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Donald Trump is the savior of mankind - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович

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Donald Trump is the savior of mankind
Дата добавления:
17 сентябрь 2020
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Donald Trump is the savior of mankind - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович
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Donald Trump is the savior of mankind - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович краткое содержание

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On the planet Earth, the elves invade and occupy it. President Donald Trump becomes a jester in the harem of the goddess. But fate gives him a chance to

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 . CHAPTER? 6th

   The devil poked his forks into his eyes, the apples burst, liquid poured, and Donald Trump went blind. Then a few seconds later he regained the ability to see, however, every blinking caused an unbearable itch.

   Once again, they were a former billionaire and pop flew fast, and even more disgusting creatures fluttered toward them. Donald Trump looked at them carefully. The view is really nothing: naked, hairless and covered with a skull; burning eyes with infernal light; scrawny, like a severed nose with a black hole in the middle. And, perhaps, the most vile - the absence of the lower jaw, instead of which hang and move five thick in the form of a star of the devil tentacles. Here he and prinik to Donald, biting his lips with his teeth, giving his famous kiss in a suck. Then his hands-claws began to break the bones. Donald oyknul of acute pain in the elbows, he crushed the joints.

   "That's how primacy can be, let's drink to acquaintance."

  Sticking off the exhausted Trump, the monster reached out his hand to the bowl, and he instantly filled with wine. He poked her in the face.

   -Peace! - Barked the monster.

   And since Donald did not want to obey, the two demons grabbed his throat and squeezed his cheeks and opened his mouth. A terrible bitter liquid flowed into his throat. Young Trump cleared his throat and swallowed convulsively.

   - Come to the bottom. "The devils helped." When martyr Donald swallowed the whole stock, his stomach suddenly swelled. Inside, bubbling and burning. Then the liquid continued to expand until the belly and strong juvenile press burst.

   "That's how it will be with every sinner."

   Donald tore to pieces, his head was picked up, and began to play her football. It is extremely offensive when people humiliate you, beat you with hoofs, throw them. And if you hit the bar, it's completely offside. The head is ringing, the teeth, they fly out again and again, but then they are again overgrown. Donald seems that this fun lasts forever, not one month, but that's stopped, apparently the demon is fed up. They took, sewed his mutilated head and began sewing it with a stupid needle to the body.

   Then everything disappeared, and they were on the threshold of a garbage pit.

   "You're a former bum and you should know this."

   This smell of trash can not be confused with anything, only the concentration is excessive, the nose turns.

   It was evident how the lice, worms, furry beetles, sticky caterpillars floated and swarmed.

   Right in the pits the prisoners were desperately crawling; men and women. They resembled skeletons covered with solid skeleton, their wounds were coming out with pus.

   "Wow, awful!" Donald turned. And these for that.

   Waving the fiery pitchforks, the devil willingly replied:

   "They thought that man was sounding proud, but in reality they were only pitiful pygmies." Now their pride is downgraded. You see, what happens to those who do not want to recognize the supremacy of the great trolls. Now worms gnaw their bones, and this will go on forever, for the queen does not like the proud.

   Despite all the horror, Donald was curious:

   - And where are the greatest criminals of the past, for example Hitler?

   Damn the balloon, like a toad belly lapped:

   "Is that what you want to know?" Among light offenses, because the fact that he ruined a lot of people, it's so small. People are worthless, and killing, burning them is not a sin. But that he was a vegetarian and did not eat our sacred meat, it was counted as a plus. So now they do not torture him, he apparently serves our masters in another world.

   "What are gentlemen, such are servants." - Philosophically remarked Donald Trump.

   The shrill shrieked:

   "You, too, must take an example from Hitler. He was very obsequious and polite to the new masters. But you probably can not wait to find out what happened to the rest of the people, what we'll show you. But first, to pacify your pride, we will dip you into this nightmare.

   Donald Trump was tied up, tampered with a hook and dipped in a slop. Almost immediately on his wounds came down worms and other abominations. They gnawed at him so actively that a few minutes later Ivan left only one skeleton. Then, having set off, the meat was growing rapidly surprisingly, they again continued its devouring. But the worst thing is not this, but when they crawled in the wounds, the itching stood out not tolerable.

   After a while, Donald Trump himself began to rend these wounds, tear arteries and veins. As soon as he did not go insane, but reason could well be damaged.

   The devils scream mockingly again:

   "Okay, finish it, or you see, it's blissful." Let's work.

   Donald Trump picked up, threw a rope around his neck and dragged. The noose mercilessly strangled him, there was not enough air for his torn lung.

   - That the dog's collar is squeezing. Do not be obstinate.

   Donald Trump was in the desert, there he saw horribly withered people, many of them especially women could not but cause terrible sorrow. That's five of the very young guys dragging fifty tons of lump. This should not be the case for all physical laws, sitting on the stirrup of the devil beats them with a neutron whip. You can see the inhuman tension of each muscle, the veins are ready to burst.

   "This is not a cross for you, where you rest." Take care and you yourself. - Bes adds him to the lump.

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