Отрицатели науки. Как говорить с плоскоземельщиками, антиваксерами и конспирологами - Ли Макинтайр
MacFarquhar N. Who’s Enforcing Mask Rules? Often Retail Workers, and They’re Getting Hurt // The New York Times. 2020. 15 мая. URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/us/coronavirus-masks-violence.html; Hutchinson B. ‘Incomprehensible’: Confrontations over Masks Erupt amid COVID-19 Crisis // ABC News. 2020. 7 мая. URL: https://abcnews.go.com/US/incomprehensible-confrontations-masks-erupt-amid-covid 19-crisis/story?id=70494577.
Yoder K. Russian Trolls Shared Some Truly Terrible Climate Change Memes // Grist. 2018. 1 мая. URL: https://grist.org/article/russian-trolls-shared-some-truly-terrible-climate-change-memes/; Timberg C. и др. These Provocative Images Show Russian Trolls Sought to Inflame Debate over Climate Change, Fracking and Dakota Pipeline // The Washington Post. 2018. 1 марта. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/03/01/congress-russians-trolls-sought-to-inflame-u-s-debate-on-climate-change-fracking-and-dakota-pipeline/; Leber R. и др. 7 Years Before Russia Hacked the Election, Someone Did the Same Thing to Climate Scientists // Mother Jones. 2018. Январь-февраль. URL: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/12/climategate-wikileaks-russia-trump-hacking/.
Johnson C.Y. Russian Trolls and Twitter Bots Exploit Vaccine Controversy // The Washington Post. 2018. 23 августа. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/08/23/russian-trolls-twitter-bots-exploit-vaccine-controversy/; Glenza J. Russian Trolls ‘Spreading Discord’ over Vaccine Safety Online // The Guardian. 2018. 23 августа. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/aug/23/russian-trolls-spread-vaccine-misinformation-on-twitter.
Eller D. Anti-GMO Articles Tied to Russian Sites, ISU Research Shows // Des Moines Register. 2018. 25 февраля. URL: https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/money/agriculture/2018/02/25/russia-seeks-influence-usa-opinion-gmos-iowa-state-research/308338002/; Cremer J. Russia Uses ‘Information Warfare’ to Portray GMOs Negatively // Cornell Alliance for Science. 2018. 28 февраля. URL: 2018, https://allianceforscience.cornell.edu/blog/2018/02/russia-uses-information-warfare-portray-gmos-negatively/.
Emmott R. Russia Deploying Coronavirus Disinformation to Sow Panic in West, EU Document Shows // Reuters. 2020. 18 марта. URL: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-disinformation/russia-deploying-coronavirus-disinformation-to-sow-panic-in-west-eu-document-says-idUSKBN21518F.
Kim A. Nearly Half of the Twitter Accounts Discussing ‘Reopening America’ May Be Bots, Researchers Say // CNN. 2020. 22 мая. URL: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/22/tech/twitter-bots-trnd/index.html.
Tucker E. US Officials: Russia behind Spread of Virus Disinformation // AP News. 2020. 28 июля. URL: https://apnews.com/3acb089e6a333e051dbc4a465cb68ee1.
The Coronavirus Gives Russia and China Another Opportunity to Spread Their Disinformation // The Washington Post. 2020. 29 марта. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-coronavirus-gives-russia-and-china-another-opportunity-to-spread-their-disinformation/2020/03/29/8423a0f8-6d4c-11ea-a3ec-70d7479d83f0_story.html; Wong E. и др. Chinese Agents Spread Messages That Sowed Virus Panic in U.S., Officials Say // The New York Times. 2020. 22 апреля. URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/22/us/politics/coronavirus-china-disinformation.html.
Milman O. Revealed: Quarter of All Tweets about Climate Crisis Produced by Bots // The Guardian. 2020. 21 февраля. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/feb/21/climate-tweets-twitter-bots-analysis; Bort R. Study: Bots Are Fueling Online Climate Denialism // Rolling Stone. 2020. 21 февраля. URL: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/bots-fueling-climate-science-denialism-twitter-956335/.
Хочет ли Цукерберг сделать Facebook «истиной в последней инстанции» или нет, столько людей получают новости с его сайта, что фактически это, пожалуй, уже так. Levy S. Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth – Whether He Likes It or Not // Wired. 2020. 5 июня. URL: https://www.wired.com/story/mark-zuckerberg-is-an-arbiter-of-truth-whether-he-likes-it-or-not/.
Romm T. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Says in Interview He Fears ‘Erosion of Truth’ but Defends Allowing Politicians to Lie in Ads // The Washington Post. 2019. 17 октября. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/10/17/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-says-interview-he-fears-erosion-truth-defends-allowing-politicians-lie-ads/.
Timberg C. и др. Facebook’s Fact-Checkers Have Ruled Claims in Trump’s Ads Are False – but No One Is Telling Facebook’s Users // The Washington Post. 2020. 5 августа. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/08/05/trump-facebook-ads-false/.
Murdock J. Most COVID-19 Misinformation Originates on Facebook, Research Suggests // Newsweek. 2020. 6 июля. URL: https://www.newsweek.com/facebook-covid19-coronavirus-misinformation-twitter-youtube-whatsapp-1515642.
Kelly H. Facebook, Twitter Penalize Trump for Posts Containing Coronavirus Misinformation // The Washington Post. 2020. 7 августа. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/08/05/trump-post-removed-facebook/.
Kantrowitz A. Facebook Is Taking Down Posts That Cause Imminent Harm – but Not Posts That Cause Inevitable Harm // BuzzFeed News. 2020. 3 мая. URL: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/alexkantrowitz/facebook-coronavirus-misinformation-takedowns.
Twitter to Label Misinformation about Coronavirus amid Flood of False Claims and Conspiracy Theories // CBS News. 2020. 13 мая. URL: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/twitter-misinformation-disputed-tweets-claims-coronavirus/.
Timberg C. и др. Tech Firms Take a Hard Line against Coronavirus Myths. But What about Other Types of Misinformation? // The Washington Post. 2020. 28 февраля. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/02/28/facebook-twitter-amazon-misinformation-coronavirus/.
Segalov M. The Parallels between Corornavirus and Climate Crisis Are Obvious // The Guardian. 2020. 4 мая. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/04/parallels-climate-coronavirus-obvious-emily-atkin-pandemic; Gardner B. Coronavirus Holds Key Lessons on How to Fight Climate Change // Yale Environment 360. 2020. 23 марта. URL: https://e360.yale.edu/features/coronavirus-holds-key-lessons-on-how-to-fight-climate-change.
Levin B. Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy // The Washington Post. 2020. 24 марта. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2020/04/18/sally-jenkins-trump-coronavirus-testing-economy/; Levin B. Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy // Vanity Fair. 2020. 24 марта. URL: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/03/dan-patrick-coronavirus-grandparents.
Джон Керри приводит возражение: борьба с потеплением не требует от нас сворачивания экономики, напротив, она создаст новые рабочие места и инфраструктуру для развития обновленной экономики, построенной на принципах чистой энергии. Beals R.K. COVID-19 and Climate Change: ‘The Parallels Are Screaming at Us,’ Says John Kerry // Market Watch. 2020. 22 апреля. URL: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/covid-19-and-climate-change-the-parallels-are-screaming-at-us-says-john-kerry-2020-04-22.
Krugman P. COVID-19 Brings Out All the Usual Zombies // The New York Times. 2020. 28 марта. URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/28/opinion/coronavirus-trump-response.html.
Более детальный взгляд на то, какие параллели выстраиваются вокруг этих пяти ступеней, см. в работе Lewandowsky и Cook, использующей данные Yale Climate Connections: Lewandowsky S. и др. Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Are Dangerous – Here’s How to Stop Them Spreading // The Conversation. 2020. 20 апреля. URL: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-conspiracy-theories-are-dangerous-heres-how-to-stop-them-spreading-136564.
Gardiner B. Coronavirus Holds Key Lessons // Yale Environment 360. 2020. 23 марта. URL: https://e360.yale.edu/features/coronavirus-holds-key-lessons-on-how-to-fight-climate-change.
Sykes C. Did Trump and Kushner Ignore Blue State COVID-19 Testing as Deaths Spiked? // NBC News. 2020. 4 августа. URL: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/did-trump-kushner-ignore-blue-state-covid-19-testing-deaths-ncna1235707.
Barrow B. и др. Coronavirus’ Spread in GOP Territory, Explained in Six Charts // AP News. 2020. 30 тюня. URL: https://apnews.com/7aa2fcf7955333834e01a7f9217c77d2.
Lewandowsky S. и др. Motivated Rejection of Science // Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2016. № 25 (4). С. 217–222. URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0963721416654436?journalCode=cdpa; Van der Linden S. и др. Gateway Illusion or Cultural Cognition Confusion // Journal of Science Communication. 2017. № 16 (5). URL: https://jcom.sissa.it/archive/16/05/JCOM_1605_2017_A04.
Nuccitelli D. Research Shows That Certain Facts Can Still Change Conservatives’ Minds // The Guardian. 2017. 14 декабря. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/dec/14/research-shows-that-certain-facts-can-still-change-conservatives-minds.
Carlisle M. Three Weeks After Trump’s Tulsa Rally, Oklahoma Reports Record High COVID-19 Numbers // Time. 2020. 11 июля. URL: https://time.com/5865890/oklahoma-covid-19-trump-tulsa-rally/.
Coronavirus: Donald Trump Wears Face Mask for the First Time // BBC. 2020. 12 июля. URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53378439.
Wagner J. и др. Herman Cain, Former Republican Presidential Hopeful, Has Died of Coronavirus, His Website Says // The Washington Post. 2020. 30 июля. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/herman-cain-former-republican-presidential-hopeful-has-died-of-the-coronavirus-statement-on-his-website-says/2020/07/30/4ac62a10-d273-11ea-9038-af089b63ac21_story.html.
Collman A. A Man Who Thought the Coronavirus Was a ‘Scamdemic’ Wrote a Powerful Essay Warning against Virus Deniers after He Hosted a Party and Got His Entire Family Sick // Business Insider. 2020. 28 июля. URL: https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-texas-conservative-thought-hoax-before-infection-2020-7.
Griffith J. He Thought the Coronavirus Was ‘a Fake Crisis.’ Then He Contracted It and Changed His Mind // NBC News. 2020. 18 мая. URL: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/he-thought-coronavirus-was-fake-crisis-then-he-contracted-it-n1209246.
LaCapria K. Richard Rose Dies of COVID-19, After Repeated ‘Covid Denier’ Posts // Truth or Fiction. 2020. 10 июля. URL: https://www.truthorfiction.com/richard-rose-dies-of-covid-19-after-repeated-covid-denier-posts/.
Urquiza K. Governor, My Father’s Death Is on Your Hands // The Washington Post. 2020. 27 июля. URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/governor-my-fathers-death-is-on-your-hands/2020/07/26/55a43bec-cd15-11ea-bc6a-6841b28d9093_story.html.
Warzel C. How to Actually Talk to Anti-Maskers // The New York Times. 2020. 22 июля. URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/opinion/coronavirus-health-experts.html.
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