Аллен Даллес - Георгий Иосифович Чернявский
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373 GCIAR. Office ofthe Director of Intelligence, Job 80B01676R, Box 41, Folder 20. Memorandum for the Record by Donald Wilber of the Iran Branch, Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans.
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375 NSA. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Cable No 92 to the Under Secretary, August 17, 1953. Top Secret. No Distribution.
376 Mohammad Mossaddegh and the 1953 Coup in Iran. Ed. by M. Gasiorovski, M. Byrne. Syracuse, N.Y., 2004.
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393 The New York Times. 1986. July 13.
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396 C.I.A. Releases Files on Misdeeds from the Past // The New York Times. 2007. June 26.
397 GCIAR. Executive Secretary, CIA Management Committee. Subject «Family Jewels».
398 John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War. Ed. by R. Immerman. Princeton, 1990. P. 58-59.
399 Kinzer S. Op. cit. P. 126.
400 См. об этом: Кара-Мурза С. Г. Манипуляция сознанием. М., 2004.
401 NSA. CIA Behavior Experiments Collection.
402 Church Committee Reports. Washington, DC, 1975. Vol. 1. P. 390.
403 The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Archive (ACHREA). No NASA-022895-A). P. 4.
404 Kinzer S. Poisoner in Chief; Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control. N.Y., 2019.
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406 $700 000 Awarded to Estate of Army Drug Test Victim // The Los Angeles Times. 1987. May 6.
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412 Lacitis E. Area 51 Vets Break Silence: Sorry, but No Space Aliens or UFOs // The Seattle Times. 2010. March 27.
413 GCIAR. Remembering CIA’s Heroes: Agency’s Pilots in the U-2 Program.
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415 Даллес А. Искусство разведки... С. 163.
416 Public Papers of Eisenhower. Washington, DC, 1958. Vol. 6. P. 262.
417 Lemer B. When Illness Goes Public: Celebrity Patients and How We Look at Medicine. Baltimore, 2006. P. 81-85.
418 EL. PP. Ann Whitman Diary Series (далее WDS). Box 10. Memo of Conference. 1958. Nov. 12.
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420 Erickson M. Info the Unknown Together: The DOD, NASA, and Early Space flight. Maxwell, AL, 2005. P. 23.
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422 Kistiakovski G. Scientist in the White House. Cambridge, 1976. P. 250.
423 Congressional Record. Washington, DC, 1960. Vol. 109. Part 20. P. A4720.
424 EL. PP. WDS. Box 11. Memo of Conference. 1960. Febr. 2.
425 Федосеев С., Щербаков В. Невыполненная миссия У-2 // Вокруг света. 2010. № 5.
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432 Полный текст документа см.: Department of State Bulletin. 1960. May 23. P. 817.
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434 Beschloss М. May Day: Eisenhower, Khrushchev, and the U-2 Affair. N.Y., 1986. P. 236.
435 The New York Times. 1960. May 6.
436 EL. PP. WF. NSC Records. 1960.