Грэм Робб - Жизнь Рембо

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Rimbaud, A. CEuvre – Vie. Édition du Centenaire. Ed. A. Borer, A. Montegre et al. Arlea, 1991.

Rimbaud, A. OEuvres. Ed. S. Bernard and A. Guyaux. Gamier, 1987; 1991. [Revision of S. Bernard edition, I960.]

Rimbaud, A. OEuvres. 3 vols. Ed. J.-L. Steinmetz. Flammarion, GF, 1989.

Rimbaud, A. OEuvres complètes. Ed. R. de Reneville and J. Mouquet. Pléiade, 1946.

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Rimbaud, A. OEuvres complètes. Vol. I. Poésies. Ed. S. Murphy. Champion, 1999. (To be accompanied by a volume of facsimiles.)

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Rosa, O. [Texts on R. in French and Italian.] See Zaghi (1993), 832–835.

Ross, Kristin. The Emergence of Social Space. Rimbaud and the Paris Commune. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988.

Rossetti, Carlo. Storia diplomatica dell ’Etiopia durante il regno di Menelik II. Turin: Societa Tipografico-Editrice Naz., 1910.

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Sackville-West, Edward. The Apology of Arthur Rimbaud. A Dialogue. The Hogarth Press, 1927.

Sadie, Stanley. The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Macmillan, 1984.

Salimbeni, Augusto, see Zaghi, ed.

Sartre, Jean-Paul. Saint Genet, comedien et martyr. Gallimard, NRF, 1952.

Savouré, Armand. Letters to F. Rimbaud, 12 April 1897, and G. Maurevert, 3 April 1930, in L’Eclaireur de Nice: facsimiles in Borer (1983–1984), 72–76.

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Schmidt, Paul, tr. Arthur Rimbaud. A Season in Hell. With photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe. 1986; Little, Brown & Co., 1997.

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Scott, David. ‘La Ville illustrée dans les Illuminations de Rimbaud’. Revue d’Histoire littéraire de la France, 1992, 967–981.

Segalen, Victor. ‘Les Hors-la-loi. Le Double Rimbaud’. Mercure de France, 15 April 1906, 481–501; Le Double Rimbaud (Fata Morgana, 1979), incl. 2nd conversation with Constantin Rhigas (sic).

Segalen, V ‘Hommage à Gauguin’. In Lettres de Gauguin à Daniel de Monfreid. Ed. Mme Joly-Segalen. Falaize, 1950.

Shack, William A. The Central Ethiopians. Amhara, Tigrina and Related Peoples. International African Institute, 1974.

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Smith, F. R. ‘Rimbaud’s Performances’. The Times Literary Supplement, 4 June 1964, 496.

Smith, F. R. ‘The Life and Works of Germain Nouveau’. D. Phil, thesis. U. of Oxford, 1965.

Soupault, Philippe. ‘Mer rouge’. Revue de Paris, May-August 1951. In Borer (1983–1984), 163–198.

Speke, Capt. John Hanning. Les Sources du Nil, journal de voyage. Tr. E.-D. Forgues. Hachette, 1864.

Speke, Capt. J. H. and Capt. James Grant. Les Sources du Nil, voyage des capitaines Speke et Grant. Tr. E.-D. Forgues. Hachette, 1867.

Starkie, Enid. Arthur Rimbaud in Abyssinia. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1937.

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St Aubyn, F. С ‘Rimbaud and the Third Republic’. Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Fall-Winter 1976–1977, 94–99.

Steinmetz, Jean-Luc. Arthur Rimbaud: une question de presence. Tallandier, 1991.

Strathern, Paul. A Season in Abyssinia. An Impersonation. Macmillan, 1972.

Swinburne, A. C. The Swinburne Letters. 6 vols. Ed. C. Y. Lang. Yale U. P., 1959–1962.

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Thesiger, Wilfred. The Danakil Diary. Journeys Through Abyssinia, 1930–1934. Harper Collins, 1996.

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Thomas, Henri. ‘8 Great College Street’’. Adam, 244–246 (1954), 19.

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Underwood, V.P. Verlaine et L’Angleterre. Nizet, 1956.

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Vade, Yves. ‘Le Paysan de Londres’. Revue d’Histoire littéraire de la France, 1992, 951–966.

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Verlaine, P. Preface, Rimbaud, Les Illuminations. La Vogue, 1886; and Rimbaud, Poemes. Les Illuminations. One Saison en enfer. Vanier, 1892. OPC, 631–632.

Verlaine, P. ‘Arthur Rimbaud. «1884»’. Les Hommes d’aujourd’hui, 318. Vanier, January 1888. OPC, 799–804.

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Verlaine, P. Preface, Rimbaud, Poésies complètes. Vanier, 1895. OPC, 961–969.

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Verlaine, P. ‘Nouvelles Notes sur Rimbaud’. La Plume, 15–30 November 1895. OPC, 973–976.

Verlaine, P. ‘Arthur Rimbaud. Chronique’. Les Beaux-Arts, 1 December 1895. OPC, 977–980.

Verlaine, P. Correspondance de Paul Verlaine. 3 vols. Ed. A. Van Bever. Messein, 1922, 1923, 1929.

Verlaine, P. Rimbaud raconti par Paul Verlaine. Ed. J. Mouquet. Mercure de France, 1934. Verlaine, P. [‘Carnet personnel’]. Ed. V. P. Underwood. OPC, 13–32.

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Voellmy, Jean. ‘Rimbaud, employe d’Alfred Bardey et correspondant d’llg’. PS, 1 (October 1984), 66–72.

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Voellmy, J. ‘Rimbaud par ceux qui Font connu en Arabie et en Afrique’. In Rimbaud, cent ans après (1992), 298–306.

Voellmy, J. ‘Les Declarations de Rimbaud confrontees à celles d’autres voyageurs’. PS, и (December 1994), 137–145.

Warner, Philip. Kitchener. The Man Behind the Legend. Hamish Hamilton, 1985.

Watson, Lawrence. ‘Rimbaud et le Parnasse’. In Rimbaud ou ‘La Liberté libre’, 18–29.

Waugh, Evelyn. Remote People. Duckworth, 1931; Methuen, 1991.

Waugh, E. Waugh in Abyssinia. Longmans, Green and Co., 1936.

Waugh, E. Scoop. A Novel About Journalists. 1938; Penguin, 1987.

Williamson, Kennedy. W. E. Henley. A Memoir. Harold Shaylor, 1930.

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Winstanley, W. A Visit to Abyssinia. An Account of Travel in Modern Ethiopia. 2 vols. Hurst and Blackett, 1881.

Zaghi, Carlo. Rimbaud in Africa. Con documenti inediti. Naples: Guida, 1993.

Zaghi, C, ed. Crispi e Menelich nel Diario inedito del conte Augusto Salimbeni. Turin: Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 1956.

Zech, Paul. Jean-Arthur Rimbaud. Ein Querschnitt durch sein Leben und Werk. Berlin: Rudolf Zech, 1947.

Zissmann, Claude. ‘Pointes fines et sac d’embrouilles: «Poison perdu»’. In Rimbaud ou ‘La Liberté libre’ (1987), 45–55.

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Zissmann, C. ‘Un brelan de maudits’. PS, 11 (December 1994), 123–136


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