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56. Robert Parry, “The Secret World of Robert Gates”, November 9, 2006, www.; Robert Parry, “How the War Hawks Caged Obama”, November 30, 2009, html; Parry Robert. Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq. – Arlington, VA: Media Consortium, 2004.

57. Landler Mark. Clinton Speech Offers Policy Overview // New York Times. – 2010. – September 8.

58. Bumiller Elisabeth. Gates on Leaks, Wiki and Otherwise // New York Times. – 2010. – November 30.

59. Bacevich Andrew J. Hillary Clinton’s ‘American Moment’ Was Nothing But American Blather // New Republic. – № 17. – 2010,

60. Savage Charlie. 2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate // New York Times. – 2011. – June 18.

61. Savage Charlie. Mostly in Echo, Rivals Discuss Reach of Power // New York Times. – 2011. – December 30; Chapman Steve. Mirror Images // Chicago Tribune. – 2012. – January 5.

62. Jenkins Simon. U. S. Embassy Cables: The Job of the Media Is Not to Protect the Powerful from Embarrassment // Guardian. – 2010. – November 28.

63. Wills Garry. Obama’s Legacy: Afghanistan // New York Review of Books. – № 14. – 2010,

64. DeYoung Karen. Afghan Conflict Will Be Reviewed // Washington Post. – 2009. – January 13.

65. White House Press Release, February 17, 2009, office/Statement-by-the-President-on-Afghanistan.

66. Bumiller Elisabeth, Mazetti Mark. A General Steps from the Shadows // New York Times. – 2009. – May 12; Engelhardt Tom. The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s. – C: Haymarket Books, 2010. – 141.

67. Schmitt Eric, Mazetti Mark. Switch Signals New Path for Afghan War // New York Times. – 2009. – May 12.

68. Woodward Bob. Obama: ‘We Need to Make Clear to People That the Cancer Is in Pakistan’ // Washington Post. – 2010. – September 29.

69. Sanger David E., Schmitt Eric. Pakistani Nuclear Arms Pose Challenge to U.S. Policy // New York Times. – 2011. – February 1.

70. K. Alan Kronstadt, “Pakistan-U.S. Relations”, February 6, 2009, Congressional Research Service,

71. Reid Tim. We’ll Bomb You to Stone Age, US Told Pakistan // Times (London). – 2006. – September 22, article647188.ece.

72. Woodward Bob. Obama: ‘We Need to Make Clear to People That the Cancer Is in Pakistan’ // Washington Post. – 2010. – September 29.

73. Kilcullen David, McDonald Exum Andrew. Death from Above, Outrage down Below // New York Times. – 2009. – May 17.

74. Shah Saed, Beaumont Peter. Human Face of Hellfire – Hidden Cost of America’s Remote-Controlled Missiles // Guardian (London). – 2011. – July 18; Khan Jemima. Under Fire from Afar: Harrowing Exhibition Reveals Damage Done By Drones in Pakistan // Independent (London). – 2011. – July 29.

75. Hasan Mehdi. U. S. Drone Attacks Are No Laughing Matter, Mr. Obama. – Guardian (London). – 2010. – December 29.

76. Glenn Greenwald, “Bravery and Drone Pilots”, July 10, 2012, com/2012/07/10/bravery and drone pilots.

77. Hines Nico. Obama Schmoozes the Fourth Estate with Gags and Gaffes at Charity White House Bash // Times (London). – 2010. – May 3; Jamie Crawford, “Pakistani View of U. S. Reaches New Low”, CNN, June 29, 2012, security.blogs.

78. Shane Scott. C.I.A. Is Disputed on Civilian Toll in Drone Strikes // New York Times. – 2011. – August 12.

79. Chris Woods and Christina Lamb, “Obama Terror Drones”, Bureau of Investigative Journalism, February 4, 2012,

80. DeYoung Karen. Secrecy Defines Obama’s Drone War // Washington Post. – 2011. – December 20; Becker Jo, Shane Scott. Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will // New York Times. – 2012. – May 29.

81. Junod Tom. The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama // Esquire. – № 7. – 2012,

82. Junod Tom. The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama // Esquire. – № 7. – 2012,

83. Akbar Ahmed and Frankie Martin, “Deadly Drones Come to the Muslims of the Philippines”, Al-Jazeera, March 5, 2012; Tom Engelhardt, “Obama’s Bush League World”, July 12, 2011, tomgram%3Aengelhardt%2C_making_earth_a_global_free_fire_zone.

84. Glenn Greenwald, “Excuses for Assassination Secrecy”, July 12, 2012, com/2012/07/12/excuses_for_assassination_secrecy.

85. Glenn Greenwald, “Obama’s Killings Challenged Again,” July 18, 2012, www.

86. Miller Greg, Tate Julie. Since Sept. 11, CIA’s Focus Has Taken Lethal Turn // Washington Post. – 2011. – September 2.

87. Hastings Michael. The Rise of the Killer Drones: How America Goes to War in Secret // Rolling Stone. – № 8. – 2012,

88. Savage Charlie. Relatives Sue Officials Over U. S. Citizens Killed by Drone Strikes in Yemen // New York Times. – 2012. – July 18.

89. Raghavan Sudarsan. In Yemen, U. S. Airstrikes Breed Anger, and Sympathy for Al-Qaeda // Washington Post. – 2012. – May 29.

90. As Nature Is Displaying More Bipolar Behaviour – Floods One Day, Drought the Next – and Man Is Traversing More into the Realm of Boundless Greed and Shamelessness, Mutants Calling Themselves Politicians Are Saying Things Unplugged from Logic and Unlinked // Nation (Thailand). – 2011. – December 15.

91. Markoff John. War Machines: Recruiting Robots for Combat // New York Times. – 2010. – November 29.

92. Engelhardt Tom. The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s. – C: Haymarket Books, 2010. – P. 172–174; Bumiller Elisabeth, Shaker Thom. – War Evolves with Drones, Some Tiny as Bugs // New York Times. – 2011. – June 20.

93. Wan William, Finn Peter. Global Rush Is On to Match U. S. Drones // Washington Post. – 2011. – July 5.

94. Becker Jo, Shane Scott. Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will // New York Times. – 2012. – May 29.

95. Shanker Thom. Joint Chiefs Chairman Readjusts Principles on Use of Force // New York Times. – 2010. – March 3.

96. Oppel Richard A., Jr. Tighter Rules Fail to Stem Deaths of Innocent Afghans at Checkpoints // New York Times. – 2010. – March 26; Kiernan Ben, Owen Taylor. Roots of U. S. Troubles in Afghanistan: Civilian Bombing Casualties and the Cambodian Precedent // Asia-Pacific Journal. – 2010. – June 28, www.japanfocus. org/-Ben-Kiernan/3380.

97. Baker Peter. How Obama Came to Plan for ‘Surge’ in Afghanistan // New York Times. – 2009. – December 6.

98. Steve Rendell, “In Afghan Debate, Few Antiwar Op-Eds”, FAIR, December 2009,; Wavering on Afghanistan? // Washington Post. – 2009. – September 22.

99. Whitlock Craig. Gen. Cartwright, Poised to Lead Chiefs, Had His Shot Derailed by Critics // Washington Post. – 2011. – May 28.

100. World Food Program data,; Anthony H. Cordesman and Adam Mausner, “Is a ‘Population-centric’ Strategy Possible?” Center for Strategic & International Studies, April 26, 2010, agriculture-food-and-poverty-afghanistan; John Hanrahan, “About Living Standards in Afghanistan”, December 3, 2009, cfm?fuseaction=ask_this.view&askthisid=0045; Brulliard Karin. Affluent Afghans Make Their Homes in Opulent ‘Poppy Palaces’ // Washington Post. – 2010. – June 6.

101. Wildman David, Bennis Phyllis. Ending the US War in Afghanistan: A Primer. – Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2010. – P. 72–74.

102. Cordesman Anthony H. What’s Our Long-Range Afghan Plan? // Washington Post. – 2011. – September 23.

103. Atiq Sarwari and Robert D. Crews, Afghanistan and the Pax Americana // The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, ed. Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008), 315-16.

104. Afghan Life Expectancy Rising as Healthcare Improves, Survey Shows // Guardian (London). – 2011. – November 30.

105. Wildman David, Bennis Phyllis. Ending the US War in Afghanistan: A Primer. – Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2010. – P. 88–90, 94; Burde Dana. It Takes a Village To Raise a School // New York Times. – 2010. – September 17.

106. Karl Eikenberry, memo to Hillary Clinton, November 6, 2009, documents.nytimes. com/eikenberry-s-memos-on-the-strategy-in-afghanistan.

107. Kristof Nicholas D. The Afghanistan Abyss // New York Times. – 2009. – September 6.

108. Shurtleff Andrew. Former CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan Calls for Withdrawal // Daily Progress, =3419. Conn Hallinan, “Afghanistan: Killing Peace”, January 12, 2011, dispatches from the edge; Wildman David, Bennis Phyllis. Ending the US War in Afghanistan: A Primer. – Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2010. – P. 160.

109. Hallinan Conn, Afghanistan: Killing Peace, January 12, 2011, dispatches from the edge; Wildman David and Bennis Phyllis, Ending the US War in Afghanistan: A Primer. – Р. 160.

110. Rubin Alissa J. Girl, 12, Killed in NATO Raid on Wrong Afghan Home // New York Times. – 2011. – May 13.

111. Ali Tariq. Operation Enduring Disaster: Breaking with Afghan Policy. – 2008. – November 16, disaster_in_afghanistan.

112. Matthew P. Hoh, letter to Ambassador Nancy J. Powell, September 10, 2009, Washington Post, pdf?sid=ST2009102603447.

113. Chris Hedges, “Opium, Rape and the American Way”, November 2, 2009, www.

114. Losing Afghanistan? // Economist. – 2009. – August 20, node/14258750?story_id=14258750

115. “UN Afghanistan Survey Points to Huge Scale of Bribery”, BBC News, January 19, 2010,; Alfred W. McCoy, “America and the Dictators: From Ngo Dinh Diem to Hamid Karzai”, April 16, 2010, www.

116. Shane Scott, Lehren Andrew W. Leaked Cables Offer Raw Look at U. S. Diplomacy // New York Times. – 2010. – November 28; Shane Scott, Mazzetti Mark, Filkins Dexter. Cables Depict Afghan Graft, Starting at Top // New York Times. – 2010. – December 2; Walsh Declan. Flower Power // Guardian. – 2008. – August 16,; Filkins Dexter, Mazzetti Mark, Risen James. Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid by C.I.A. // New York Times. – 2009. – October 28.

117. Rubin Alissa J., Rosenberg Matthew. U. S. Efforts Fail to Curtail Trade in Afghan Opium // New York Times. – 2012. – May 26.

118. Risen James. Propping Up a Drug Lord, Then Arresting Him // New York Times. – 2010. – December 11; “New Measures Against the Afghan Opium Tsunami”, United Nations Information Service, October 31, 2007, unis/pressrels/2007 /unisnar1013.html; Alfred W. McCoy, “Can Anyone Pacify the World’s Number One Narco-State? The Opium Wars in Afghanistan”, March 30, 2010,

119. Walsh Declan. Flower Power // Guardian. – 2008; Brulliard Karin. Affluent Afghans Make Their Homes in Opulent ‘Poppy Palaces’ // Washington Post. – 2010.

120. Jean MacKenzie, “Funding the Afghan Taliban”, August 7, 2009, www.globalpost. com/dispatch/taliban/funding-the-taliban; Gusterson Hugh. Why the War in Afghanistan Cannot Be Won // Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. – 2009. – № 5, /web – edition/columnists/hugh-gusterson/why-the-war-afghanistan-cannot-be-won.

121. Filkins Dexter. Convoy Guards in Afghanistan Face an Inquiry // New York Times. – 2010. – June 6.

122. Nordland Rod. Afghan Bank Commission Absolves President’s Brother in Fraud Case // New York Times. – 2011. – May 29.

123. Farmer Ben. U. S. Diplomat Claims UN Tried to Gag Him // Telegraph (London). – 2009. – October 4, /news /6259530 /US-diplomat-claims-UN-tried-to-gag-him.html.

124. Nordland Rod. Afghan Votes Come Cheap, and Often in Bulk // New York Times. – 2010. – September 17.

125. Woodward Bob. Military Thwarted President Seeking Choice in Afghanistan // Washington Post. – 2010. – September 27.

126. Woodward Bob. Biden Warned Obama During Afghan War Review Not to Get ‘Locked into Vietnam’ // Washington Post. – 2010. – September 28; Woodward Bob. Obama’s Wars. – NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010. – 247, 311 p.

127. “Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States”, Exec.htm.

128. Pillar Paul R. Who’s Afraid of a Terrorist Haven? // Washington Post. – 2009. – September 16.

129. “Fareed Zakaria Criticizes ‘Disproportionate’ Afghanistan War on CNN”, July 4, 2010,

130. Will George F. The War That Wasn’t // Washington Post. – 2011. – May 3.

131. Bacevich Andrew J. Obama’s Afghanistan Speech and Strategy // Washington Post. – 2009. – December 2.

132. Drew Christopher. One Million Dollars to Keep One Soldier in Afghanistan for One Year // New York Times. – 2009. – November 16.

133. Dreyfuss Robert. Getting Out in 2010 // Nation. – 2010. – June 17, www.thenation. com/blog/getting-out-2011.

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