Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский
When I visit Goa, I always make a pilgrimage to the relics of St. Francis Xavier to practice prayers and meditation there. Undoubtedly, this is one of my favorite places in India.
During our stay in Goa, we suddenly lost a small envelope with several SIM cards. It was clear to us that no one could steal it, since there were no strangers in our villa. Intuition suggested this was another miracle and a joke of Prema Sai Baba.
The loss of such an important item as a SIM card was very difficult, since many accounts on the Internet were tied to them. We dug through the whole house where we stayed, but the envelope was nowhere to be found.
On the same day, Svetlana’s sunglasses disappeared. She wasn’t exactly sure where or how she lost them. She knew she might have just dropped them on the street, or perhaps even in the ocean.
After Goa, we returned to Doddamallur, to the home of Prema Sai Baba. As soon as we entered our room, the boy Prema Sai Baba immediately materialized the same envelope with the SIM cards inside.
He smiled and asked us, “Is this envelope important to you?” It became clear to us that our intuition did not fail us; it was indeed a divine game by Prema Sai Baba.
Joyfully receiving the envelope with the SIM cards, Svetlana immediately asked Prema Sai Baba to return the sunglasses as well. To this, the divine boy replied he did not take the sunglasses, and that they were taken by the ocean. Some may ask, why did he do it? Why waste energy teleporting SIM cards?
Any miracle of Sai has a deep spiritual meaning — the meaning of which is revealed over time. By this miracle, he showed that he completely controls every moment of our life, everything is under the control of God and there is no need to worry, because everything is a game of his Consciousness.
25. Teleportation of the brother
At the end of November 2021, an amazing event happened in the house. It all started with the fact that Prema Sai Baba lit up fireworks and crackers right in front of the house.
Out of fear due to the loud noises, a small dog named Bruno suddenly ran out of the gate of the house. The dog quickly ran towards the highway, which is a kilometer from the house. Prema Sai Baba ran after the dog with a few devotees.
Prema Sai Baba’s older brother, Keshan, also ran with everyone, running after the group of devotees at the very end. I also went after the dog. It was clear there was no need to hurry, as the main group of devotees, along with Prema Sai Baba, quickly ran along the road ahead. Consequently, I walked in the same direction behind the whole group.
Suddenly, Keshan physically disappeared and appeared three hundred meters ahead of everyone. Keshan instantly grabbed the runaway dog and returned the dog to Prema Sai Baba.
This great miracle was seen by several devotees who were present. On the same day, we decided to ask Prema Sai Baba and his brother about the miracle that had happened.
The older brother said he did not know anything and did not understand what we were asking him. Prema Sai Baba laughed. It became clear to everyone that he teleported his brother in front of everyone in order to return the runaway dog.
Again, the question arises about the meaning of everything that happened. The chain of events was very strange. In the beginning, cheerful explosions of fireworks, then the dog escape, and then the brother’s teleportation. Why did he do it? As always, this is a great mystery.
Everything in the universe is subject to the providence of God. Our ignorance causes us to perceive the physical world as real and unchanging, while everything is in a flux of constant impermanence. The most important thing is that these changes are subject to the Creator.
A couple of weeks after the story with his older brother, Keshan, Prema Sai Baba materialized a small medallion with the image of the goddess, Durga. Goddess Durga is a symbol of transformative spiritual energy, and she is also famous for her functions as a protector from potential negative influences.
It happened when Prema Sai Baba and I were sitting on the sofa in front of his house. Suddenly, he pointed to an empty space of the sofa between me and him, after which a small medallion appeared out of thin air on the sofa between us.
On the other side of the medallion was a symbol called the Sri Yantra. This is a symbol of the Sahasrara chakra, an energy point located at the top of the head. Meditation on the Sahasrara chakra grants enlightenment and leads to the realization of the original identity of the soul with God.
Sathya Sai Baba used numerous methods of materialization, which are now being used by Prema Sai Baba. One of these methods is the appearance of an object directly from the air in front of the person for whom this materialization is being performed. Such items are amulets that protect energetically and transmit special vibrations that help us on the spiritual path.
26. Prema Sai Baba in two bodies
There are several cases when Prema Sai Baba teleported his body or created his body double. The first of these cases involved Sharvani, a young woman from Kolkata who moved with her parents to the village of Doddamallur.
The story of this wonderful family is worthy of a separate book. Here, I will only mention they moved from their hometown of Calcutta to Doddamallur because Sai came to them several times in a dream and reported he had already been born