Мэри Габриэл - Карл Маркс. Любовь и Капитал. Биография личной жизни
Karl Marx: A Biography, 4th edition, by David McLellan. Copyright c by David McLellan 2006. Печатается с разрешения Palgrave Macmillan.
Karl Marx: Interviews & Recollections, под редакцией David McLellan. Copyright c by David McLellan 1981. Печатается с разрешения Palgrave Macmillan.
Red Jenny: A Life with Karl Marx, by H. F. Peters. Copyright c by H. F. Peters 1986. St. Martin’s Press. печатается с разрешения Palgrave Macmillan.
L’Humanisme Agissant de Karl Marx, by Luc Somerhausen, 1946. Печатается с разрешения издателя Hermann.
Karl Marx: Mon Arrière-Grand-Père, by Robert-Jean Longuet, 1977. Печатается с разрешения издателя Stock.
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В цитатах даны сокращенные названия, полное значение и выходные данные приводятся в библиографии. Наиболее часто встречающиеся аббревиатуры и названия работ:
Dessau — Landeshauptarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt Abteilung Dessau
FE-PL — Friedrich Engels — Paul Lafargue and Laura Lafargue. Correspondence, Volumes I–III. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959, 1960.
Hamburg — Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Kulturbehorde Staatsarchiv
IISG — Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam
KMIR — McLellan, David (ed.), Karl Marx, Interviews & Recollections. London: Macmillan, 1981.
MECW — Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Collected Works, Volumes 1–50. Moscow, London, New York: Progress Publishers, International Publishers, and Lawrence & Wishart, 1975–2004.
MEGA — Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe. Werke, Schriften, Briefe. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1927–ongoing.
Moscow — Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории, Moscow
REM — Reminiscences of Marx and Engels. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1970.
Предисловие{1}. Валерий Фомичев. «Елена Демут без братства» 970.
Пролог. Лондон, 1851{1}. MECW, Volume 16, 489.
{2}. Henry Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor, 167.
{3}. MECW, Volume 38, 325; MEGA, III, Band 4, 85, 86.
Часть I. Маркс и дочь барона 1. Трир, Германия, 1835{1}. Оноре де Бальзак, Гамбара, 84.
{2}. Robert Payne, Marx: A Biography, 25.
{3}. H. F. Peters, Red Jenny, 5.
{4}. Историк Дэвид Каргилл, прослеживает историю рода Женни до Колина, лорда Кэмпбелла, первого графа Аргайла. Арчибальд Аргайл не имел, по Каргиллу, прямого отношения к этой ветви, но Женни и ее семья считали его своим предком. Robert Payne, Marx, 26, 27, 557.
{5}. Peter Stearns, 1848: The Revolutionary Tide in Europe, 232, 233.
{6}. Jurgen Reetz (ed.), Vier Briefe von Jenny Marx aus den Jahren, 1856, 1860, Ferdinand von Westphalen to Ludwig and Carolyn von Westphalen, Apr. 10, 1831.
{7}. Peters, Red Jenny, 16; Louise von Westphalen to her parents, Dec. 15, 1831, Hamburg.
{8}. Louise von Westphalen to her parents, Dec. 20, 22, 1831, Hamburg.
{9}. Louise von Westphalen to her parents, Jan. 4, 1832, Hamburg.
{10}. Peters, Red Jenny, 15, 18; Ferdinand von Westphalen to Wilhelm von Flourencourt, Nov. 26, 1830, Dessau.
{11}. Isaiah Berlin, The Roots of Romanticism, 8, 9, 13.
{12}. E. H. Carr, Michael Bakunin, 14.
{13}. Berlin, Roots of Romanticism, 70, 71.
{14}. Peters, Red Jenny, 15.
{15}. Steven Ozment, A Mighty Fortress, 157, 159.
{16}. Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx: His Life and Environment, 29, 32; Isaiah Berlin, Political Ideas in the Romantic Age, 80.
{17}. Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution, 1789, 1848, 35.
{18}. Peters, Red Jenny, 1, 8; Robert Payne, Marx, 28.
{19}. R. J. W. Evans and Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann (eds.), The Revolutions in Europe, 1848, 49, 14; Paul Lafargue, The Right to Be Lazy, 77, 78; Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 139, 140.
{20}. Alexis de Tocqueville, The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville, 66, 67.
{21}. Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 140; Tocqueville, Recollections, 2, 3.
{22}. Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 146.
{23}. Ozment, Mighty Fortress, 169; Carl Schurz, The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Volume I, 1829, 1852, 104, 105.
{24}. MECW, Volume 6, 21, 22.
{25}. John Breuilly (ed.), 19th-Century Germany, 113.
{26}. John Breuilly, Austria, Prussia and Germany, 1806, 1871, 30.
{27}. Theodore S. Hamerow, Restoration, Revolution, Reaction, 34.
{28}. Jerrold Seigel, Marx’s Fate, 40, 41.
{29}. Peters, Red Jenny, 15.
{30}. Robert Payne, Marx, 23, 24.
{31}. Wilhelm Liebknecht, Karl Marx: Biographical Memoirs, 65.
{32}. Oscar J. Hammen, The Red 48ers, 9.
{33}. Werner Blumenberg, Karl Marx: An Illustrated History, 6.
{34}. Там же, 6, 7; David McLellan, Karl Marx: A Biography, 2, 3; Saul K. Padover, Karl Marx:
An Intimate Biography, 2, 3.
{35}. Blumenberg, Illustrated, 7; Jonathan Sperber (ed.), Germany, 1800, 1870, 183.
{36}. Details about Heinrich Marx’s legal training and the year he became a lawyer are unavailable. McLellan, Karl Marx, 4; Berlin, Karl Marx, 23; Padover, Karl Marx, 4.
{37}. Eleanor Marx to «Comrade», Oct. 1, 1893, Moscow; Liebknecht, Karl Marx, 163.
{38}. Boris Nicolaievsky and Otto Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx: Man and Fighter, 4.
{39}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 4; Blumenberg, Illustrated, 9; Berlin, Karl Marx, 17, 20; Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 4.
{40}. Padover, Karl Marx, 5, 6.
{41}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 5; Blumenberg, Illustrated, 10; Padover, Karl Marx, 18.
{42}. Padover, Karl Marx, 17.
{43}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 1.
{44}. Berlin, Karl Marx, 23.
{45}. Там же, 21; Padover, Karl Marx, 7; S. L. Gilman, «Karl Marx and the Secret Language of Jews», 31.
{46}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 4.
{47}. Blumenberg, Illustrated, 13.
{48}. Hammen, Red 48ers, 16.
{49}. Sperber (ed.), Germany, 1800, 1870, 150.
{50}. Fritz J. Raddatz, Karl Marx: A Political Biography, 11; Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 13.
{51}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 6; Blumenberg, Illustrated, 10; Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 9; James M. Brophy, Popular Culture and the Public Sphere in the Rhineland, 1800, 1850, 100, 101.
{52}. Hal Draper and E. Haberkern, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution, Volume V: War &Revolution, 20.
{53}. Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 8.
{54}. Ernst Pawel, The Poet Dying, 8.
{55}. MECW, Volume 1, 4, 9.
2. Берлин, 1838{1}. Friedrich von Schiller, The Robbers, 14.
{2}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 13, 14; Padover, Karl Marx, 23, 28; Robert Payne, Karl Marx, 42, 44; MECW, Volume 1, 689.
{3}. MECW, Volume 1, 646.
{4}. Там же, 651.
{5}. Там же, 648.
{6}. Там же, 653.
{7}. Robert Payne, Karl Marx, 45.
{8}. MECW, Volume 1, 657, 658.
{9}. Francoise Giroud, Jenny Marx ou la femme du diable, 33.
{10}. MECW, Volume 1, 698.
{11}. Brophy, Popular Culture and the Public Sphere, 271.
{12}. Giroud, Femme du diable, 24; Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 283.
{13}. MECW, Volume 1, 689.
{14}. Padover, Karl Marx, 31.
{15}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 15, 19; Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 29; Padover, Karl Marx, 32; Robert Payne, Karl Marx, 47.
{16}. Sperber (ed.), Germany, 1800, 1870, 150.
{17}. MECW, Volume 1, 688.
{18}. Там же, 11, 21.
{19}. Robert Payne, Karl Marx, 49.
{20}. MECW, Volume 1, 18, 19.
{21}. MECW, Volume 25, 24.
{22}. Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Capital, 1848, 1875, 48, 75; J. M. Roberts, A History of Europe, 327, 328; Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 46, 61, 340.
{23}. Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution, 304; Hammen, Red 48ers, 18; Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 33; McLellan, Karl Marx, 26.
{24}. MECW, Volume 1, 664, 665.
{25}. Там же, 517, 528.
{26}. Там же, 666, 667.
{27}. Там же, 670, 671.
{28}. Franz Mehring, Karl Marx: The Story of His Life, 9.
{29}. Hammen, Red 48ers, 19, 20; Robert Payne, Karl Marx, 79.
{30}. Ozment, Mighty Fortress, 187; Leszek Kolakowski, Main Currents of Marxism, Volume I, The Founders, 88; Seigel, Marx’s Fate, 77.
{31}. KMIR, 3.
{32}. MECW, Volume 1, 674, 675.
{33}. Там же, 686, 688.
{34}. Там же, 691, 692.
{35}. Jenny von Westphalen to Karl Marx, after May 10, 1838, Moscow.
{36}. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Studienzentrum, Karl-Marx-Haus, Trier.
{37}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 27, 28.
3. Кельн, 1842{1}. MECW, Volume 1, 707.
{2}. Там же, 704.
{3}. Giroud, Femme du diable, 38; Peters, Red Jenny, 26; Robert Payne, Karl Marx, 89.
{4}. MECW, Volume 1, 696, 697.
{5}. Там же, 698.
{6}. Schurz, Reminiscences, 106, 107; Hammen, Red 48ers, 23; Breuilly, Austria, Prussia and Germany, 29, 33.
{7}. Schurz, Reminiscences, 106, 107.
{8}. Berlin, Karl Marx, 47.
{9}. Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 41.
{10}. MECW, Volume 1, 379; McLellan, Karl Marx, 33; Francis Wheen, Karl Marx: A Life, 33.
{11}. MECW, Volume 1, 27, 28.
{12}. Nicolaievsky and Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx, 41, 47; Mehring, Karl Marx, 32; Hammen, Red 48ers, 27; McLellan, Karl Marx, 42.
{13}. John Breuilly (ed.), 19th-Century Germany, 99.
{14}. Lenore O’Boyle, «The Democratic Left in Germany, 1848», 379, 380.
{15}. Там же, 379.
{16}. McLellan, Karl Marx, 32; Luc Somerhausen, L’Humanisme Agissant de Karl Marx, 10.
{17}. Robert-Jean Longuet, Karl Marx: Mon Arriere-Grand-Pere, 70.
{18}. Padover, Karl Marx, 19.
{19}. Brophy, Popular Culture and the Public Sphere, 125.
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