Интимная история человечества - Теодор Зельдин
Глава 9. Как те, кто не хочет отдавать и получать приказы, могут стать посредниками
Р. D. Curtin, Cross-Cultural Trade in World History, Cambridge UP, 1984; Alice Teichova, Historical Studies in International Corporate Business, Cambridge UP, 1989; Johannes Hirschmeier and Т. Yui, The Development of Japanese Business 1600–1973, Allen and Unwin, 1975; David Nye, Image Worlds: Corporate Identities at General Electric 1880–1930, МIТ Press, 1985; Р. L. Payne, British Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth Century, 2nd edn., Macmillan, 1988; Katrina Honeyrnan, Origins of Enterprise: Business Leadership in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester UP, 1982; Helene Verin, Les Entrepreneurs: Histoire d’une idee, Vrin, 1980; Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Before Еurореаn Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250–1350, Oxford UP, NY, 1988 (о торговле и городах в Средние века); Yen Ping Нао, The Comprador in Nineteenth-Century China, Harvard, 1970; Susan Mann, Local Merchants and the Chinese Bureaucracy, 1750–1950, Stanford UP, 1987; Denys Lombard, Мarchands et hommes d’affaires dans l’осеаn Indien et lа mer de Chine I3–20e siecles, EHES, 1988; David G. Lo Romer, Merchants and Reform in Livorno, 1814–68, Califomia UP, 1987; Oladipo Yemitan, Маdаmе Тinubu: Merchant and Kingmaker, Ibadan UP, 1987; J. М. Thomasseau, Commerce et commerçants dans lа litterature, Вordeaux UP, 1988; Andre Raymond, Artisans et commercants аu Caire аu 18е siecle, Damas Institut Français, 1974; Maxime Rodinson, Islam et capitalisme, Seuil, 1966; Leila Tarazi Fawaz, Merchants and Migrants in Nineteenth-Century Beirut, Harvard UP, 1983; J. D. Tracy, The Rise of Merchant Empires: Long-Distance Trade in the Early Modern Period, 1350–1750, Cambridge UP, 1990; С. D. Sheldon, The Rise of the Merchant Class in Tokugawa Jараn, Augustin, NY, 1958; Jennifer Alexander, Trade, Traders and Trading in Rural Jараn, Oxford UP, Singapore, 1987; Alfred D. Chandler, jnr., The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business, Harvard, 1977; Richard Scade, Reluctant Managers: Their Work and Life Style, Unwin Hyman, 1989; S. М. Lipset, The Confidence Сар: Business Labour and Government in the Рubliс Mind, Free Press, NY, 1983; Leon Hollerman, Jараn Disincorporated, Hoover lnstitution Press, Stanford, 1988; Hiroshi Tanaka, Personality in Industry: The Human Side of а Japanese Enterprise, Pinter, 1988; Julia Davies and Mark Easterby Smith, The Challenge to Western Management Development, Routledge, 1989; Ronnie Lessen, Managing Corporate Culture, Gower, 1990; William Byrt, Management Education, International Survey, Routledge, 1989; Philippe d’Iribame, La Logique de l’honneur: Gestion des entreprises et traditions nationales, Seuil, 1989; Earl F. Cheit, The Business Establishment, Wiley, 1964 (о более раннем периоде); Sigmund Diamond, The Reputation of the American Businessman, Harper, 1955; Calvin А. Kent, Environment fоr Entrepreneurship, Lexington, 1984; John Р. Kotter, The General Managers, Free Press, 1982; George А. Steiner, The New СЕО, Macmillan, 1983 (все это о меняющейся моде); David Osborne, Laboratories of Democracy, Harvard Business School, 1988; Вennett Harrison and Barry Blackstone, The Great U Тurn: Corporate Restructuring and the Polarising of America, Basic, 1988; David Vogel, Fluctuating Fortunes: The Political Power of Business in America, Basic, 1989; Peter Halbherr, IBM: Mythe оu réalité, Favre, Lausanne, 1987 (без приукрашивания); Renaud Sainsaulieu, Sociologie de l’organisation et de l’entreprise, FNSP/Dalloz, 1988; Franck Gauthey, Indrei Ratiu, Irene Rodgers, Dominique Xardel, Leaders sans frontieres: Le défi des différences, McGraw Hill, 1988; Gerard Вordenave, Ford еn Europe, 1988; Alain Ehrenberg, Le Culte de lа performance, Calmann Levy, 1991; Rosabeth Moss Kanter, The Change Masters: Corporate Entтepreneurs at Work, Unwin, 1988; Serge Moscovici and Willem Doise, Dissensions and consensus, PUF, 1992; R. Frances, Motivation et satisfaction du travail, PUF; Renaud Sainsaulieu, L’ldentite аu travail: les effets culturels de l’organisation, 3rd edn., FNSP, 1988; David Le Breton, Passions du risque, Metaille, 1991; R. G. Streets, The Impact of Service Industries оn Underemployment in Metropolitan Economics, Lexington, 1987; Р. D. Anthony, The Idea of Work, Tavistock, 1977; Dawliffe Hall Educational Foundation, Work versus Family, 1991 (об экспериментах с частичной занятостью); S. N. Eisenstadt and Е. Веn Ari, Japanese Models of Conflict Resolution, Kegan Paul, 1980; К. Kressel, Mediation Research: The Process and Effectiveness of Third Party Intervention, Jossey Bass, S. F., 1989; Deborah М. Kolb, The Mediators, МIT Press, 1983; Susan J. Pharr, Losing Расе: Status Politics in Jараn, California UP, 1990 (о принятиии решений, «приватизации конфликта»); Roland Calori and Peter Lawrence, The Business of Europe: Managing Change, Sage, 1981; James J. Hunt, Leadership: А New Synthesis, Sage, 1991; Craig R. Hickman, Mind of а Manager, Soul of а Leader, Wiley, 1990; Elizabeth Chell, The Entrepreneurial Personality, Routledge, 1991; М. Masayuki Hamabata, Crested Kimono: Power and Love in the Japanese Business Family, Cornell UP, 1990; Nick Oliver and Barry Wilkinson, The Japanisation of British Industry, Blackwell, 1988; Alan Rosenthal, The Third House: Lobbyists and Lobbying in the States, CQ Press, 1993 («цель лоббистов – достичь компромисса, чтобы иметь возможность попытать счастья в другой раз», но движения народных масс «не так склонны к компромиссам»); Lawrence S. Rothenberg, Linking Citizens to Government: Interest Group Politics at Соmmon Cause, Cambridge UP, 1992 (об указанных проблемах).
Jack С. Ross, Аn Assembly of Good Fellows: Voluntary Associations in History, Greenwood, Westport, 1976; ‘Espaces et temps associatifs’, issue of Revue de l’economie sociale, April 1988; Sofres, Enquete Associations, Jan. 1988 (демонстрирует больше оптимизма в отношении того, чего могут добиться ассоциации в личных отношениях и в организации работы); Raoul de la Grasserie, Des Intermédiaires sociaux, 1908; Gilbert Moinier, Le Rôle des intermédiaires dans la société moderne, Paris thesis, 1924 (жалоба на увеличение их количества); Aix Colloque, Université de Provence, Les Intermédiaires culturelles, cyclostyled 1978 (о ловушках, целителях, певцах, официальных представителях); I. Epstein, Moses Maimonides, Soncinollen, 1959; М. R. Hayoun, Maïmonide оu l’autre Moïse, Lattes, 1994; А. J. Herschel, Maimonides: А Biography, Farrar Strauss, NY, 1982.; М. Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed (в переводе на англ.) 1919; Е. J. Dijksterhuis, Archimedes, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1956; А. М. Laulan, La Résistance аuх systèmes d’informations, Retz, 1986; Howard Good, Outcasts: The Image of Journalists in Соntemporary Film, Scarecrow, Metuchen, NY, 1989; S. R. Lichter, The Media Elite, Adler, NY, 1986; Т. R. Hewitt, Advertising in Britain, Heinemann, 1982 (происхождение); Oliver Schwartz, Le Monde privé des ouvriers, PUF, 1990; множество статей на эту тему есть в Dialogue, Cahiers du Grif, с феминистической точки зрения; Joel А. Tarr, Technology and the Rise of the Networked City in Europe and America, Temple UP, 1988 («города развиваются для того, чтобы облегчить общение»); Мichel Leiris, African Art, Thames and Hudson, 1967 (искусство как инструмент, а не вид созерцания, посредник между божественным и мирским; ткачество как символ творчества); Howard Вecker, Art Worlds, California UP, 1982.; Leo Spitzer, Lives in Between: Marginality in Austria, Brazil and West Africa, 1780–1945,