Arthur Conan Doyle - Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Собака Баскервилей (ASCII-IPA)
If you have not had any report within the last few days it is because up till to-day there was nothing of importance to relate. Then a very surprising circumstance occurred, which I shall tell you in due course. But, first of all, I must keep you in touch with some of the other factors in the situation.
One of these, concerning which I have said little, is the escaped convict upon the moor. There is strong reason now to believe that he has got right away, which is a considerable relief to the lonely householders of this district. A fortnight has passed since his flight, during which he has not been seen and nothing has been heard of him. It is surely inconceivable that he could have held out upon the moor during all that time. Of course, so far as his concealment goes there is no difficulty at all. Any one of these stone huts would give him a hiding-place. But there is nothing to eat unless he were to catch and slaughter one of the moor sheep. We think, therefore, that he has gone, and the outlying farmers sleep the better in consequence.
We are four able-bodied men in this household (нас в этом доме четверо крепких мужчин; household — семейство; хозяйство), so that we could take good care of ourselves (так что мы бы смогли хорошо о себе позаботиться = за себя постоять), but I confess that I have had uneasy moments (но сознаюсь, что временами я тревожусь: «что у меня есть тревожные минуты») when I have thought of the Stapletons (когда думаю о Стэплтонах). They live miles from any help (они живут отдаленно, и помощи ждать не от кого: «на большом расстоянии от любой помощи»). There are one maid, an old manservant, the sister, and the brother (у них там служанка, старик-дворецкий, сестра и брат), the latter not a very strong man (последний не очень-то силен). They would be helpless (они были бы беспомощны) in the hands of a desperate fellow like this Notting Hill criminal (в руках такого отчаянного человека, как ноттингхиллский преступник), if he could once effect an entrance (если бы однажды он смог пробраться к ним в дом: «совершить вход/проникновение»). Both Sir Henry and I were concerned at their situation (мы оба с сэром Генри были обеспокоены их положением), and it was suggested that Perkins the groom should go over to sleep there (и предложили, чтобы конюх Перкинс пошел бы ночевать туда), but Stapleton would not hear of it (но Стэплтон не желал об этом слышать).
confess [[email protected]'fes], desperate ['desp(@)rIt], situation [,sItju'eIS(@)n]
We are four able-bodied men in this household, so that we could take good care of ourselves, but I confess that I have had uneasy moments when I have thought of the Stapletons. They live miles from any help. There are one maid, an old manservant, the sister, and the brother, the latter not a very strong man. They would be helpless in the hands of a desperate fellow like this Notting Hill criminal, if he could once effect an entrance. Both Sir Henry and I were concerned at their situation, and it was suggested that Perkins the groom should go over to sleep there, but Stapleton would not hear of it.
The fact is that our friend the baronet (дело в том, что наш друг баронет) begins to display a considerable interest in our fair neighbour (начал выказывать большой интерес к нашей прекрасной соседке). It is not to be wondered at (да и удивляться тут нечему), for time hangs heavily in this lonely spot (поскольку время тянется медленно в этом малолюдном краю; to hang heavy — медленно тянуться /о времени/) to an active man like him (для /такого/ деятельного человека, как он), and she is a very fascinating and beautiful woman (а она очень очаровательная и красивая женщина). There is something tropical and exotic about her (в ней есть что-то страстное и экзотическое; tropical — тропический; горячий, страстный) which forms a singular contrast (что создает необычайный контраст) to her cool and unemotional brother (с ее хладнокровным и невозмутимым братом). Yet he also gives the idea of hidden fires (однако, он тоже наводит на мысль о скрытом огне = в нем тоже кипят страсти). He has certainly a very marked influence over her (он, несомненно, имеет очень большое влияние на нее; marked — отмеченный; явный, заметный), for I have seen her continually glance at him as she talked (потому как я заметил, что она, когда разговаривает, постоянно бросает на него взгляды) as if seeking approbation for what she said (как-будто ища одобрения тому, что она сказала). I trust that he is kind to her (я верю, что он добр к ней). There is a dry glitter in his eyes (сухой блеск в его глазах), and a firm set of his thin lips (и твердо сжатые тонкие губы), which go with a positive and possibly a harsh nature (соответствуют самоуверенному и, возможно, жесткому характеру; to go with — сопровождать; соответствовать; positive — позитивный; /само/уверенный). You would find him an interesting study (вы бы нашли его интересным /объектом/ для изучения).
fascinate['f&sIneIt], exotic [eg'zOtIk], approbation [,&[email protected]'beIS(@)n]
The fact is that our friend the baronet begins to display a considerable interest in our fair neighbour. It is not to be wondered at, for time hangs heavily in this lonely spot to an active man like him, and she is a very fascinating and beautiful woman. There is something tropical and exotic about her which forms a singular contrast to her cool and unemotional brother. Yet he also gives the idea of hidden fires. He has certainly a very marked influence over her, for I have seen her continually glance at him as she talked as if seeking approbation for what she said. I trust that he is kind to her. There is a dry glitter in his eyes, and a firm set of his thin lips, which go with a positive and possibly a harsh nature. You would find him an interesting study.
He came over to call upon Baskerville on that first day (он пришел посетить Баскервиля в тот первый день), and the very next morning (и буквально на следующее утро) he took us both to show us the spot (он взял нас обоих, /чтобы/ показать то место) where the legend of the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin (откуда, предположительно, происходила легенда о злобном Хьюго). It was an excursion of some miles across the moor (мы прошли несколько миль по болотам; excursion — экскурсия; путешествие) to a place which is so dismal (к месту настолько мрачному) that it might have suggested the story (что оно /само по себе/ могло внушить эту историю; to suggest — предлагать; внушать, наводить на мысль). We found a short valley between rugged tors (мы обнаружили небольшую долину между искрошившимися /с неровными очертаниями/ валунами; short — короткий; rugged — неровный, шероховатый; tor — скалистый холм) which led to an open, grassy space (ведущую к открытому травянистому месту) flecked over with the white cotton grass (с растущей кое-где белесой болотной травой; cotton grass — пушица /травянистое растение, растущее на болотах/; fleck — прожилка, пятно, крапинка; to fleck — покрывать пятнами, крапинками). In the middle of it rose two great stones (посредине ее поднимались два огромных камня), worn and sharpened at the upper end (с заостренными вершинами и истонченные /непогодой/; worn — изношенный; to wear — носить /одежду/; изнашивать), until they looked like the huge, corroding fangs of some monstrous beast (так, что /стали/ похожими на огромные стершиеся клыки какого-то исполинского зверя; to corrode — разъедать; monstrous — чудовищный; гигантский). In every way it corresponded with the scene of the old tragedy (во всех отношениях это соответствовало сцене из старинной трагедии).
excursion [Iks'[email protected]:S(@)n], story ['stO:rI], huge ['hju:dZ]
He came over to call upon Baskerville on that first day, and the very next morning he took us both to show us the spot where the legend of the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin. It was an excursion of some miles across the moor to a place which is so dismal that it might have suggested the story. We found a short valley between rugged tors which led to an open, grassy space flecked over with the white cotton grass. In the middle of it rose two great stones, worn and sharpened at the upper end, until they looked like the huge, corroding fangs of some monstrous beast. In every way it corresponded with the scene of the old tragedy.
Sir Henry was much interested (сэр Генри сильно заинтересовался), and asked Stapleton more than once (и не раз: «больше чем один раз» спрашивал Стэплтона) whether he did really believe in the possibility of the interference of the supernatural in the affairs of men (действительно ли тот верит в возможность вмешательства сверхъестественных /сил/ в дела людей). He spoke lightly (он говорил беспечно), but it was evident (но было очевидно) that he was very much in earnest (что относится он к этому очень серьезно; in earnest — серьезно, без шуток). Stapleton was guarded in his replies (Стэплтон был осторожен в ответах), but it was easy to see (но нетрудно было заметить) that he said less than he might (что говорил он меньше, чем мог бы), and that he would not express his whole opinion (и что он не выражает свое мнение целиком) out of consideration for the feelings of the baronet (принимая во внимание чувства баронета; consideration — размышление, рассуждение, анализ, разбор, рассмотрение; принятие во внимание). He told us of similar cases (он рассказал нам о похожих случаях), where families had suffered from some evil influence (когда семьи страдали от какого-то дурного воздействия), and he left us with the impression (и у нас осталось впечатление: «он оставил нас с впечатлением») that he shared the popular view upon the matter (что он разделяет общепринятую точку зрения по этому вопросу).
unemotional [,VnI'[email protected](@)n(@)l], upper ['[email protected]], guard [gA:d]
Sir Henry was much interested, and asked Stapleton more than once whether he did really believe in the possibility of the interference of the supernatural in the affairs of men. He spoke lightly, but it was evident that he was very much in earnest. Stapleton was guarded in his replies, but it was easy to see that he said less than he might, and that he would not express his whole opinion out of consideration for the feelings of the baronet. He told us of similar cases, where families had suffered from some evil influence, and he left us with the impression that he shared the popular view upon the matter.
On our way back we stayed for lunch at Merripit House (по пути обратно мы остановились на ланч в Меррипит-хаус), and it was there that Sir Henry made the acquaintance of Miss Stapleton (и именно там сэр Генри и познакомился с мисс Стэплтон). From the first moment that he saw her (с первой минуты, как он увидел ее) he appeared to be strongly attracted by her (казалось, она совершенно его покорила; strongly — крепко; весьма, чрезвычайно; to attract — притягивать, привлекать; пленять), and I am much mistaken (и я сильно ошибаюсь; to mistake) if the feeling was not mutual (если чувство не было взаимно). He referred to her again and again on our walk home (он говорил о ней снова и снова по пути домой; to refer — ссылаться; упоминать), and since then hardly a day has passed (и с тех пор едва ли был: «прошел» /такой/ день) that we have not seen something of the brother and sister (чтобы мы не видели брата и сестру; something — до некоторой степени; немного). They dine here to-night (они обедают здесь сегодня вечером), and there is some talk of our going to them next week (и /уже/ идут разговоры о нашем визите к ним на следующей неделе). One would imagine that such a match would be very welcome to Stapleton (можно было бы предположить, что такая партия очень выгодна: «желанна» для Стэплтона; to imagine — воображать, представлять себе; думать, полагать), and yet I have more than once caught a look of the strongest disapprobation in his face (однако я не раз замечал на его лице выражение сильнейшего недовольства; to catch — ловить; увидеть /мельком/) when Sir Henry has been paying some attention to his sister (когда сэр Генри уделял внимание = оказывал знаки внимания его сестре).