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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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Listen (послушай)." He took her by the shoulders (он взял ее за плечи) and bent her back (и наклонил ее назад), leaning over her (склоняясь над ней). "If that doesn't mean anything to you (если это ничего не значит для тебя) forget it (забудь это) and we'll make it this (и мы сделаем это так): I won't (я не буду) because all of me wants to (потому что все во мне хочет) — wants to say to hell with the consequences (хочет сказать «к черту последствия») and do it (и «сделай это») — and because (и потому что) — God damn you (черт тебя побери) — you've counted on that (ты рассчитывала на это) with me (со мной) the same (так же) as you counted on that (как ты рассчитывала на это) with the others (с другими)." He took his hands (он убрал свои руки) from her shoulders (с ее плеч) and let them fall to his sides (и дал им упасть по бокам).

listen ['lIs(q)n] consequence ['kOnsIkwqns] side [saId]

Listen." He took her by the shoulders and bent her back, leaning over her. "If that doesn't mean anything to you forget it and we'll make it this: I won't because all of me wants to — wants to say to hell with the consequences and do it — and because — God damn you — you've counted on that with me the same as you counted on that with the others." He took his hands from her shoulders and let them fall to his sides.

She put her hands up (она подняла свои руки) to his cheeks (к его щекам) and drew his face down again (и снова опустила его лицо). "Look at me (посмотри на меня)," she said, "and tell me the truth (и скажи мне правду). Would you have done this to me (ты бы сделал это со мной) if the falcon had been real (если бы сокол был настоящим) and you had been paid your money (и тебе бы заплатили твои деньги)?"

"What difference does that make now (какая разница сейчас)? Don't be too sure (не будь слишком уверенной) I'm as crooked as I'm supposed to be (что я такой уж бесчестный, как я кажусь; crooked — кривой, изогнутый). That kind of reputation (такая репутация) might be good business (может быть хороша для бизнеса) — bringing in high-priced jobs (приносит высокооплачиваемые заказы; price — цена; job — работа) and making it easier (и облегчает) to deal with the enemy (общение с врагом; to deal — распределять, заниматься, иметь дело)."

truth [tru:T] reputation ["repjV'teIS(q)n] enemy ['enqmI]

She put her hands up to his cheeks and drew his face down again. "Look at me," she said, "and tell me the truth. Would you have done this to me if the falcon had been real and you had been paid your money?"

"What difference does that make now? Don't be too sure I'm as crooked as I'm supposed to be. That kind of reputation might be good business — bringing in high-priced jobs and making it easier to deal with the enemy."

She looked at him (она посмотрела на него), saying nothing (ничего не говоря).

He moved his shoulders a little (он слегка двинул своими плечами) and said (и сказал): "Well, a lot of money (ну, куча денег) would have been at least (была бы, по крайней мере) one more item (одной вещью больше) on the other side of the scales (на другой чаше: «стороне» весов)."

She put her face up (она подняла свое лицо) to his face (к его лицу). Her mouth was slightly open (ее рот был слегка открыт) with lips a little thrust out (с губами, немного вытянутыми). She whispered (она прошептала): "If you loved me (если бы ты любил меня) you'd need nothing more (тебе бы больше ничего не было нужно) on that side (на той, другой чаше)."

Spade set the edges of his teeth together (Спейд сжал зубы: «свел края своих зубов вместе») and said through them (и сказал сквозь них): "I won't play the sap for you (я не буду играть дурака для тебя)."

She put her mouth to his (она приложила свой рот к его), slowly (медленно), her arms around him (ее руки вокруг него), and came into his arms (и пришла в его объятия). She was in his arms (она была в его объятиях) when the door-bell rang (когда зазвенел дверной звонок).

would [wVd] little [lItl] slightly ['slaItlI]

She looked at him, saying nothing.

He moved his shoulders a little and said: "Well, a lot of money would have been at least one more item on the other side of the scales."

She put her face up to his face. Her mouth was slightly open with lips a little thrust out. She whispered: "If you loved me you'd need nothing more on that side."

Spade set the edges of his teeth together and said through them: "I won't play the sap for you."

She put her mouth to his, slowly, her arms around him, and came into his arms. She was in his arms when the door-bell rang.

Spade, left arm around Brigid O'Shaughnessy (Спейд, левая рука вокруг Бриджит О’Шонесси), opened the corridor door (открыл дверь в коридор). Lieutenant Dundy (лейтенант Данди), Detective-sergeant Tom Polhaus (детектив сержант Том Полхауз), and two other detectives (и два других детектива) were there (были там).

Spade said: "Hello, Tom. Get them (схватили их)?"

Polhaus said: "Got them (схватили /их/)."

"Swell (прекрасно). Come in (входите). Here's another one for you (здесь еще одна для вас)." Spade pressed the girl forward (Спейд подтолкнул девушку вперед).

two [tu:] there [Deq] girl [gq:l]

Spade, left arm around Brigid O'Shaughnessy, opened the corridor door. Lieutenant Dundy, Detective-sergeant Tom Polhaus, and two other detectives were there.

Spade said: "Hello, Tom. Get them?"

Polhaus said: "Got them."

"Swell. Come in. Here's another one for you." Spade pressed the girl forward.

"She killed Miles (она убила Майлза). And I've got some exhibits (и у меня есть несколько вещественных доказательств) — the boy's guns (пистолеты юнца), one of Cairo's (один Кейро), a black statuette that all the hell was about (черная статуэтка, из-за которой и был поднят весь этот чертов шум), and a thousand-dollar bill (и купюра в тысячу долларов) that I was supposed to be bribed with (которой меня предполагалось подкупить)." He looked at Dundy (он посмотрел на Данди), drew his brows together (сдвинул свои брови вместе), leaned forward (наклонился вперед) to peer into the Lieutenant's face (чтобы вглядеться в лицо лейтенанта), and burst out laughing (и взорвался смехом). "What in hell's the matter (что, к черту случилось) with your little playmate, Tom (с твоим маленьким другом, Том; playmate — партнер/по играм/)? He looks heartbroken (он выглядит убитым горем: «с разбитым сердцем»)." He laughed again (он снова засмеялся). "I bet, by God (я держу пари, ей-Богу)! when he heard Gutman's story (когда он услышал историю Гутмана) he thought he had me at last (он подумал, что, наконец, он меня поймал)."

"Cut it out, Sam (перестань, Сэм)," Tom grumbled (проворчал Том). "We didn't think (мы не думали) — "

exhibit [Ig'zIbIt] statuette ["stxtSV'et] playmate ['pleImeIt]

"She killed Miles. And I've got some exhibits — the boy's guns, one of Cairo's, a black statuette that all the hell was about, and a thousand-dollar bill that I was supposed to be bribed with." He looked at Dundy, drew his brows together, leaned forward to peer into the Lieutenant's face, and burst out laughing. "What in hell's the matter with your little playmate, Tom? He looks heartbroken." He laughed again. "I bet, by God! when he heard Gutman's story he thought he had me at last."

"Cut it out, Sam," Tom grumbled. "We didn't think — "

"Like hell he didn't (черта с два он не думал)," Spade said merrily (весело сказал Спейд). "He came up here (он пришел сюда) with his mouth watering (у него слюнки текут), though you'd have sense enough (хотя у тебя было достаточно ума) to know (понять) I'd been stringing Gutman (что я обманываю Гутмана; to string — натягивать, напрягать)."

"Cut it out (перестань)," Tom grumbled again (снова проворчал Том), looking uneasily sidewise (взглянув тревожно искоса) at his superior (на своего начальника). "Anyways we got it from Cairo (в любом случае, мы услышали это от Кейро). Gutman's dead (Гутман мертв). The kid had just finished shooting him (юнец как раз заканчивал расстреливать его) up when we got there (когда мы добрались туда)."

Spade nodded (Спейд кивнул). "He ought to have expected that (он должен был ожидать этого)," he said.

uneasily [An'i:zIlI] superior [s(j)u:'pI(q)rIq] expected [Ik'spektId]

"Like hell he didn't," Spade said merrily. "He came up here with his mouth watering, though you'd have sense enough to know I'd been stringing Gutman."

"Cut it out," Tom grumbled again, looking uneasily sidewise at his superior. "Anyways we got it from Cairo. Gutman's dead. The kid had just finished shooting him up when we got there."

Spade nodded. "He ought to have expected that," he said.

Effie Perine put down her newspaper (Эффи Пирайн положила свою газету) and jumped out of Spade's chair (и вскочила с кресла Спейда) when he came into the office (когда он вошел в офис) at a little after nine o'clock (немного после девяти часов) Monday morning (в понедельник утром).

He said: "Morning, angel (/доброе/ утро, ангел)."

"Is that (является ли то) — what the papers have (что в газетах) — right (правильным)?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am (да, мэм)." He dropped his hat on the desk (он бросил свою шляпу на стол) and sat down (и сел). His face was pasty in color (его лицо было бледного цвета), but its lines were strong and cheerful (но его черты были сильными и радостными) and his eyes (и его глаза), though still somewhat red-veined (хоть и все еще с красными венами), were clear (были ясными).

jumped [dZAmpt] Monday ['mAndI] veined [veInd]

Effie Perine put down her newspaper and jumped out of Spade's chair when he came into the office at a little after nine o'clock Monday morning.

He said: "Morning, angel."

"Is that — what the papers have — right?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am." He dropped his hat on the desk and sat down. His face was pasty in color, but its lines were strong and cheerful and his eyes, though still somewhat red-veined, were clear.

The girl's brown eyes (карие глаза девушки) were peculiarly enlarged (были странно расширены) and there was a queer twist to her mouth (и ее рот с недоверием скривился; queer — странный, необычный). She stood beside him (она стояла рядом с ним), staring down at him (глядя на него).

He raised his head (он поднял свою голову), grinned (усмехнулся), and said mockingly (и сказал насмешливо): "So much for your woman's intuition (вот и все, что можно сказать о твоей женской интуиции)."

Her voice was queer (ее голос был странным) as the expression on her face (как и выражение ее лица). "You did that, Sam, to her (ты сделал это, Сэм, с ней)?"

enlarged [In'lQ:dZd] woman ['wVmqn] intuition ["IntjV'IS(q)n]

The girl's brown eyes were peculiarly enlarged and there was a queer twist to her mouth. She stood beside him, staring down at him.

He raised his head, grinned, and said mockingly: "So much for your woman's intuition."

Her voice was queer as the expression on her face. "You did that, Sam, to her?"

He nodded (он кивнул). "Your Sam's a detective (твой Сэм — сыщик)." He looked sharply at her (он резко взглянул на нее). He put his arm around her waist (он положил свою руку вокруг ее талии), his hand on her hip (свою ладонь на ее бедро). "She did kill Miles, angel (она действительно убила Майлза, ангел)," he said gently (сказал он мягко), "offhand, like that (бесцеремонно, вот так)." He snapped the fingers (он щелкнул пальцами) of his other hand (/своей/ другой руки).

She escaped from his arm (она увернулась из-под его руки; to escape— бежать, уходить) as if it had hurt her (словно она причиняла ей боль). "Don't, please, don't touch me (нет, пожалуйста, не прикасайся ко мне)," she said brokenly (сказала она судорожно). "I know (я знаю) — I know you're right (я знаю, ты прав). You're right (ты прав). But don't touch me now (но не прикасайся ко мне сейчас) — not now (не сейчас)."

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Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом. отзывы

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