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«Сайнфелд», сезон 5, эпизод 18, премьера 28 апреля 1994 г., канал NBC // youtube.com/watch?v=sRZ5RpsytRA.
Американский комедийный телесериал, выходивший с 1989 по 1998 год. Прим. ред.
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Van Edwards V. How to Pick the Right Seat in a Meeting EVERY Time // Science of People, March 5, 2020 // scienceofpeople.com/seating-arrangement.
Lattimore K. The Effect of Seating Orientation and a Spatial Boundary on Students’ Experience of Person-Centered Counseling. Master’s thesis, Cornell University, August 19, 2013 // semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Effect-Of-Seating-Orientation-And-A-Spatial-On-Lattimore/2643c3d0a4e54e88e08d3cc91fde3625e2f2ead5.
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Knapp M. L., Hall J. A., Horgan T. G. Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, 8th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2014.
Ответы: 1. A; 2. A; 3. Г. Прим. автора.
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Aeon. How We Learn to Read Another’s Mind by Looking into Their Eyes // aeon.co/ideas/how-we-learn-to-read-anothers-mind-by-looking-into-their-eyes.
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