Читай, пиши, управляй: блокчейн как новая эра интернета - Крис Диксон
Penenberg A.L. PS: I Love You. Get Your Free Email at Hotmail // TechCrunch, Oct. 18, 2009 // techcrunch.com/2009/10/18/ps-i-love-you-get-your-free-email-at-hotmail/.
Clover J. Apple Reveals the Most Downloaded iOS Apps and Games of 2021 // MacRumors, Dec. 1, 2021 // macrumors.com/2021/12/02/apple-most-downloaded-apps-2021.
Liao R., Shu C. TikTok’s Epic Rise and Stumble // TechCrunch, Nov. 16, 2020 // techcrunch.com/2020/11/26/tiktok-timeline/.
Chen A. How Startups Die from Their Addiction to Paid Marketing // @andrewchen, по состоянию на 1 марта 2023 г. (публикация от 7 мая 2018 г.) // andrewchen.com/paid-marketing-addiction/.
Riani A. Are Paid Ads a Good Idea for Early-Stage Startups? // Forbes, April 2, 2021 // forbes.com/sites/abdoriani/2021/04/02/are-paid-ads-a-good-idea-for-early-stage-startups/; Braun W. You Need to Lose Money, but a Negative Gross Margin Is a Really Bad Idea // daphni chronicles (blog), Medium, Feb. 28, 2016 // medium.com/daphni-chronicles/you-need-to-lose-money-but-a-negative-gross-margin-is-a-really-bad-idea-82ad12cd6d96; Damani A. Negative Gross Margins Can Bury Your Startup // ShowMeDamani (blog), Aug. 25, 2020 // showmedamani.com/post/negative-gross-margins-can-bury-your-startup.
Действительно, компаний в смысле корпоративных сетей за блокчейн-проектами зачастую нет, но есть некоммерческие организации – Ethereum Foundation, например, – которые так или иначе стимулируют и направляют развитие сети. В этом есть элемент большей децентрализации принятия решений, чем в корпоративных сетях, но вряд ли здесь децентрализация абсолютно такого же уровня, как и у протокольных сетей. Прим. науч. ред.
Достаточно общее утверждение. Например, на выезде из международного аэропорта Эзейза, Буэнос-Айрес, висит огромный баннер сети Algorand. Прим. науч. ред.
Kay G. The History of Dogecoin, the Cryptocurrency That Surged After Elon Musk Tweeted About It but Started as a Joke on Reddit Years Ago // Business Insider, Feb. 9, 2021 // businessinsider.com/what-is-dogecoin-2013-12.
Форк (англ. fork – ответвление) – изменение протокола, ведущее к разветвлению блокчейна. Прим. науч. ред.
Dogecoin // Reddit, Dec. 8, 2013 // reddit.com/r/dogecoin/.
Glum J. To Have and to HODL: Welcome to Love in the Age of Cryptocurrency // Money, Oct. 20, 2021 // money.com/cryptocurrency-nft-bitcoin-love-relationships/.
Introducing Uniswap V3 // Uniswap (blog), March 23, 2021 // uniswap.org/blog/uniswap-v3.
Thompson C. DeFi Trading Hub Uniswap Surpasses $1T in Lifetime Volume // CoinDesk, May 25, 2022 // coindesk.com/business/2022/05/24/defi-trading-hub-uniswap-surpasses-1t-in-lifetime-volume/.
Dale B. Uniswap’s Retroactive Airdrop Vote Put Free Money on the Campaign Trail // CoinDesk, Nov. 3, 2020 // coindesk.com/business/2020/11/03/uniswaps-retroactive-airdrop-vote-put-free-money-on-the-campaign-trail/.
Levy A., Rodriguez S. These Airbnb Hosts Earned More Than $15,000 on Thursday After the Company Let Them Buy IPO Shares // CNBC, Dec. 10, 2020 // cnbc.com/2020/12/10/airbnb-hosts-profit-from-ipo-pop-spreading-wealth-beyond-investors.html; Gartenberg C. Uber and Lyft Reportedly Giving Some Drivers Cash Bonuses to Use Towards Buying IPO Stock // Verge, Feb. 28, 2019 // theverge.com/2019/2/28/18244479/uber-lyft-drivers-cash-bonus-stock-ipo-sec-rules.
Hayward A. Flow Blockchain Now ‘Controlled by Community,’ Says Dapper Labs // Decrypt, Oct. 20, 2021 // decrypt.co/83957/flow-blockchain-controlled-community-dapper-labs; Stephanian L., Turley C. Optimizing Your Token Distribution // Jan. 4, 2022 // lstephanian.mirror.xyz/kB9Jz_5joqbY0ePO8rU1NNDKhiqvzU6OWyYsbSA-Kcc.
Томас Соуэлл, цит. по Perry M.J. Quotations of the Day from Thomas Sowell // American Enterprise Institute, April 1, 2014 // aei.org/carpe-diem/quotations-of-the-day-from-thomas-sowell-2/.
For Amusement Only: The Life and Death of the American Arcade // Verge, Jan. 16, 2013 // theverge.com/2013/1/16/3740422/the-life-and-death-of-the-american-arcade-for-amusement-only.
Orland K. How EVE Online Builds Emotion out of Its Strict In-Game Economy // Ars Technica, Feb. 5, 2014 // arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/02/how-eve-online-builds-emotion-out-of-its-strict-in-game-economy/.
Hillis S. Virtual World Hires Real Economist // Reuters, Aug. 16, 2007 // reuters.com/article/us-videogames-economist-life/virtual-world-hires-real-economist-idUSN0925619220070816.
Стив Джобс, цит. по: Schlender B. The Lost Steve Jobs Tapes // Fast Company, April 17, 2012 // fastcompany.com/1826869/lost-steve-jobs-tapes.
Sundararajan S. Billionaire Warren Buffett Calls Bitcoin ‘Rat Poison Squared’ // CoinDesk, Sept. 13, 2021 // coindesk.com/markets/2018/05/07/billionaire-warren-buffett-calls-bitcoin-rat-poison-squared/.
«Игра на понижение» (англ. The Big Short) – фильм Адама Маккея, посвященный событиям ипотечного финансового кризиса 2007–2008 годов. Сценарий фильма основан на книге Майкла Льюиса «Большая игра на понижение. Тайные пружины финансовой катастрофы». Прим. ред.
Mohamed T. ‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Slams NFTs with a Quote Warning ‘Crypto Grifters’ Are Selling Them as ‘Magic Beans’ // Markets, Business Insider, March 16, 2021 // markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/big-short-michael-burry-slams-nft-crypto-grifters-magic-beans-2021-3-1030214014.
Издана на русском языке: Перес К. Технологические революции и финансовой капитал. Динамика пузырей и периодов процветания. М.: Дело, 2013. Прим. ред.
Carlota Perez, Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages (Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar, 2014).
Gartner Hype Cycle Research Methodology // Gartner, по состоянию на 1 сентября 2023 г. // gartner.com/en/research/methodologies/gartner-hype-cycle. (Gartner and Hype Cycle are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved.)
Henton D., Held K. The dynamics of Silicon Valley: Creative destruction and the evolution of the innovation habitat // Social Science Information. 2013. Vol. 52 (4). Pp. 539–557 // journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0539018413497542.
Mazor D. Lessons from Warren Buffett: In the Short Run the Market Is a Voting Machine, in the Long Run a Weighing Machine // Mazor’s Edge (blog), Jan. 7, 2023 // mazorsedge.com/lessons-from-warren-buffett-in-the-short-run-the-market-is-a-voting-machine-in-the-long-run-a-weighing-machine/.
Churchill W. House of Commons speech, Nov. 11, 1947, цит. по Langworth R. Churchill By Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations. New York, N.Y.: PublicAffairs, 2008. Pp. 574.
Current Members and Testimonials // W3C, по состоянию на 2 марта 2023 г. // w3.org/Consortium/Member/List.
Introduction to the IETF // IETF, по состоянию на 2 марта 2023 г. // ietf.org/.
Russell A.L. ‘Rough Consensus and Running