Щебечущая машина - Ричард Сеймур
Как, например, в 2016 году стала звездой интернета Мишель Добайн. . Mark Molloy, ‘Woman gives incredible interview after escaping house fire’, Daily Telegraph, 12 January 2016; Dave Schilling, ‘Viral video news memes bring fame – but still feel almost racist’, Guardian, 14 January 2016; Zeba Blay, ‘Why do we laugh at viral stars like Michelle Dobyne and Antoine Dodson?’, Huffington Post, 16 January 2016. Всесторонне этот случай рассмотрен в книге Crystal Abidin, Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online, Emerald Publishing: Bingley, 2018, pp. 38–41.
Антрополог Гортензия Паудермейкер. . Hortense Powdermaker, Hollywood, the Dream Factory: An Anthropologist Looks at the Movie-Makers, Little Brown & Company: Boston, 2013, pp. 40–41, 93–8.
В 2015 году модель Instagram Эссена О’Нил. . Elle Hunt, ‘Essena O’Neill quits Instagram claiming social media “is not real life”’, Guardian, 3 November 2015; Madison Malone Kircher, ‘Where Are You, Essena O’Neill?’, New York, 4 November 2016.
Донна Фрейтас провела исследование среди молодых пользователей социальной индустрии. Donna Freitas, The Happiness Effect: How Social Media is Driving a Generation to Appear Perfect at Any Cost, Oxford University Press: New York, 2017, pp. 61–4.
Как говорит Крис Роджек. . Chris Rojek, Celebrity, Reaktion Books: London, 2001, p. 11.
То, на что мы «подсаживаемся». . Nadeem Badshah, ‘Hospital admissions for teenage girls who self-harm nearly double’, Guardian, 6 August 2018; Denis Campbell, ‘Stress and social media fuel mental health crisis among girls’, Guardian, 23 September 2017; J. M. Twenge, T. E. Joiner, M. L. Rogers and G. N. Martin, ‘Increases in Depressive Symptoms, Suicide-Related Outcomes, and Suicide Rates Among U.S. Adolescents After 2010 and Links to Increased New Media Screen Time’, Clinical Psychological Science, 6(1), 2018, pp. 3–17; ‘Media Use, Face-to-Face Communication, Media Multitasking, and Social Well-Being Among 8- to 12-Year-Old Girls’, Developmental Psychology, 48(2), March 2012, pp. 327–36; L. E. Sherman, A. A. Payton, L. M. Hernandez, P. M. Greenfield and M. Dapretto, ‘The Power of the Like in Adolescence: Effects of Peer Influence on Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Media’, Psychological Science, 27(7), 2016, pp. 1027–1035. Бенджамин Фонг утверждает, что эти эффекты – хороший повод «завязать» для прогрессистов. Benjamin Y. Fong, ‘Log Off’, Jacobin, 29 November 2018. Скептический обзор таких анализов приводит в своей статье Tom Chivers, ‘The truth about the suspected link between social media and self-harm’, New Scientist, 6 August 2018. На тему тенденции сравнивать себя с теми, кто стоит выше нас на социальной лестнице, см.: Oliver James, Britain On the Couch: How keeping up with the Joneses has depressed us since 1950, Vermilion: Reading, 2010.
Как говорит Ален Эренберг. . Alain Ehrenberg, The Weariness of the Self: Diagnosing the History of Depression in the Contemporary Age, McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal and Kingston, 2010, p. 4.
Доходность социальной индустрии начала расти.. ‘Twitter’s revenue from 1st quarter 2011 to 3rd quarter 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)’, Statista, 2019 (www.statista.com); Первичное размещение акций Facebook состоялось в мае 2012 года, тогда рыночная стоимость компании достигла максимума и составила 104 миллиарда долларов США. См.: Warren Olney, ‘Facebook IPO: A Touchstone Cultural Moment for America?’, To the Point, KCRW.com, 17 May 2012.
Штази для поколения Angry Birds. . Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, BBC Two, Series 3, Episode One, доступно на www.youtube.com, 24 February 2014.
За годы «вторжения в личную жизнь людей». . Dan Sabbagh, ‘Paul McMullan lays bare newspaper dark arts at Leveson inquiry’, Guardian, 29 November 2011.
Морган был партнером Риса. . См.: Tom Watson and Martin Hickman, Dial M for Murdoch: News Corporation and the Corruption of Britain, Allen Lane: London, 2012; Nick Davies, Hack Attack: How the truth caught up with Rupert Murdoch, Vintage, London, 2015; и Alastair Morgan and Peter Jukes, Who Killed Daniel Morgan?: Britain’s Most Investigated Murder, Blink Publishing: London, 2017; Cahal Milno, Jonathan Brown and Matt Blake, ‘Beyond the law, private eyes who do the dirty work for journalists’, Independent, 13 July 2011.
В ходе досудебного разбирательства. . О делах Стронга и Льюиса читайте Peter Burden, News of the World?: Fake Sheikhs and Royal Trappings, Eye Books Ltd: London, 2009.
Набирающий обороты «синдром поклонения знаменитостям». . Randy A. Sansone and Lori A. Sansone, ‘“I’m Your Number One Fan” – A Clinical Look at Celebrity Worship’, Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 11(1–2), January/February 2014, pp. 39–43.
Газеты, которые зарабатывают на идеализме людей. . Примеры: Maya Salam, ‘Why “Radical Body” Live’ is Thriving on Instagram’, New York Times, 9 June 2017; Jess Commons, ‘15 incredible body positive people to follow on Instagram’, Evening Standard, 11 May 2017.
Традиционные звезды, которым лучше всего удается адаптироваться к новым условиям. . Alice Marwick and danah boyd, ‘To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter’, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 17(2), 2011, pp. 139–58; Alice Marwick, Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity, and Branding in the Social Media Age, Yale University Press: New Haven and London, 2013.
К 2015 году более одной десятой всех расходов. . Chris Horton, ‘Is Social Advertising Subverting Social Media Marketing?’, Business 2 Community (www.business2community.com), 2 May 2015.
Дело оказалось невероятно прибыльным. . Madeleine Berg, ‘Logan Paul May Have Been Dropped By YouTube, But He’ll Still Make Millions’, Forbes, 11 January 2018; Gavin Fernando, ‘How Logan Paul went from one of the world’s most famous YouTube stars to universally hated’, News.com.au, 3 November 2018.
Другой ютубер японо-американского происхождения. . Reina Scully, ‘I have a lot of intense feelings’, Twitter.com, 1 January 2018.
Будучи толковым предпринимателем. . James Vincent, ‘YouTuber Logan Paul apologizes for filming suicide victim, says “I didn’t do it for views”’, The Verge, 2 January 2018.
Двенадцатилетняя Кейтлин Николь Дэвис. . Shehab Khan, ‘Man dies after setting himself on fire during Facebook Live stream’, Independent, 15 May 2017; Travis M. Andrews, ‘Turkish man, 22, fatally shoots himself on Facebook Live’, Washington Post, 13 October 2016; Carol Marbin Miller and Audra D. S. Birch, ‘Before suicide by hanging, girl pleaded in vain for mom’s acceptance’, Miami Herald, 15 March 2017; Kristine Phillips, ‘A 12-year-old girl