Ричард Овери - Сталин и Гитлер
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Zile, Z. L. (ed.) Ideas and Forces in Soviet Legal History: a Reader on the Soviet State and the Law (Oxford, 1992).
II Работы Гитлера и Сталина
Hitler, A. Mein Kampf (2 vols, Munich, 1926–7).
Hitler, A. The Secret Book ed. T. Taylor (New York, 1961).
Stalin, J. Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. (Peking, 1972.).
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Stalin, J. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (New York, 1945).
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Stalin, J. Works (13 vols, Moscow, 1953–55 edition).
Stalin, J. et al. From the First to the Second Five-Year Plan: a Symposium (New York, n.d.).
III Мемуары, дневники, литература
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Fadeev, A. The Rout ed. R. Cockrell (London, 1995).
François-Poncet, A. The Fateful Years. Memoirs of a French Ambassador in Berlin (London, 1949).
Geddes, G. Nichivó: Life, Love and Death on the Russian Front (London, 2001).
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Nahon, M. Birkenau: Camp of Death (Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1989).
Parvilahti, U. Beria’s Gardens: Ten Years’ Captivity in Russia and Siberia (London, 1959).
Platanov, A. Happy Moscow (London, 2001).
Price, G. Ward I Know These Dictators (London, 1937).
Reck-Malleczewen, F. Diary of a Man in Despair (London, 1995).
Resis, A. (ed.) Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics (Chicago, 1993).
Romano-Petrova, N. Stalin’s Doctor, Stalin’s Nurse: A Memoir (Princeton, NJ, 1984).
Serge, V. The Case of Comrade Tulayev (London, 1968).
Serge, V. Memoirs of a Revolutionary 1901–1941 (Oxford, 1967).
Simonov, K. Kriegstagebücher 1942–1945 (2 vols, Berlin, 1979).
Smith, A. I Was a Soviet Worker (London, 1937).
Solzhenitsyn, A. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (London, 1963).
Speer, A. Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs (London, 1970).
Steinberg, P. Speak You Also: a Survivor’s Reckoning (London, 2001).
Steinhoff, J., Pechel, P. and Showalter, D. (eds) Voices from the Third Reich: an Oral History (Washington, DC, 1989).
Stieber, J. Against the Odds: Survival on the Russian Front 1944–1945 (Dublin, 1995).
Street, L. I Married a Russian: Letters from Kharkov (London, 1944).
Tennant, E. W. True Account (London, 1957).
Turner, H. A. (ed.) Hitler: Memoirs of a Confi dant [Otto Wagener] (New Haven, Conn., 1985).
Warlimont, W. Inside Hitler’s Headquarters (London, 1964).
White, W. Report on the Russians (New York, 1945).
Yevtushenko, Y. (ed.) Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry (London, 1993).
Zbarsky, I. and Hutchinson, S. Lenin’s Embalmers (London, 1998).
Zhukov, G. K. Reminiscences and Refl ections (2 vols, Moscow, 1985).
IV Периодические издания (до 1960)
Abel, T. Why Hitler Came into Power: An Answer Based on the Original Life Stories of Six Hundred of His Followers (New York, 1938).
Alexander, E. Der Mythos Hitler (Zurich, 1937).
Alexandrov, G. L. et al. Joseph Stalin: a Short Biography (Moscow, 1939, 2nd edn, 1947).
Barton, P. l’Institution concentrationnaire en Russe 1930–1957 (Paris, 1959).
Bauer, R. A. The New Man in Soviet Psychology (Cambridge, Mass., 1952.).
Baykov, A. The Development of the Soviet Economic System (Cambridge, 1947).
Belli, E. von Der Krieg der Zukunft im Urteil des Auslandes (Berlin, 1936).
Bettelheim, C. La planifi cation soviétique (Paris, 1939).
Borland, H. Soviet Literary Theory and Practice during the First Five-Year Plan, 1928–32 (New York, 1950).
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Brausse, H. Die Führungsordnung der deutschen Volkes: Grundlegung einer Führungslehre (Hamburg, 1940).
Bromage, B. Molotov: the Story of an Era (London, 1956).
Brutzkus, B. Economic Planning in Soviet Russia (London, 1934).
Carson, G. B. Electoral Practices in the USSR (New York, 1955).
Coates, W. P. and Coates, Z. K. From Tsardom to the Stalin Constitution (London, 1938).
Dallin, D. and Nicolaevsky, B. Forced Labor in Soviet Russia (London, 1947).
Douglas, P. F. God Among the Germans (Philadelphia, 1935).
Fraenkel, E. The Dual State: A Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship (New York, 1941).
Gachkel, S. Le mécanisme des fi nances soviétiques (Paris, 1946).
Graham, S. Stalin: An Impartial Study of the Life and Work of Joseph Stalin (London, 1931).
Gregory, J. S. Land of the Soviets (London, 1946).
Grothe, H. (ed.) Kleines Handwörterbuch des Grenz– und Ausland-Deutschtums (Munich, 1932).
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