» » » » Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

Читать бесплатно Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский. Жанр: Менеджмент и кадры / Эзотерика год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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much water, which led to a large flood. Luckily no one was hurt, but for some time life was difficult near the main ashram in Puttaparthi.

The water in some parts of Puttaparthi was waist deep. It happened on the 96th birthday celebration of Sathya Sai Baba. Thus, God showed that Prema Sai Baba is already actively entering into the fullness of his global divine mission. Many Sai devotees were reverently looking forward to Sathya Sai Baba's 96th birthday.

As you remember, Sathya Sai Baba predicted that he would live to be 96 years old, although in reality he left the body at the age of 84 years. There were quite a few expectations and strange predictions associated with this date, the 96th year of Sathya Sai Baba's birth. There were even speculations among some followers that he would be physically resurrected on his 96th birthday.

Let me remind you that according to Indian reckoning of age, a child is already born at the age of one. Namely, therefore, the 96th anniversary of the birth of Sathya Sai was celebrated in Indian style in 2021 (in Western style it is 2022).

The festival was canceled due to the raging elements. It was clear to everyone that this meant something. It was a clear message from God, but only those who already knew about the incarnation of Prema Sai Baba could understand it.

In the same year, 2021, a historic event took place, which was the first pilgrimage of Prema Sai Baba to the sacred mountain Arunachala. There are two mountains in the world that are associated with the god, Shiva — these are Kailash and Arunachala. Kailash is located high in the mountains of Tibet (China), and Arunachala is in the very south of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Arunachala Mount is famous for many as the place where Ramana Maharshi (1879–1950) lived in the first half of the 20th century. There is also one of the world's largest temple complexes of the god, Shiva, which is called Arunachaleshvara. Prema Sai Baba visited this holy place on the day of a total solar eclipse. This day coincided with another special day called Shani Amavasya (Hindu festival associated with Saturn). This happened on December 3rd and 4th 2021.

The meaning of the solar eclipse and Shani Amavasya can be interpreted in different ways. In many ways, the significance of such astronomical events depends on your personal horoscope and level of spiritual development.

It would not be correct to say that such events are unambiguously favorable or negative. For example, the god, Shani (Saturn in Western astrology) is perceived by different people in very different ways.

There are many people in India who are terribly afraid of the god, Shani, because they believe he can destroy the fate of a person and bring many misfortunes.

Naturally, such a point of view is an ordinary prejudice based on a misunderstanding of the deep symbolism of the god, Shani. Each Vedic deity is an archetype and a symbol denoting the different aspects of consciousness, and different types of cosmic energy.

God Shani is the structure of life and systematic thinking. That is why this deity is credited with power over human destiny. Shani Amavasya is a day on which special spiritual opportunities arise in working on such qualities and abilities as a clear understanding of priorities, consistency, structure, and time management.

The same misunderstanding arises regarding the interpretation of solar or lunar eclipses. The sun in the Vedic tradition is associated with the god, Surya, who symbolizes leadership qualities, the embodiment of one's destiny, service, and many other wonderful qualities and potentials in a person. A solar eclipse can affect thinking and personality in many different ways, both positively and negatively.

We remember not only the very fact of Prema Sai Baba's visit to the sacred mountain of Arunachala, but also the importance of the days on which he made the pilgrimage. I was fortunate to accompany Prema Sai Baba on this trip.

It was quite obvious to me he not only enjoyed the journey like a child, but also carried out some important spiritual work on the subtle plane for the entire universe. During his pilgrimage, he made special prayers for the harmonization of the situation in all countries and for the well-being of all people.

Right at the foot of the mountain, he acquired a small stone statuette of Mahavatar Babaji, on which he performed the traditional ritual of worship. The divine boy, along with his older brother Keshan, brought flowers and milk, sacred ashes and incense to the statue of Mahavatar Babaji. They sang mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva and Mahavatar Babaji. It was amazing to watch Prema Sai Baba perform such worship.

Who can the Avatar worship? Everything was mysterious in this action, including the meaning and meanings of this sacred action. Returning home to his village, Prema Sai Baba performed several more worship ceremonies for Mahavatar Babaji.

During the pilgrimage, Prema Sai Baba visited the main temple of Lord Shiva at the foot of Mount Arunachala, which is called Arunachaleshvara. We also visited the tombs of three great sages who lived at the foot of the sacred mountain in the 20th century: Ramana Maharshi (1879–1950), Sheshadri Swamigal (1870–1929) and Yogi Ramsuratkumar (1918–2001).

30. Prema Sai Baba and Mahavatar Babaji

Starting from 2021, the boy Prema Sai Baba started frequently talking about Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal yogi from the Himalayas. What do we know about Babaji?

Mahavatar Babaji is the Himalayan Mahatma. Since the middle of the 20th century, a lot of publications about him have gradually appeared. Speculation has been made about his birth, life and mission, but Babaji remains a mystery.

Mahavatar Babaji is at the absolute level of enlightenment. He is a physically immortal master, which is the perfect stage of development, beyond human understanding. Around us, people are born, live life, and then die.

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