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Питер Хопкирк - Большая Игра против России

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Что касается самих индусов, то, обсуждая все эти расклады, с ними никто не консультировался. Вот только в борьбе империй прежде всего проливали свою кровь они, равно как их соседи‑мусульмане. На самом деле они хотели, чтобы их оставили в покое, чего и добились в 1947 году, когда англичане уложили свои вещички и отбыли восвояси. Народам Центральной Азии с завоевателями повезло меньше. Уже больше столетия обширная Российская империя служит там памятником царским героям Большой Игры. Сколько это продлится ввиду угрожающих Советскому Союзу серьезных потрясений, предсказать невозможно.

У британских героев Большой Игры нет даже и такого сомнительного мемориала. Карты отражают сущую малость их усилий и жертв. Сегодня они живут только в непрочитанных мемуарах, случается, в названии мест да еще в недостоверных рассказах и воспоминаниях о давно забытых приключениях…

Лондон, январь 1990 г.


Литература, связанная с Большой Игрой во всех ее бесчисленных аспектах, весьма обширна. Нижеприведенный, далеко не исчерпывающий список названий включает те работы, которые в процессе изысканий и написания книги показались мне наиболее ценными. Многие из этих книг давно уже не переиздавались, и найти их можно только в специализированных библиотеках или за очень большие деньги. Хотя афганская война, Крымская война, восточный вопрос, англо‑русские отношения, русско‑японская война и неотделимы от Большой Игры, но они представляют собой самостоятельные темы со специально посвященной им литературой. Здесь я перечислил только те книги, которые счел наиболее полезными. Ради краткости я также исключил сообщения и статьи современных газет, на которые ссылался, хотя обычно это указывается в тексте. По той же причине и поскольку вряд ли они заинтересуют основных читателей, я не привожу номера документов из политических и секретных фондов, хранящихся теперь в архиве Лондонской Индийской библиотеки. Кроме особо отмеченных случаев, все нижеперечисленные книги изданы в Лондоне.


The literature of the Great Game, in all its many aspects, is vast. The following list of titles, although far from exhaustive, includes those works which I found most valuable while researching and writing this book. Many of the books are long out of print, and can only be obtained from specialist libraries — or at great expense. The Afghan wars, the Crimean War, the Eastern Question, Anglo‑Russian relations and the Russo‑Japanese War, although inseparable from the Great Game, are major subjects on their own, with substantial literatures devoted to them. I have therefore listed only those works which I found most useful. Also, for the sake of brevity, I have omitted reports and articles from contemporary newspapers from which I have quoted, although these are usually identified in the text. For the same reason, and because they are unlikely to interest the general reader, I have not listed the file numbers where I have drawn on the Political and Secret files of the day, now in the India Office Library and Records. Except where otherwise indicated, all the works below were published in London.

Abbott, Capt. James, Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow and St Petersburg, during the late Russian invasion of Khiva. 1843.

Adam, Mme, Le General Skobeleff. Paris, 1886.

Addy, Premen, Tibet on the Imperial Chessboard. Calcutta, 1984.

Adye, Gen. Sir John, Indian Frontier Policy. 1897.

Alder, Dr Garry, British India's Northern Frontier, 18651895. 1963.

Beyond Bokhara. The Life of William Moorcroft. 1985.

Alder, L., and Dalby, R., The Dervish of Windsor Castle. The Life of Arminius Vambery. 1979.

Alexander, Michael, The True Blue. The Life and Adventures of Colonel Fred Burnaby, 1842—1885. 1957.

Ali, Mahfuz, The Truth about Russia and England. From a Native's Point of View. Lucknow, 1886.

Allen, W. E. D., and Muratoff, P., Caucasian Battlefields. A History of the Wars on the Turco‑Caucasian Border, 18281921. Cambridge, 1953.

Anderson, M. S., Britain's Discovery of Russia, 15531815. 1958.

The Eastern Question, 1774—1923. 1966.

Andrew, C, and Noakes, ]., Intelligence and International Relations, 1900—1945. Exeter, 1987.

Andrew, Sir William, Euphrates Valley Route to India, in connection with the Central Asian and Egyptian Questions. 1882.

'An Indian Army Officer', Russia's March towards India. 2 vols. 1894.

'An Old Indian', Russia Versus India. Or observations on the present political relations of England with the East. 1838.

Anon., Invasions of India from Central Asia. 1879.

Anon., Notes on the Relations of British India with Some of the Countries West of the Indus. 1839.

Anon., Russia's Next Move Towards India. 1885.

Anon., The Dardanelles for England. The True Solution of the Eastern Question. 1876.

Argyle, Duke of, The Eastern Question. 2 vols. 1879.

Armstrong, T. (ed.), Yermak's Campaign in Siberia. 1975.

'Arthur Vincent', The Defence of India. 1922.

Baddeley, John F., The Russian Conquest of the Caucasus. 1908.

Baker, ]'. N. L., A History of Geographical Discovery and Exploration. 1931.

Baker, Col. Valentine, Clouds in the East. Travels and Adventures on the Perso‑Turkoman Frontier. 1876.

Barr, Lt. W., Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshawur and from thence to Cabul with the Mission of Lieut.‑Colonel Sir C.M. Wade. 1844.

Bartlett, E. A., Shall England Keep India? 1886.

Barton, Sir W., India's North‑West Frontier. 1939.

Baskakov, V. (trans.), A History of Afghanistan. Moscow, 1985.

Baxter, W. E., England and Russia in Asia. 1885.

Becker, S., Russia's Protectorates in Central Asia. Bokhara and Khiva, 1865—1924. Cambridge, Mass., 1968.

Bell, Maj. Evans, The Oxus and the Indus. 1869. Bell, James S., Journal of a Residence in Circassia during the Years 1837, 1838 and 1839. 2 vols. 1840.

Bell, Col. M. S., Afghanistan as a Theatre of Operations and as a Defence to India. Calcutta, 1885.

Bellew, Surg.‑Maj. H.W., Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857. 1862.

From the Indus to the Tigris, a Journey through the Countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan and Iran in 1872. 1873.

Kashmir and Kashgar. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashgar in 1873—1874. 1875. Benyon, Lt. W. G. L., With Kelly to Chitral. 1896. Beresford, Col. C.E., 'Russian Railways towards India', Proceedings of the Central Asian Society. 1906. Blanch, Lesley, The Sabres of Paradise. 1960. Blood, Gen. Sir Bindon, Four Score Years and Ten. 1933. Bonvalot, Gabriel, Through the Heart of Asia. Over the Pamirs to India. 2 vols. 1889.

Boulger, Demetrius, England and Russia in Central Asia. 2 vols. 1879.

Central Asian Portraits. 1880.

Central Asian Questions. Essays on Afghanistan, China and Central Asia. 1885. Bower, Capt. Hamilton, Diary of a Journey Across Tibet. Calcutta, 1893.

Bremner, Robert, Excursions in the Interior of Russia, including Sketches of the Character and Policy of the Emperor Nicholas. 2 vols. 1839.

Bruce, R. I., The Forward Policy and its Results. 1900. Buchan, John, The Half‑Hearted. 1900. Buckland, С. Е., Dictionary of Indian Biography. 1906. Burnaby, Capt. Frederick, A Ride to Khiva. Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. 1876.

On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols. 1877. Burnes, Sir Alexander, Travels into Bokhara. 3 vols. 1834. Cabool. Being a Personal Narrative of a Journey to, and Residence in, that City in the Years 1836, 7 and 8.1842. Burslem, Capt. R., A Peep into Toorkistan. 1846.

Cameron, Lt.‑Col. G. P., Personal Adventures and Excursions in Georgia, Circassia and Russia. 2 vols. 1845.

Campbell, Sir George, The Afghan Frontier. 1879.

Caroe, Sir Olaf, ThePathans, 550 ВС—AD 1957. 1958.

Cazelet, E., England's Policy in the East. Our Relations with Russia. 1876.

Chakravarty, S., From Khyber to Oxus. A Study of Imperial

Expansion. Delhi, 1976.

Chavda, V. K., India, Britain, Russia. A Study in British Opinion, 1838—1878. Delhi, 1967.

Chirol, Sir Valentine, The Middle Eastern Question, or Some Problems of Indian Defence. 1903.

Chohan, A. S., The digit Agency, 1877—1935. Delhi, n.d. (1980s).

Churchill, R. P., The Anglo‑Russian Convention of 1907. Cedar Rapids, USA, 1939.

Clayton, G. D., Britain and the Eastern Question. Misso‑longhi to Gallipoli. 1971.

Cobbold, Ralph, Innermost Asia. Travel and Sport in the Pamirs. 1900.

Coen, Т. С, The Indian Political Service. 1971.

Collen, Lt.‑Gen. Sir E., The Defence of India. 1906.

Colquhoun, A. R., Russia Against India. 1906.

Colquhoun, Capt. J., Essay on the Formation of an Intelligence Department for India. 1874.

Conolly, Lt. Arthur, Journey to the North of India, Overland from England, Through Russia, Persia and Affghauni‑staun. 2 vols. 1834.

Cory, Col. A., Shadows of Coming Events. 1876.

Costin, W. C, Great Britain and China, 18331860. Oxford, 1937.

Cotton, Sir S., The Central Asian Question. Dublin, 1878.

Curzon, Hon. George N., Russia in Central Asia. 1889. Persia and the Persian Question. 2 vols. 1892. The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus. 1896. Frontiers. Oxford, 1907.

Custine, Marquis de, Journey For Our Time. Russia in 1839. 1953.

Dabbs, Jack, History of the Discovery and Exploration of Chinese Turkestan. The Hague, 1963.

Dacosta, J., A Scientific Frontier. 1891,

Dallin, D., The Rise of Russia in Asia. New Haven, USA, 1949.

David, Maj. C, Is A Russian Invasion of India Feasible? 1877.

Davies, С. С, The Problem of the North‑West Frontier, 18901908. With a Survey of Policy since 1849. Cambridge, 1932.

Davis, H. W. C, The Great Game in Asia, 1800—1844. Raleigh Lecture, 1926.

Dekhnewala, A., The Great Russian Invasion of India. 1879. Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford, 1921.

Dilke, Sir C, and Wilkinson, W., Imperial Defence. 1892.

Dobson, G., Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia. 1890.

Durand, Col. Algernon, The Making of a Frontier. Five Years' Experience and Adventures in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Chi‑tral and the Eastern Hindu Kush. 1899.

Durand, Sir Henry, The First Afghan War. 1879.

Edwardes, Maj. Herbert, A Year on the Punjab Frontier, in 1848—1849. 2 vols. 1851.

Edwardes, Michael, Playing the Great Game. A Victorian Cold War. 1975.

Edwards, H. S., Russian Projects against India, from Czar Peter to General Skobeleff. 1885.

Ellenborough, Lord, Political Diary, 1828—1830. 2 vols. 1881.

Elliott, Maj.‑Gen./. G., The Frontier, 1839—1847. 1968.

English, Barbara, John Company's Last War. 1971.

Entner, M.L., Russo‑Persian Commercial Relations, 18281914. Gainsville, USA, 1965.

Evans, Col. George de Lacy, On the Designs of Russia. 1828. On the Practicability of an Invasion of British India. 1829.

Eyre, Lt. Vincent, The Military Operations at Cabul, which ended in the Retreat and Destruction of the British Army, January 1842. 1843.

Fairley, Jean, The Lion River: The Indus. 1975.

Faris, Selim, The Decline of British Prestige in the East. 1887.

Fisher, A. W., The Russian Annexation of the Crimea, 1772—1728. Cambridge, 1970.

Fleming, Peter, Bayonets to Lhasa. The British Invasion of Tibet in 1904.1961.

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