Основы программирования в Linux - Мэтью Нейл
/* 17 */ int i = 0, j = 0;
/* 18 */ int s;
/* 19 */
/* 20 */ for(; i < n & s != 0; i++) {
/* 21 */ s = 0;
/* 22 */ for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
/* 23 */ if(a[j].key > a[j+1].key) {
/* 24 */ item t = a[j];
/* 25 */ a[j] = a[j+1];
/* 26 */ a[j+1] = t;
/* 27 */ s++;
/* 28 */ }
/* 29 */ }
/* 30 */ n--;
/* 31 */ }
/* 32 */ }
/* 33 */
/* 34 */ main()
/* 35 */ {
/* 36 */ sort(array,5);
/* 37 */ }
В этой версии есть проблема в строке 20, где вместо предполагаемого оператора && применяется оператор &. Далее приведен отредактированный пример вывода splint, выполненной с этой версией программы. Обратите внимание на то, как она обнаруживает проблемы в строке 20 — тот факт, что вы не инициализировали переменную s и что возможны проблемы с условием из-за некорректного оператора.
[email protected]:~/BLP4e/chapter10> <b>splint -strict debug0.c</b>
Splint 3.1.1 --- 19 Mar 2005
debug0.c:7:18: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
unqualified storage: array[0].data = "bill"
A read-only string literal is assigned to a non-observer reference. (Use -readonlytrans to inhibit warning)
debug0.c:8:18: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
unqualified storage: array[1].data = "neil"
debug0.c:9:18: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
unqualified storage: array[2].data = "john"
debug0.с:10:18: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
unqualified storage: array[3].data = "rick"
debug0.c:11:18: Read-only string literal storage used as initial value for
unqualified storage: array[4].data = "alex"
debug0.с:14:22: Old style function declaration
Function definition is in old style syntax. Standard prototype syntax is
preferred. (Use -oldstyle to inhibit warning)
debug0.с: (in function sort)
<i>debug0.c:20:31: Variable s used before definition</i>
<i> An rvalue is used that may not be initialized to a value on some execution</i>
<i> path. (Use -usedef to inhibit warning)</i>
debug0.с:20:23: Left operand of & is not unsigned value (boolean):
i < n & s != 0
An operand to a bitwise operator is not an unsigned values. This may have
unexpected results depending on the signed representations. (Use
-bitwisesigned to inhibit warning).
<i>debug0.c:20:23: Test expression for for not boolean, type unsigned int:</i>
<i> i < n & s != 0</i>
<i> Test expression type is not boolean or int. (Use -predboolint to inhibit </i>
<i> warning);</i>
debug0.с:25:41: Undocumented modification of a[]: a[j] = a[j + 1]
An externally-visible object is modified by a function with no /*@[email protected]*/
comment. The /*@modifies ... @*/ control comment can be used to give a
modifies list for an unspecified function. (Use -modnomods to inhibit
debug0.c:26:41: Undocumented modification of a[]: a[j + 1] = t
debug0.c:20:23: Operands of & are non-integer (boolean) (in post loop test):
i < n & s != 0
A primitive operation does not type check strictly. (Use -strictops to
inhibit warning)
debug0.с:32:14: Path with no return in function declared to return int
There is a path through a function declared to return a value on which there
is no return statement. This means the execution may fall through without
returning a meaningful result to the caller. (Use -noret to inhibit
debug0.с:34:13: Function main declared without parameter list
A function declaration does not have a parameter list. (Use -noparams
to inhibit warning)
debug0.с: (in function main)
debug0.с:36:22: Undocumented use of global array
A checked global variable is used in the function, but not listed in its
globals clause. By default, only globals specified in .lcl files are
To check all globals, use +allglobals. To check globals selectively use
/*@[email protected]*/ in the global declaration. (Use -globs to inhibit warning)
debug0.с:36:17: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained