» » » » С. Ванеян - Архитектура и иконография. «Тело символа» в зеркале классической методологии

С. Ванеян - Архитектура и иконография. «Тело символа» в зеркале классической методологии

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638. Frank, Ellen Eve. Literary Architecture: Essays towards a Tradition. Los Angeles, 1980.

639. Frampton, Kenneth; Cava, John. Studies in Tectonic Culture: the Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 2001.

640. Frühe, Ursula; von Lang, Peter. Das Paradies ein Garten – der Garten ein Paradies. Studien zur Literatur des Mittelalters unter Berücksichtigung der bildenden Kunst und Architektur. München, 2002.

641. Gilbert, Katharine. Aesthetic Studies: Architecture and Poetry. New York, 1988.

642. Hersey, George L. Architecture, Poetry and Number in the Royal Palace at Caserta. Cambridge (Mas.), 1983.

643. Johnson, Anthony W. Ben Jonson: Poetry and Architecture. Oxford – New York, 1993.

644. Kahn, Andrea. Drawing, Building, Text: Essays in Architectural Teory. Princeton, 1996.

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646. Low, Anthony. Love‘s Architecture: Devotional Modes in Seventeenth Century English Poetry. New York, 1978.

647. Lowe, David; Sharp, Simon. Goethe and Palladio: Goethe’s Study of the Relationship between Art and Nature, Leading Trough Architecture to the Discovery of the Metamorphosis of Plants. Herndon, 2006.

648. Neubauer, Edith; Vanovitch, Katherirne. Art and Literature in Old Russia: Architecture, Icons, Poetry. New York, 1993.

649. Pfsterer, Ulrich; Seidel, Max. Visuelle Topoi. München, 2003.

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Архитектура и мораль

664. Botta, Mario. Ethique du bâti. Marseille, 2005.

665. Cacciari, Massimo; Lombardo, Patrizia, Sartarelli, Stephen. Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture. New Haven – London, 1995.

666. Dunne, John. Te City of the Gods: A Study in Myth and Morality. New York – Waschington, 1974.

667. Fox, Warwick. Ethics and the Built Environment. New York, 2000.

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Сакральная архитектура (архитектура и ритуал)

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704. Lawrence Hofman. Sacred Places and the Pilgrimage of Life. Chicago, 1991.

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711. McClung, William Alexander. Te Architecture of Paradise: Survivals of Eden and Jerusalem. Berkeley, 1983.

712. Meyer, H.B. Was Kirchenbau bedeutet. Freiburg. 1984.

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714. Naredi-Rainer, Paul von. Salomo’s Tempel und das Abendland. Monumentale Folgen historischer Irrtümer. Köln, 1994.

715. Ohler, Norbert. Die Kathedrale: Religion, Politik, Architektur. Düsseldorf, 2007.

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718. Ringbom, Lars-Ivar. Graltempel und Paradies. Beziehungen zwischen Iran und Europa im Mittelalter. Stockholm, 1951.

719. Robertson, Anne Walters. Service Books of the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis: Images of Ritual and Music in the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1991.

720. Robertson, Anne Walters. Guillaume de Machaut and Reims: Context and Meaning in His Musical Works. New York, 2002.

721. Roethlisberger, Bianchi. Die Architektur des Graalstempels in Jungeren Titurel. Bern, 1917.

722. Russell, James. Places of Worship. London, 1999.

723. Scully, Vincent, Jr. Te Earth, the Temple, and the Gods: Greek Sacred Architecture, Revised Edition. New Haven – London, 1962.

724. Schwarz, Rudolf. Von der Bebauung der Erde. Heidelberg, 1949.

725. Seasoltz, Kevin R. Sense of the Sacred: Teological Foundations of Christian Architecture and Art. London, 2005.

726. Stammberger Ralf M. W., Sticher, Claudia. Das Haus Gottes, das seid ihr selbst. Mittelalterliches und barockes Kirchenverständis im Spiegel der Kirchenweihes. Berlin, 2007

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728. Stock, Wolfgang Jean. Europäische Kirchenbau 1900-1950. Aufruch zur Moderne. München – Berlin – London – New York. 2006.

729. Stock, Wolfgang Jean. Europäische Kirchenbau 1950-2000. München – Berlin – London – New York. 2006.

730. Taylor, Richard. How to Read a Church: a Guide to Symbols and Images in Churches and Cathedrals. Toronto, 2005.

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732. Иеротопия. Исследования сакральных пространств. Ред.-сост. А.М. Лидов. М., 2004.

733. Новые иерусалимы. Перенесение сакральных пространств в христианской культуре. Ред.-сост. А.М. Лидов. М., 2006.

734. Новые иерусалимы. Иеротопия и иконография сакральных пространств. Редактор-составитель А.М. Лидов. М., 2009.

735. Бусева-Давыдова И.Л. К проблеме канона в православном храмостроении // Христианское зодчество. Новые материалы и исследования. М., 2004. С. 63-72.

736. Бусева-Давыдова И.Л. Литургические толкования и представления о символике храма // Восточно-христианский храм. Литургия и искусство. Ред.-сост. А.М. Лидов. СПб., 1994.

737. Бусева-Давыдова И.Л. Символика архитектуры по древнерусским письменным источникам // Герменевтика древнерусской литературы. Сб. 2. XVI-начало XVIII веков. М., 1989.

738. Вятчанина Т.Н. Архитектурная традиция и пути русского благочестия во второй половине XV–первой половине XVI веков (к проблеме взаимовлияния) // Христианское зодчество. Новые материалы и исследования. М., 2004. С. 85-107.

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Богословие архитектуры (архитектура и мистика)

743. Bayard, Jean-Pierre. La Tradition cachée des cathédrales: Du symbolisme médiéval à la réalisation architecturale. Paris, 1999.

744. Boyer, Louis. Liturgy and Architecture. Chicago, 1967.

745. Boyer, Mark G. Te Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say. Collegeville, 2004.

746. Brandon, S. G. F. Man and God in Art and Ritual: A Study of Iconography, Architecture and Ritual Action as Primary Evidence of Religious Belief and Practice. New York, 1975.

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752. Hale, Jonathan. Te Old Way of Seeing: How Architecture Lost Its Magic (and How to Get It Back). Boston, 1994.

753. Hall, Edward T. Te Hidden Dimension. New York, 1990.

754. Hammond, Peter. Liturgy and architecture. New York, 1961.

755. Homan, Roger Aldershot. Te Art of the Sublime-Principles of Christian Art and Architecture. London, 2006.

756. Huysmans, Joris-Karl. Te Cathedral. New York, 1997.

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758. Kieckhefer, Richard. Teology in Stone: Church Architecture from Byzantium to Berkeley. New York, 2004.

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