р. 161–162.

25. Lown and Rodriguez. Lost in Translation?

26. Jerome Groopman. How Doctors Think. N. Y.: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Р. 34–35.

27. Adam Smith. The Wealth of Nations. N. Y.: Modern Library, 2000. Р. 840.

28. Там же. Р. 4.

29. Frederick Winslow Taylor. The Principles of Scientific Management N. Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1913. Р. 11.

30. Там же. Р. 36.

31. Hannah Arendt. The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Р. 147.

32. Harry Braverman. Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. N. Y.: Monthly Review Press, 1998. Р. 307.

33. Краткий обзор дебатов по поводу книги Бравермана см.: Peter Meiksins. Labor and Monopoly Capital for the 1990s: A Review and Critique of the Labor Process Debate // Monthly Review. 1994. November.

34. James R. Bright. Automation and Management. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1958. Р. 176–195.

35. Там же. Р. 188.

36. James R. Bright. The Relationship of Increasing Automation and Skill Requirements // Technology and the American Economy, Appendix II: The Employment Impact of Technological Change. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1966. Р. 201–221.

37. George Dyson. Комментарии см. на:, 2008. July 11. UPL: http://www. course/carr_google.html#dysong.

38. Доходчивое объяснение принципов машинного обучения см. в шестой главе книги: John MacCormick’s. Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today’s Computers. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.

39. Max Raskin and Ilan Kolet. Wall Street Jobs Plunge as Profits Soar. Bloomberg News, 2013. April 23. UPL: http://www.–04–24/ wall-street-jobs-plunge-as-profits-soar-chart-of-the-day.html.

40. Ashwin Parameswaran. Explaining the Neglect of Doug Engelbart’s Vision: The Economic Irrelevance of Human Intelligence Augmentation // Macroresilience, 2013. July 8. UPL: http://www. explaining-the-neglect-of-doug-engelbarts-vision/.

41. См.: Daniel Martin Katz. Quantitative Legal Prediction – or – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Preparing for the Data-Driven Future of the Legal Services Industry // Emory Law Journal 62, 2013. № 4. Р. 909–966.

42. Joseph Walker. Meet the New Boss: Big Data // Wall Street Journal, 2012. September 20.

43. Franco “Bifo” Berardi. The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Automation Los Angeles: Semiotext (e), 2009. Р. 96.

44. A. M. Turing. Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals // Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 45, 1939. № 2239. Р. 161–228.

45. Там же.

46 Hector J. Levesque. On Our Best Behaviour // Lecture delivered at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Beijing, China, 2013. August 8.

47. См.: Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. N. Y.: Random House, 2012. Р. 416–419.

48. Donald T. Campbell. Assessing the Impact of Planned Social Change // Occasional Paper Series. Public Affairs Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. 1976. December. № 8.

49. Viktor Mayer-Schцnberger and Kenneth Cukier. Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think. N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. Р. 166.

50. Kate Crawford. The Hidden Biases in Big Data // HBR Blog Network. 2013. April 1. UPL: http://www.

51. В опубликованной в 1968 году статье Уид писал: «Надо серьезно относиться к возможности использования новых компьютеров, если применение их позволит дешевле, полнее и точнее получать и сохранять данные обследования, экономя дорогое время работы врача». Lawrence L. Weed. Medical Records That Guide and Teach // New England Journal of Medicine 278, 1968. Р. 593–600, 652–657.

52. Gary Klein. Evidence-Based Medicine // Edge. 2014. January 14. UPL: http://www.

53. Lee Jacobs. Interview with Lawrence Weed, MD – The Father of the Problem-Oriented Medical Record Looks Ahead // Permanente Journal. 2009. № 3. 2009. Р. 84–89.

54. Michael Oakeshott. Rationalism in Politics // Cambridge Journal 1. 1947. Р. 81–98, 145–157. Эссе было опубликовано в вышедшей в 1962 году книге Окшотта: Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays. N. Y.: 1962. Basic Books.

Глава шестая. Мир и экран

1. William Edward Parry. Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. London: John Murray, 1824. Р. 277.

2. Claudio Aporta and Eric Higgs. Satellite Culture: Global Positioning Systems, Inuit Wayfinding, and the Need for a New Account of Technology // Current Anthropology 46, 2005. № 5. Р. 729–753.

3. Интервью Клаудио Апорты автору от 25 января 2012 года.

4. Gilly Leshed et al. In-Car GPS Navigation: Engagement with and Disengagement from the Environment. В книге: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. N. Y.: ACM, 2008. Р. 1675–1684.

5. David Brooks. The Outsourced Brain // New York Times, 2007. October 26.

6. Julia Frankenstein et al. Is the Map in Our Head Oriented North? // Psychological Science 23. 2012. № 2. Р. 120–125.

7. Julia Frankenstein. Is GPS All in Our Heads? // New York Times, 2012. February 2.

8. Gary E. Burnett and Kate Lee. The Effect of Vehicle Navigation Systems on the Formation of Cognitive Maps. В книге: Traffic and Transport Psychology: Theory and Application / Ed. Geoffrey Underwood. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005. Р. 407–418.

9. Elliot P. Fenech et al. The Effects of Acoustic Turn-by-Turn Navigation on Wayfinding // Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54, 2010. № 23. Р. 1926–1930.

10. Toru Ishikawa et al. Wayfinding with a GPS-Based Mobile Navigation System: A Comparison with Maps and Direct Experience // Journal of Environmental Psychology 28, 2008. № 1. Р. 74–82; Stefan Mьnzer et al. Computer-Assisted Navigation and the Acquisition of Route and Survey Knowledge // Journal of Environmental Psychology 26, 2006. № 4. Р. 300–308.

11. Sara Hendren. The White Cane as Technology // Atlantic, 2013. November 6. UPL: http://www.

12. Tim Ingold. Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description. London: Routledge, 2011. Р. 149–152.

13. Цитируется по статье: James Fallows. The Places You’ll Go // Atlantic, 2013. January/February.

14. Ari N. Schulman. GPS and the End of the Road // New Atlantis, 2011. Spring.

15. John O’Keefe and Jonathan Dostrovsky. The Hippocampus as a Spatial Map: Preliminary Evidence from Unit Activity in the Freely-Moving Rat // Brain Research 34, 1971. Р. 171–175.

16. John O’Keefe. A Review of the Hippocampal Place Cells // Progress in Neurobiology 13, 2009. № 4. Р. 419–439.

17. Edvard I. Moser et al. Place Cells, Grid Cells, and the Brain’s Spatial Representation System // Annual Review of Neuroscience 31, 2008. Р. 69–89.

18. См. Christian F. Doeller et al. Evidence for Grid Cells in a Human Memory Network // Nature 463, 2010. Р. 657–661; Nathaniel J. Killian et al. A Map of Visual Space in the Primate Entorhinal Cortex // Nature 491, 2012. Р. 761–764; Joshua Jacobs et al. Direct Recordings of Grid-Like Neuronal Activity in Human Spatial Navigation // Nature Neuroscience, 2013. August 4. UPL: http://www.

19. James Gorman. A Sense of Where You Are // New York Times, 2013. April 30.

20. György Buzsáki and Edvard I. Moser. Memory, Navigation and Theta Rhythm in the Hippocampal-Entorhinal System // Nature Neuroscience 16, 2013. № 2. Р. 130–138. См. также: Neil Burgess et al. Memory for Events and Their Spatial Context: Models and Experiments. В книге: Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research / Eds. Alan Baddeley et al. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 2002. Р. 249–268. Представляется примечательным, что одна из самых мощных мнемонических методик, разработанная еще в античную эпоху, предусматривает ассоциацию ментальных образов событий или фактов с определенными местами в доме или в городе. Запоминание фактов облегчается, если их связывают с конкретными местами даже в воображении.

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