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Вторая мировая война. Полная история - Мартин Гилберт

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Phillips C. E. Victoria Cross Battles of the Second World War. London, 1973.

Lund Paul, and Ludlam Harry. PQ 17, Convoy to Hell, the Survivors’ Story. London, 1968.

Macdonald John. Great Battles of World War II. London, 1986.

Macdonald J. F. The War History of Southern Rhodesia. 2 volumes. Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, 1947 and 1950.

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Mack Joanna, and Humphries Steve. The Making of Modern London 1939–1945. London, at War. London, 1985.

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Manning Paul. Hirohito, The War Years. New York, 1986.

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Maresch Boguslaw (editor). Stutthof Historic Guide. Gdansk, 1980.

Margry Karel. The Ambushing of SS-General Hanns Rauter // After the Battle. Number 56. London, 1987.

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Matsas Joseph. The Participation of the Greek Jews in the National Resistance (1940–1944). Janina, 1982.

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Mead Peter. Orde Wingate and the historians. Braunton, Devon, 1987.

Messenger Charles. The Commandos, 1940–1946. London, 1985.

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Michelis Meir. Mussolini and the Jews, German — Italian Relations and the Jewish Question in Italy. Oxford, 1978.

Middlebrook Martin. The Nuremberg Raid 30–31 March 1944. London, 1973.

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Milazzo Matteo J. The Chetnik Movement and the Yugoslav Resistance. Baltimore, 1975.

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Millar George. The Bruneval Raid, Flash-point of the Radar War. London, 1974.

Miller John Jr. United States Army in World War II, The War in the Pacific, Guadalcanal, The First Offensive. Washington D. C., 1949.

Mills Walter. This Is Pearl! The United States and Japan, 1941. New York, 1947.

Ministry of Information: Front Line, 1940–1941, The Official Story of the Civil Defence of Britain. London, 1942.

Ministry of Information: The Campaign in Greece and Crete. London, 1942.

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Mitcham Samuel W. Jr. Hitler’s Field Marshals and their Battles. London, 1988.

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Modelski Tadeusz. The Polish Contribution to the Ultimate Allied Victory in the Second World War. Worthing, Sussex, 1986.

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Mollo Andrew. Dachau // After the Battle. Number 27. London, 1980.

Molony Brigadier C. J. C. The Mediterranean and Middle East. Volume V, The Campaign in Sicily 1943 and the Campaign in Italy, 3rd September 1943 to 31st March 1944. London, 1973.

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Morgan-Witts Max, and Thomas Gordon. Ruin from the Air, The Atomic Mission to Hiroshima. London, 1977.

Morison Samuel Eliot. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. Volumes 1–15. London, 1948–1962.

Morton Louis. United States Army in World War II, The War in the Pacific, The Fall of the Philippines. Washington D. C., 1968.

Moss Norman. Klaus Fuchs, The Man who Stole the Atom Bomb. London, 1987.

Mrazek James E. The Fall of Eben Emael, Prelude to Dunkirk. London, 1972.

Mueller Ralph, and Turk Jerry. Report After Action, The Story of the 103D Infantry Division. Innsbruck, 1945.

Muggeridge Malcolm (editor). Ciano’s Diary 1939–1945. London, 1947.

Müller-Hill Benno. Murderous Science, Elimination by scientific selection of Jews, Gypsies, and others, Germany 1933–1945. Oxford, 1988.

Neave Airey. Saturday at M. I. 9, A history of underground escape lines in North-West Europe in 1940–1945 by a leading organiser at M. I. 9. London, 1969.

Nichols David (editor). Ernie’s War, The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches. New York, 1986.

North John. N-W Europe 1944–1945, The Achievement of 21st Army Group. London, 1953.

Novitch Miriam.

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